20 Questionable Design Choices That Get Worse The More You Look

To be honest, there's something kind of fun about looking at bad designs. Sure, they may make you question why the universe has forsaken us. But at least they're entertaining.

And oh boy, are these designs ever entertaining. It's like they're just so bad, they end up being good. Which means even though they're this horrible, at least they're kind of useful?

This glass that looks like it could tip over easily.

This glass may look nice in theory, but the more you look at it, the weirder it is. Why is there so little weight on the bottom? A light wind would knock that thing over, spilling your drink and getting broken glass everywhere. What a mess.

It's almost like those last three words didn't start with the letter E.

I can't get over the fact that someone really used the second E in two of the words listed to create this acronym. It looks so messy and unnecessary. It would've looked so much better if they just used the first letter of each word.

"This uncomfortable cup which you can't hold without touching the hot side."

Yeesh, just looking at this mug is giving my hand a first degree burn. That tiny, flimsy handle isn't going to help when the mug is full of coffee. I looks like someone prioritized fashion over function, and didn't even get the fashion part right.

This juice box and straw are sending mixed messages.

So the straw is made out of paper. Which is fine, but there's one big, glaring problem: it's wrapped in plastic. What was the point of switching to paper straws if it's still being wrapped in plastic? Come on, guys, make it make sense!

How do you even read a shirt like this?

I want to say that this shirt is supposed to read, "don't quit, do it." But it takes way too long to decipher that. If only the people who designed graphic tees had a better sense of how to place words and phrases...

Home is where the is food.

I have a feeling this sign isn't supposed to say what it ended up saying. It was almost a nice design, I'll give it that. But the biggest problem is the way the word "food" sits underneath the word "is," and that just makes no sense.

Oh yeah, that pizza is totally there...

I have no doubt in my mind that this is some sort of Amazon ad page. You can tell because they're always badly photoshopped in the same way. Like someone wanted to put the product up quickly without even trying to make it look believable.

Hey, at least it's funny.

The snack stop stop.

I'm actually losing my mind over the way a stop sign was just slapped in between the letters for the word "stop." So, not only is the stop sign a stop sign, but it's also the letter O. It's truly incredible. I can't even look away.

Ah yes, this is very reassuring.

Here's a fun tip: if you're going to advertise kids' haircuts maybe don't post a picture of a crying child with the caption, "we cut kids" underneath it. If I were a kid, I'd run away screaming and crying because this is borderline terrifying.

"Apple Windows logo hybrid. Also, 'Linus.'"

Tell me you're a bootleg item without telling me you're a bootleg item.

Any legit packaging would at least know the difference between the Windows and Apple logos. And I know Linux isn't widely used, but I'm pretty sure most people know how to spell the name.

Do you turn the dial to the left or to the right?

I love those little dials on things that have arrows to show you which way to turn them. But this? The more I stare at it, the more my head hurts from all the confusion it's giving me.

Imagine after all this it's a push button.

This restroom stall doesn't seem to have a very good door...

I'm pretty sure the whole point of a bathroom stall door is privacy. This door, though? This door does nothing. In all honesty, the more I stare at it, the angrier I get. The people who designed this place didn't even bother trying.

I don't even know what to think about this.

One of the most common salt and pepper shaker designs is to make salt white and pepper black. At the very least, the salt shaker is going to be lighter than the pepper shaker. But these ones. They've reversed everything we've known. It's really confusing me.

There's way too much going on here.

The weird, off center check mark and X make no sense. Why is the check red and the X green? What is that supposed to mean?

And if that wasn't bad enough, the way the word "interface" has a weird space in the middle is very nonsensical.

This restroom is even worse than the last one.

...Sigh... This is just downright horrible.

At least the last stall had a door. This one doesn't even have walls. How could anyone even use that toilet. Why would anyone want to?

Yeah, I'd probably just hold it if this was my only option.

Oh, you wanted to sit on this toilet? Well too bad!

I'm pretty sure there isn't enough room between that toilet and the wall for anyone to sit. So if you were looking to use it, you might have to look somewhere else.

Not every room has to be a bathroom, guys.

This random arch made from a hedge.

That archway is such an eyesore. In fact, it's so bad, I can't help but laugh at it. The funniest thing isn't even its appearance, though. It's the fact that you could straight up walk around it. There was no point to it in the first place.

There's a lot to unpack here.

I really wonder what went through the heads of the people who made this sign. It comes across as creepy, especially if you can't read the smaller text. And then there's the fact that some of the letter O's in the text have a traffic light design to them. It's way too much.

"Gas station in Nebraska. The station's color scheme was red. They tried to get artsy."

Some call it an artsy bathroom door. I call it a portal to a murder bathroom. It's hard to believe that no one looked at this and figured out why it's such a bad idea. But oh well. You win some, you lose some.

This sign looks like it tried its best.

The most glaring typo on this sign is the way "go" was misspelt as "goo." But last time I checked, coffee has two E's in it, so.

I actually can't stop laughing at this one. It was so close to being good, yet so far away.

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