Unsplash | Max Tokarev

15 Hilarious Windshield Notes That Were Left For (Or From) Bad Drivers

Bad drivers are easy to come by. Unfortunately, no one wants to admit they are a bad driver. Most of the time, people think they're the best driver in the world and it turns out, they absolutely suck behind the wheel.

That's why people carry pen and paper in their bag so that they can leave nasty notes for bad drivers smack dab on their windshield.

It's a good life lesson.

From start to finish, this is a good road to follow. This person told it exactly like it is for when you park like a tool and what the outcome will be down the road. In the end, lesson learned: do not park like a tool.

It's a celebration for your award.

It takes a lot for someone to win an award for being such a bad parker. And, this one takes the cake for the best way to celebrate the award.

Decorate someone's car and make it extra hard to clean off.

Not everyone is a size 0.

Why do people think it's okay to park so close to each other when a whole human has to get out of the car and move about?

Not everyone is a size 0 and not everyone is going to be able to move.

Yikes, that's tough.

Sometimes you're so angry at bad drivers that you wish they were never born.

It's funny when people get so mad they say the most outrageous things to others. Truly, I want this card for everyone and everything.

The best note left behind.

Any "Game of Thrones" fan knows that this is something everyone knows. If you do something wrong, you deserve to know that everyone is coming for you, especially the Lannisters.

Even if you park badly, they are coming for ya.

Good citizens do good things.

Sometimes people will witness a crime and watch someone walk away clean.

But, they are the ones who are also going to do the right thing and call the cops to make sure it's totally taken care of. Better watch out.

Too hilarious to not share.

There's nothing better than a passive-aggressive note, but even better than just a regular one is one with a dog.

A dog named Spot. Because you know...parking spots? Amazing on the puns over here.

That's a threat.

No one likes to piss anyone off, but there are consequences to poorly chosen actions.

Like, if you park where you block someone else in and they can no longer go where they need to go—you do deserve to have your car smashed.

Blunt and straight to the point.


Why waste time messing around when you can be straight up and honest with someone?

Plus, these are on business cards so they are easy to carry around and place wherever you want or need to.

This is great artwork.

Dickbrain is a new insult, but to make sure that the person truly understood the insult itself—here is a photo to showcase what a dick brain actually is.

It's a penis, for the brain.

Evil meet evil.

If you hit someone's car, you should most likely write them down your info.

If someone catches you fleeing the scene, you going down to the police station FOR SURE. This girl found a way around this issue.

Doesn't all cars smell like gasoline?

Seeing as all cars drive on gasoline I was under the impression that smell was normal. But, I guess it's not? I could be wrong.

Maybe this is an older car that this leaking fluid. Yikes!

Possibly the reason.

Put these all over cars we see parking on the lines, on the curb, and blocking in anyone's spot.

I would like to order 500 of these and paste them all over the city.

Unless they're glued, what's the point?

I can see how this is a truly funny prank and a good way to make your neighbor know he sucks at parking, but if you're not gluing them to the car, what's the point?!?

Why waste them?

A whole photo to go along with this mood.

Sarcasm is the best and sometimes you need a visual to understand what the sarcasm is and what it means.

So, having a photo make it look like a whole meme—priceless. I want more of these to use everywhere.