Babysitting Sister Gets New Car, Older Sis Gets NOTHING 🚗😱

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🚗 Buckle up, folks! We've got a family drama that's sure to get your engines revving! 😲 Meet our cast: a hardworking mom, a traveling dad, and three daughters - the oldest (21), the middle (18), and the surprise baby (3). 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 When the middle daughter's old car is ready for the junkyard, mom and dad decide to reward her for being a super sibling by buying her a shiny new ride! 🎁 But the oldest daughter? She's not exactly thrilled about this turn of events... 😠 Let's dive into this family feud and see if mom's in the wrong or if the oldest daughter needs to put the brakes on her attitude! 🤔

🚗 A Tale of Three Sisters and a Car Conundrum 🤔

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

👶 Surprise, Surprise! Baby Number Three Arrives 😲

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

🙅‍♀️ Oldest Daughter's Kiddie Kryptonite 👶🚫

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

👧 Middle Daughter: The Super Sibling 🦸‍♀️

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

💰 Saving for a Sweet New Ride 🚙

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

🎁 Surprise! A Car for the Caring Sister 🚗🎀

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

🚗 Meanwhile, Oldest Daughter's Aging Civic 🤨

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

🙅‍♀️ No New Car for You! 🚫🚗

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

😡 Oldest Daughter Cries Favoritism! 😠

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

🤷‍♀️ Mom Tries to Explain, But... 😕

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

😒 Oldest Daughter's Icy Attitude ❄️

daughtercarpost | daughtercarpost

Family Feud: Who Deserves a New Car?

In this family drama, the middle daughter's been a real MVP, helping out with her surprise baby sister 👶 and never asking for a dime 💰. So when her old car's on its last legs 🚗, Mom and Dad decide to surprise her with a brand new ride! 🎁 But the oldest daughter? She's not having it. 😠 She's been saving up for a new car too, and she thinks it's unfair that her sister's getting special treatment. 😒 Mom tries to explain that it's not about playing favorites, but the oldest isn't buying it. 🙅‍♀️ Now, the oldest is giving everyone the cold shoulder, and Mom's wondering if she's the one who's in the wrong here. 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this family feud!

Middle sister not obligated to give eldest sister a gift 👍

ThomzLC | ThomzLC

Middle daughter's car is payment for babysitting, not a punishment. 👍

whynot246810 | whynot246810

Middle child rewarded for helping with younger sibling. NTA.

BingusTheBest | BingusTheBest

Sibling rivalry over car, commenter calls out entitlement, NTA.

philmo69 | philmo69

User asks for a car and senses favoritism. NTA but older sis may resent.

bidens_left_ear | bidens_left_ear

Middle daughter earned it, older one missed the point. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Eldest sister acts entitled, middle sister earned the car 🚗

Least-usedTowel | Least-usedTowel

Acknowledging middle daughter's help, but addressing oldest daughter's insecurity. 🤔

aspiring_geek83 | aspiring_geek83

Rewarding kindness with a new car: excessive or justified? 🤔🚗

Deer-Sage | Deer-Sage

Generous gift to one sister, not obligated to gift both 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Curious about oldest's situation and chore division 🤔

2xseeek | 2xseeek

Entitlement of elder sister, gratitude towards middle child. NTA 🙌

papercrowns- | papercrowns-

Fair judgment on not buying car for babysitting sister. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Middle daughter earned car for service. Eldest not entitled. NTA 👍

joanclaytonesq | joanclaytonesq

Middle daughter volunteered to babysit, parents compensated accordingly. NTA 👍

MissionRevolution306 | MissionRevolution306

NTA. The new car could be seen as a delayed payment for free childcare.

Vivid-Masterpiece-29 | Vivid-Masterpiece-29

Generous sister defends her decision to buy a new car 👍

DuchessCDM | DuchessCDM

Giving a car to a caregiver is fine, older daughter's entitlement isn't. 💯

lalafia1 | lalafia1

Sibling drama over car. NAH, but work on root issues. 👍

flaky-burnt | flaky-burnt

Debate over fairness in helping with younger siblings.

Jsmebjnsn | Jsmebjnsn

Rewards are for helpful people, not unhelpful ones 🤷‍♀️

mynamecouldbesam | mynamecouldbesam

Did the older sister do her fair share of household chores?

ILikeSealsALot | ILikeSealsALot

NTA - Middle daughter earned reward, eldest can be rewarded later 👍

Zagriel55 | Zagriel55

Defending the OP's decision to reward the helpful daughter with a car. NTA 👍

Moon96Moon | Moon96Moon

Middle daughter gifted car for help, older daughter expects entitlement.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Middle daughter gets car, but is older sibling really entitled?

akaioi | akaioi

Middle sister's level of help is crucial in determining judgement.

chinmakes5 | chinmakes5

Fairness is important, entitlement is not 😍

Upper-Difficulty-264 | Upper-Difficulty-264

Is the oldest sister being unfairly compared to the middle one?

PoshDeafStar | PoshDeafStar

NTA, but entitlement in the comments is 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister feels punished for not getting a second car. NTA.

Difficult_Pea_6615 | Difficult_Pea_6615

NTA/NAH verdict on car, but commenter critiques parent's attitude.

GhostParty21 | GhostParty21

Rewarding unpaid labor with a car 🚗😱

StrawberryAstre | StrawberryAstre

Defending NTA verdict amidst entitlement accusations 🙌

Intelligent-Turn8172 | Intelligent-Turn8172

Reward for babysitting, not favoritism. Eldest should find own feet 👏

Accomplished-Cheek59 | Accomplished-Cheek59

Middle daughter gets new car as repayment for selfless babysitting.

ZenithArietis | ZenithArietis

Middle daughter not paid to babysit, NTA for rewarding her.

LiveKangaroo8201 | LiveKangaroo8201

Middle child is a gem while eldest is entitled. NTA 👏

Electrical_Age_6542 | Electrical_Age_6542

Lessons on actions and consequences in parenting 👨‍🍳

Independent-Act3560 | Independent-Act3560

Buying the middle daughter a car is an investment in family safety 🚗

flickanelde | flickanelde

Younger sister not responsible enough for new car 🚗

[deleted] | [deleted]

Middle child earned new car, oldest not being punished. Fair distribution.

nevaneva21 | nevaneva21

Daughter helped out, mom repays with car. Fair 👍

Boredpanda31 | Boredpanda31

Unconditional love but not unconditional favors. Good parenting! 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Eldest sister unfairly treated in car gift 🚗👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mother buys car for one daughter, leaves other hanging 😑

Majestic-Meringue-40 | Majestic-Meringue-40

Sisters are adults and car situation is unfair. #NTA 🚗

Jess1ca1467 | Jess1ca1467

Rewarding kindness and hard work with a new car 🚗

FPFan | FPFan

Setting boundaries for entitled sibling. NTA 👏

Formal-Ebb5370 | Formal-Ebb5370

Rewarding daughter for work is fair, older sister not entitled. 👍

GhostCat_99 | GhostCat_99

Sibling rivalry: Older sis not rewarded, entitled younger sis complains.

cheesecakefairies | cheesecakefairies

Parenting advice: Teach oldest about money and life lessons 👍

delusionaldork | delusionaldork

Suggestion for a fairer approach to paying both sisters 👍

Ancient_Potential285 | Ancient_Potential285

Advice for entitled sister to change her attitude 🤔

londomollaribab5 | londomollaribab5

Middle sister volunteered to babysit, not obligated. NTA.

gypsayyy_ | gypsayyy_

Sibling rivalry and unequal treatment, YTA should show equal love 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Middle child gets new car, oldest sister gets nothing 😡 NTA for not tolerating her rude behavior towards you and the toddler.

TheWitchIsBlue | TheWitchIsBlue

"Not everything that's fair is equal and not everything that's equal is fair." - Dave Ramsey. NTA

yup-nope-maybe | yup-nope-maybe

Rewarding one child doesn't equal punishing the other 👏

smalways | smalways

Life isn't fair, tough pill to swallow. 🤷‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Buying a car for one daughter but not the other? 🚗😮

bowl-bowl-bowl | bowl-bowl-bowl

Reimbursing considerate sister with a new car, NTA 👍

Srumlicious | Srumlicious

Entitled sister gets nothing while younger sister helps and gets rewarded 🤷‍♀️

Inked_yogi | Inked_yogi

Comparing fair compensation at work to family dynamics 🤔

likeaLivingdrug | likeaLivingdrug

Middle sister rightfully earned payment, older sister not entitled.

filthybananapeel | filthybananapeel

Generous reward for 3 years of help. NTA 👍

No_Government_5939 | No_Government_5939

Rewarding the helpful child and not the entitled one 👍

Psychotic_EGG | Psychotic_EGG

Sibling rivalry over a new car and babysitting duties. 🚗

[deleted] | [deleted]

Middle daughter's responsibility rewarded with car 💪

MedievalWoman | MedievalWoman

Paying for babysitting > gifting a car 👍

Objective_Oil_7934 | Objective_Oil_7934

NTA for rewarding youngest daughter for being a helpful babysitter 👍

Chonkybabycheeks | Chonkybabycheeks

NTA. 'Parentification' is the new buzz word for teenagers 🤷‍♀️

autotelica | autotelica

Sharing is caring: one car per child is enough 👍

Sorry-Independent-98 | Sorry-Independent-98

Middle child rightfully paid, older sister throwing tantrum. NTA 👏

AugustGreen8 | AugustGreen8

Fair compensation for babysitting is important. NTA.

stumblios | stumblios

Free babysitting? Not anymore! 😜

AgreeableLurker | AgreeableLurker

Reward for effort, not just existence 💪

SaturniinaeActias | SaturniinaeActias

Older sister not entitled to a new car 🚗👧🏻

Snoo_33033 | Snoo_33033

Middle daughter deserves reward, older daughter needs to step up ❤️

Druidofgod | Druidofgod

Sister complains about not getting a car, needs tough love

ZapTheSheep | ZapTheSheep

Middle sister got a car for babysitting, fair or not?

Ariaerisis | Ariaerisis

Fair judgment. Middle daughter earned it, oldest did not. 👍

missdarlingdisney | missdarlingdisney

Generosity is subjective, can't change her mind 🙏

Left_Ad_4755 | Left_Ad_4755

Entitlement vs Compensation: NTA says second daughter earned her car 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

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