Unsplash | Steve Johnson

19 Controversial Opinions That Divide Us All

Stop for a moment and imagine this: everyone in the world having the same opinion.

This means the same taste in music, same taste in food, and the same love for hobbies. While it may sound idyllic, this would get boring pretty quick.

It might even make you appreciate these 19 controversial opinions that divide us all.

Giddy up!

The "Happy birthday" song is the worst.

Unsplash | Jane Graystone

It doesn't matter that there's cake afterward — some Redditors aren't having it!

They still find it awkward, whether you're the one singing it to someone else or everyone in a restaurant is singing it to you.

Blood is not thicker than water.

Unsplash | Sandy Millar

"A true family is people you love and want to be around, not those people you have to see once a year for no other reason than you share some ancestor. Besides, we all share ancestors." - u/thoseskiers

That you shouldn't respect someone just because of titles.


"I don't think people should respect me by default because of a PhD. PhDs who insist on auto-respect drive me insane. Virtually everybody spends 5-10 years learning their career. Just because my learning was formalized and culminated in a piece of paper doesn't mean anyone owes me [expletive]." - u/deleted

Males can have platonic relationships with females.

Unsplash | mohammad aref zohrabi

People tend to have very little faith that this can happen.

Just look at the movies, Friends With Benefits and No Strings Attached. Both set out to prove that men and women can't be friends without people falling for each other.

Open relationships should be more socially accepted.

"I'm in an open, three-person relationship and it's awesome, wonderful, dream-like and has been going for over three years. We live together and are planning on having kids in a year or two. When I tell people, I get treated like I'm dating a crackhead, so I have to keep the best thing about my life a secret most of the time." - u/owl_infestation

The fat-acceptance/fat-pride movement is entirely detrimental to our society.

"Being fat is NOT okay because it's not healthy. By all means, be confident with yourself and who you are, but strive to be healthy, and don't tell people being fat is okay." - u/deleted

Waking up early is the best.

Unsplash | Malvestida Magazine

We guess the saying is true: the early bird really does get the worm! This Redditor argues that getting up early gives you more time to accomplish things like working out and other projects.

Assisted suicide should be legal.

Unsplash | Nani Chavez

"When someone is a victim to an incurable disease, and they live their life in pain and suffering without any sort of medical way out, euthanasia for humans is a great idea." - u/cycleouter

People should get a license before they can have kids.

"You need a license to do anything, drive, hunt, fish, cut hair. All useless acts. But giving birth isn’t. There should be some sort of parenting test." - u/devilinpoop

Brunch is overrated.


Unless you like waiting in long lines, paying an arm and a leg for something you could've made at home, and getting drunk off expensive mimosas at 11 a.m., then, by all means, go forth to brunch!

Challenging people to duels should be legal.


"I believe two consenting adults should have the legal right to challenge each other to a duel, if they are so inclined, with no legal consequences for the winner." - u/deleted

Breast cancer awareness is overrated.

Unsplash | Angiola Harry

"There are so many more diseases and causes that more richly deserve the funding and attention that breast cancer steals from them. Where is the attention and awareness for all the diseases that aren't curable?" -u/Loliepopp79

Room-temperature butter is the best.

Unsplash | Sorin Gheorghita

Some people are of the mindset that butter needs to be left on the counter instead of in the fridge!

We can see why: room-temperature butter is so much easier to cook with and spread on toast.

We shouldn't be sending everyone to college.

"Not everyone is cut out for it, not everyone is smart enough, and not everyone will get much out of it. We still need people to fix leaky pipes and roofs, to mow the lawn, to drive your kids to school on the bus." - u/firemastrr

It's okay to leave kids behind in school.

"If you aren't able to meet the standards for a certain grade level you shouldn't get to move to the next because it would hurt your feelings if not. These kids are seriously dumbing down our schools." - u/EskiBean

Concerts aren't fun.

Unsplash | Colin Lloyd

Turns out, there are downsides to seeing your favorite artist.

Redditors argue that it's super loud, you can hardly see the performer unless you pay hundreds of dollars, and it's not an ideal spot for those who like personal space.

Putting a child up for adoption is the best thing a family who can't support it can do.

Unsplash | Ben White

"A lot of people think that people do this just because they can't take the responsibility. Sometimes this is true but most time, this is complete bs." - u/deleted

Rare steak is a waste of steak.

Unsplash | José Ignacio Pompé

"I can't tell you how many times I've had to ask a waiter to return a rare steak (Sorry waiters, I know you want me to burn in hell.) But I just can't [expletive] eat that pink bloody pile of [expletive]." - u/deleted

Peanut butter is digusting.

Unsplash | Freddy G

"Peanuts are pretty terrible, and you want to ruin the only thing they have going for them, texture, by grinding it into a paste that has the same consistence as dog [expletive]. Good job." - u/Nervette