Unsplash | Irene Strong

19 Stories About Men Trying To Prove Their Manhood I'm Rolling My Eyes At

Regardless of age, we've all been witness to a male trying to "prove his manhood."

Maybe it was the kid in class who gave himself eraser burn, or the college frat guys who took turns kicking themselves in the nuts. Or, the adult man who refuses to get a vasectomy.

If you think that's bad, prepare to eye roll and facepalm your way through these 19 stories about men trying to prove their manhood!

The crocodile hunter.

Unsplash | Vish K

Normally, all it takes for a guy to get a girl's number is buying her a drink. But this one guy fought a crocodile once to get a girl's number. He lost, but the girl still agreed to a date.

Remember, ladies. If he wanted to, he would.

The jumper.

"Jump off a balcony onto an uneven, rocky hillside. The first time he did it, he only got a few scrapes. Second time, he broke his leg and wouldn’t admit he needed medical attention until 24 hours later when he passed out from the pain." - u/Iomplok

The crash.

"Coming from a server. Man literally said he didnt need or want help. (maybe he didnt want to share the tip? Who knows bro) anyway, carried 15 drinks on one tray with TWO full coffee pots and broke every single glass." -u/erwreckahh

The fight.

Unsplash | Flex Point Security

This Redditor who's a bouncer shared that guys drinking too much and picking a fight with him are way too common.

In the end, they usually end up getting pepper-sprayed and handcuffed, waiting for the police. Soo manly.

The ants.


"I knew of a dude in the Army that dangled his testicles over a fireant hill in Ft Benning Georgia. Those fire ants will kill a mouse or a lizard instantly. He was hospitalized for a long time and did not finish training with us." - u/deleted

The kick in the nuts.

"I remember when I was in college, frat boys played this game called Rochambeau, where two guys squared off, and each took a turn kicking the other in the nuts. Whoever lasted the longest, 'won.'" - u/locketine

The drinking competition.

Unsplash | BENCE BOROS

No one is "winning" that game when guys end up drinking more than they can handle and ruining not only their night but other people's nights as well. A group full of drunk idiots? No thank you.

The eraser burn.

Unsplash | Toa Heftiba

"When I was in high school, a bunch of boys gave themselves burns by rubbing the tops of their hands with an eraser. Then I think they also put salt in the burns. It was like a pain tolerance test, I guess. A lot of them ended up with a big scar." - H0lyThr0wawayBatman

The set-up.

Unsplash | Charly Pn

"Guy near my hometown had his friend mug them while they're were walking in the park. He was going to save her with his gun, but ended up shooting his friend in the leg." -u/deleted

Baring the elements.

We've all heard a guy say he's not cold when it's actually freezing or refuse sunblock when it's super hot. Some do this because they're afraid of looking weak. In the end, they're either close to freezing or sunburnt.

Refusing to shed tears.

Unsplash | Tom Pumford

"I'm a vet nurse, the amount of guys that won't let themselves cry when saying goodbye to their pet during a euthanasia is crazy. Most of them seem to focus more on not crying than saying goodbye to their animal." - u/ChloeSimpson12

The show-and-tell.

Unsplash | Ayo Ogunseinde

"One guy in the class above me was bullied for so long that he wasn't a guy . So one day when it was just too much he pulled down his pants and showed everyone his penis." - u/TheUltraWeirdo

The sprint.

Unsplash | sporlab

When this girl was running a mile in high school gym class and nearing the finish line, a guy started SPRINTING. He was chanting, “I’m not going to lose to a girl" and won by four seconds.

The cute dog.

"I've had a man get offended and called me a f@* and try to fight me because I called his dog cute. He said no self respecting man will say [expletive] like cute and wasn't going to tolerate it. I guess he had to show how manly he is." - u/SirGanjaSpliffington

The hot sauce.

"My platoon encouraged me to drink a full cup of Tabasco sauce. Now it's not that 'hot' per se in small amounts, but drinking it is a whole new ballpark. It made my throat shut like a sphincter. then I drank milk, ate butter which nulled it's effects." - u/deleted

The staple gun.

This one guy stapled his leg with a staple gun to demonstrate that he “doesn’t feel pain like normal people.” He does. Okay, a brick to the face next like in Home Alone, just to be sure.

The anti-vasectomy.

"The husband of a friend of my sister. They had two kids, and barely make ends meet, she wanted to quit the pill because it messed with her. She wanted him to do it, but he thinks it's emasculating to do so, they end up with a 3. kid." - u/Dudelison

The heart attack.

Unsplash | Sharon McCutcheon

"Working at a heart clinic, I've seen so many men come in way too late for their heart attacks because 'Am man. Man is strong. Getting sick is sign of weakness. Am strong, therefore cannot be sick' or some such. People have died because of it." - u/AsymptoticThought

The cheater.

One guy had the opportunity to cheat on his girlfriend. Instead of going home and doing the right thing, he decided to go for it because he was scared of looking "gay" for turning down a beautiful woman.