Imagine having a close bond with your brother’s fiancée, only for it to all come crashing down after one conversation. That’s exactly what happened when a woman had a heart-to-heart with her future sister-in-law about her upcoming marriage. The woman’s brother didn’t take kindly to this and ended up cutting ties with his own sister. Let’s dive into this drama-filled story and see if you think she was in the wrong.
The Sister and the Fiancée: A Blossoming Friendship

Big Brother’s Watchful Eye

A Private Chat

The Big Question: Kids?

Red Flags Everywhere

The Sister’s Concern

Is Marriage the Right Move?

The Aftermath: Blocked!

Fiancée Blocks Her Too

The Mother’s Reveal

One-Sided Story? ♀️

Edit: Clarifications

Family Matters

A Glimmer of Hope? ✨

Sisterly Advice Gone Wrong
What started as a friendly conversation between a woman and her brother’s fiancée quickly turned sour. The sister expressed her concerns about the couple’s future, asking if marriage was the right move considering the red flags she noticed in their relationship. Little did she know, her brother would cut her out of his life for her well-intentioned advice. Now blocked on social media, the sister is left wondering if she was out of line or if her brother’s fiancée painted her in a bad light. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Brother’s controlling behavior raises red flags for sister. NTA.

NTA. Sister’s heart-to-heart with brother’s fiancée sparks concern and discussion.

Red flags raised in brother’s controlling behavior
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Brother accused sister of planting doubts, cut ties with everyone.

Encouraging support for a sister in an abusive relationship ❤️

NTA calls out brother’s toxic behavior towards fiancée

Supportive comment on abuse situation, offers advice and empathy.

NTA shows compassion for brother’s fiancée, but can’t intervene.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Brother’s controlling behavior leads to justified NTA verdict

Blocked by brother’s fiancée, commenter sees red flags. NTA.

Supportive comment calls out emotional abuse in toxic relationship

Commenter expresses shock and advises seeking help for fiancée

Commenter praises OP for calling out brother’s abusive behavior.

Red flags raised about brother’s possibly abusive fiancée
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Offering support to a friend in an abusive relationship

User advises sister’s fiancée to question marriage, gets blocked. NTA, but consequences.

Commenter suggests brother is abusive and controlling towards fiancée

Warning signs of emotional abuse and control in brother’s behavior Check on sister’s safety Don’t give up hope

Isolation is a red flag! Get her out of there!

Standing up to manipulative family members

Sibling support rejected: NTA but brother disagrees
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Ex shares similar experience and advises to run from controlling partner

Commenter expresses concern over brother’s abusive behavior pattern. Replies clarify situation.

Supportive comment on helping a friend see red flags ❤️

Sibling conflict over relationship interference, potential abuse, and isolation.

Concerned commenter urges action to help sister in abusive relationship

Brother’s controlling behavior puts fiancée in danger. Family intervention needed.

You raised valid concerns about brother’s fiancée, NTA.

NTA comment acknowledges unhealthy relationship and doubts brother’s story.

Supportive comment calls out abusive behavior and offers advice

Blood doesn’t make family. NTA for saving her from disaster

Offering support outside of abuser’s control is heroic ❤️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. Brother’s fiancée is being abused. Take action to help

Brother’s control issues exposed after sister confides in friend. #NTA

Brother threatens fiancée, sister tries to help, gets cut off.

Don’t exhaust yourself babysitting their drama. Live your best life

Offer support and resources for sister in controlling relationship

Supportive advice to a victim of abuse.

Suggesting a helpful book to support the commenter’s NTA stance

Asking the tough questions and standing up for yourself #NTA

Supportive comment about questioning marriage readiness in healthy families.

Commenter sympathizes with OP, warns not to shoot messenger.

NTA exposes cheating, gets blocked by couple living in denial
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. Brother’s abusive behavior is unacceptable. Support the victim.

Empathetic comment supports sister’s attempt to help friend in need ❤️

NTA. The brother is a manipulative abuser. His fiancée needs help

Standing up to an abusive brother. NTA

Sibling feud fueled by suspicion of password breach

Encouraging support for SIL, despite being cut off by brother

Fiancé isolated by abusive partner

Fiancé’s controlling behavior leads to sister being blocked

Encouraging words for someone dealing with abuse ❤

NTA saves sister from abusive fiancée with partial hearing loss

Clear and concise judgement. No a****e here.

Is the brother isolating his fiancée from loved ones?

Recognizing red flags, NTA advises sister to run from toxic fiancé.

Supportive comment suggests helping sister escape toxic situation

Commenter suspects brother of being abusive and controlling

Commenter calls out brother’s abusive behavior and offers advice

Commenter expresses concern for safety in NTA situation.

Toxicity alert! NTA should cut ties with both parties

Brother isolates sister, OP suggests talking to her while away

Encouraging support for a friend in an abusive relationship ❤

Brother accused of manipulation and privacy invasion.

Red flags raised by brother’s behavior towards fiancée

NTA. The brother is abusive and controlling. It’s tough to help.

Helping a trapped friend out of an abusive relationship

Supportive comment calls out abuse in brother’s behavior. NTA

Controlling brother gives ultimatum, sister’s communication cut off. NTA.

Calling out abusive behavior is important. NTA

Supportive comment calls out brother’s manipulative behavior and advises caution.

Abusive brother isolates fiancée, sister helpless to intervene
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Distance makes it tough, but NTA for wanting to help

NTA calls out controlling brother for isolating his fiancee

Cutting ties with abusive brother and toxic fiancée
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Commenter suggests extreme action, but gets reassurance from reply.

Navigating family dynamics and relationship advice can be tricky

Brother cuts off sister for expressing genuine concern

Encouraging NTA comment suggests wellness check and keeping distance from brother.

Redditor suggests update notifications; wants update on manipulative brother.

Friend’s wife blocks sister on Facebook, brother apologizes through friend.

Commenter warns of potential abuse and control in brother’s relationship. #NTA

Reaching out to the fiancée on Instagram to avoid the prat

Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team