20 Pics That Creep Us Out More Than A Child Actor In A Horror Movie

There are few things in the world that are scarier than horror movies with creepy kids in them. Something about those kids just ain't right, I tell you.

But these pictures... well, let's just say they give even the spookiest child horror movie actor a run for their money. The worst part? These pictures aren't all pretend. They're from real life.

This vase that's covered in eyeballs.

Someone...someone made that. They made it, with their own two hands and everything. And sure, the quality is pretty good, but that doesn't mean that anyone should have it in their house. After all, it looks incredibly cursed.

"My coat created a shadow face on my front door that looks strangely like my mother."

The fact that the shadow looks like a person's profile is bad enough, but the fact that it resembles this person's mother makes it even creepier. And is it just me, or does the bottom part of the shadow kind of look like a hand with one skinny finger?

"This thing is just hanging out in front of the bathroom in my friend's cabin."

I don't like the look on that strange doll's face. I feel like if I stare at it for too long, I'll probably end up getting cursed. One of those curses that get worse with every new generation, at that.

The strange fungus growing out of this corn stalk.

I heard about this fungus that grows on corn. Apparently, it's edible, but I couldn't see myself trying it anytime soon. After all, it just looks like strange, rotting teeth or something equally as creepy.

This not-so-friendly face of food.

I don't know why anyone would make this. It looks like a person whose head got trapped in a bowl. And I really wouldn't like to think about that while eating. So, uh, maybe don't do this.

"This garden statue in my aunt’s garden."

I'm sure that, at one point, this statue was actually pretty cute. But the way it's been weathered away makes it look super sinister, especially since it looks like the child is some kind of creepy monster thing.

This Happy Meal box that looks incredibly evil.

I'm not really sure what McDonald's was thinking when they created Happy, but he's way too unsettling to be kid-friendly. I mean, just look at how this seemingly innocuous box ended up being so creepy!

"This vintage Halloween looks more scary than any horror flick."

I swear, old pictures don't even have to be Halloween related to be creepy. But I will say that they really knew how to scare the living daylights out of people back in the day. I'm so creeped out!

"Soo... I woke up to this this morning. Nearly had a heart attack."

The fact that this picture looks like it was taken in a closet makes it so much creepier (OP explained that they were behind the rails of a bunk bed ladder when they took the pic). Not cool.

"Old abandoned house I ran into yesterday."

The fact that there's graffiti on the door that looks like it says, "I am not dead" is probably even spookier than anything else in the picture. I'm probably around 80% sure that this abandoned house is haunted.

"Been sleep deprived and fell asleep standing up while working in the woods and awoke to this guy staring directly into my soul only a few feet away. Needless to say it woke me up pretty well."

I can see how that would be a real frightening sight to wake up to. Funny enough, though, those deer are probably more afraid than the person is.

This super old, super abandoned church.

Abandoned churches are tied with abandoned hospitals and abandoned hotels as the creepiest places ever. This place is definitely haunted, and despite all the crosses on it, it's probably a little bit cursed, too.

This picture from a kid's birthday party.

Between the quality of the photo, the look on the kid's face, and the overall appearance of the mascot, this is kind of incredibly horrifying. I like to think he had a good birthday, but I just don't know.

Nothing to see here, just a bunch of sheep roaming around at night.

I'm pretty sure this herd of sheep (featuring what I think is a cat, too) are after our souls. After all, what else could be causing their eyes to glow like that? Camera flash? Not a chance!

"Saw this guy while at the spa...."

Speaking of snakes...

There were a bunch of comments on the original post saying, "If red touches yellow, it kills a fellow." So, uh, maybe don't get too close to this snake (not that you should get close to a snake in any case).

The tail feathers on this rooster look like tendrils.

I'm actually not sure if I should be in awe, creeped out, or both. You know what, I think it's both. Because the rooster mostly looks beautiful, but it also looks kind of terrifying.

"What the head of a snake looks like in freshly shed snake skin."

I'm not sure what would be scarier to find: a fully intact snake's shed skin, or the snake itself. Either way, you're probably in for a scare, but at least the skin won't try to bite you or squeeze you to death.

"Whoever breaks into my garage is getting a free heart attack."

I think this is as good a theft deterrent as any. If people want to comb through your garage trying to find something valuable, might as well give them the scare of their lives while they do it.

This abandoned hallway that looks... well, as scary as you'd think it would.

Yeah, this definitely looks like the kind of place a demon would live in. I don't understand how people can be brave enough to explore an obvious demon home, but to each their own.

"This melon looks like an *Alien* egg."

Hey, if you're in need of a cheap prop for an alien movie, just get a melon and leave it out for a bit. Maybe it'll end up like this one, all moldy and split through the middle.

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