
20 People Who Did Wild Things On Purpose

None of us are free from the act of making choices that are questionable at best and concerning at worst. The scope is what matters here: How bad are they in the grand scheme of things?

In this list, we'll be examining things people definitely did on purpose and judging just how bad they are. Maybe this will help you feel better about some of your own past decision-making.

"Our friend is buying his first home today, so we worked with his realtor to be sure this is the first thing waiting for him in his kitchen after closing."

Who better to welcome you to your new home and christen a new stage of your life than mister Nicholas Cage himself?

"Boyfriend and I were arguing. In the middle of it, he randomly pops a confetti bomb."

Probably one of the best and most fun ways to stop an argument I've ever seen. Who could stay mad at this?

"My daughter is at the Ivan the Terrible torture museum. I consider this a masterpiece."

Are you sure bringing her here was a good idea? It looks like all this trip has done is give her... ideas.

"This toilet at my grandma's brother's house."

If you're going to commit to an idea like this, you could at least go all in. Big bills, big denominations!

"I saw this majesty today while visiting the airport."

While the drama is amazing to witness, this was apparently a joke made by a dad who was welcoming his daughter home from med school.

"My dog’s face after the 100th time I called her name to get a photo."

Well, clearly the first shot you took should have been perfect seeing as she's a model, no wonder she's annoyed now.

"Formula 1 hat."

Now, this is the perfect way to show some passion. Well built, fun, and was probably a total hit!

"My friend and I on Google maps, circa 2013."

Being present for a Google Maps car driveby is a rare occurrence, these two were smart to make the most out of it.

"My parent's cats have been killing too many birds in the backyard. Solution #1."

Is this an attempt to make them feel too embarrassed to be seen by other neighborhood cats, thus keeping them inside and away from birds?

"Woke up after a night out to find this in my pantry."

If it works, it works. Why buy bag clips when I can freely use the cases I've long since lost the glasses for?

"Someone ordered me 28 large Dr. Peppers at midnight."

I hope you drank them all before they went flat, it'd be a shame to waste all that money someone spent on you for this kind gesture.

"My dog ate my wallet, so I got a new wallet with a picture of my dog eating my wallet."

A constant reminder to always keep it out of reach and far, far away from the rest of his toys.

"That’s an interesting hill to die on, my dude."

I can't say I agree, but I appreciate the effort they put into standing their ground. Clearly this is a passion of theirs.

"Sweet home Alabama."

Hoping now and for the rest of my life that these are two unrelated events that they just wanted to celebrate together.

"You’ve heard of Jorts now get ready for the Jong."

I don't understand it, but I'll respect you if I see you wearing one because these do not look comfortable.

"This sign at a restaurant I went to."

What would be worse, your kids begging and begging to keep the cat, or the fleas?

"[Technically] very sound tattoo, but..."

I'm so deeply interested in the type of person who would want, let alone get, this tattoo. Who are you? Can I study you?

"My nephew’s Stone Cold security system."

I mean, if I saw him standing there, I wouldn't want to break in either.

"This jigsaw has sat on my coffee table for so long it fused into a flexible mat."

How do you just leave a puzzle there that long? How did it stick together? What do you even do with it now?

"PSA to Chicago bike thieves."

Oh good, now there's some cursed bike on the loose because someone had to go and cut a lock, just perfect.

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