Picture this: you’re asked to be the best man at your brother’s wedding, but there’s a catch – the wedding is child-free, and you’re expecting a baby. What do you do? In a recent online post, one woman found herself in this exact predicament, and the drama that unfolded is nothing short of jaw-dropping. So, let’s dive into this tale of family, loyalty, and the battle of the bridezilla. ♀️
The Wedding Invitation

The Big Reveal

The Baby Bump

The Distance Dilemma

First-Time Parent Fears

Brotherly Love

Bridezilla Strikes Back!

Dream Venue vs. Family Comfort

A Possible Solution?

The Bride’s Request

Standing Her Ground

The Guilt Trip

The Wedding Party Complication

Caught in a Wedding War: Who’s the Real Villain Here? ♀️
So, there you have it: a new mom-to-be, torn between her brother’s wedding and her baby’s well-being. With the bride refusing to budge on the child-free policy, our protagonist is left feeling guilty and frustrated. But is she really the one at fault here, or is the bridezilla showing her true colors? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this family feud…
Compromise is key, but a venue change is not feasible

In-laws stuck in hotel with a baby? YTA for creating drama

Bride and groom’s unwillingness to compromise foreshadows future marital issues.

New parents want to bring baby to child-free wedding. Commenters say YTA.

Bride’s child-free policy reasonable, brother prioritizing guests over bride.

Bride demands child-free wedding, mom offers compromise, but still gets criticized.

Commenter defends bride’s child-free policy, sparks heated debate.

Bride wants child-free wedding, commenters suggest in-laws babysit. ♂️

Bride and groom have the right to make their own rules. ♀️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2dec2886-cf97-4d13-a028-a9fdfd2b0dc3.png)
Baby’s attendance causing drama in wedding party logistics

Wedding planner shares insight on child-free weddings. NTA comment supported.

A diplomatic solution to the child-free wedding dilemma

Bride demands child-free wedding, but wants her brother-in-law to leave his 3-month-old baby for 3 days. Commenter calls her out as YTA and suggests a compromise. Replies question the comparison and in-laws’ willingness to babysit. ♂️

Suggests getting a hotel or Airbnb near the venue for baby

NTA offers valid points but replies bring up logistical challenges

New mom stands up for herself against child-free wedding policy

NTA suggests a solution to bridezilla’s child-free policy dilemma

NTA defends against child-free wedding criticism with reasonable compromise.

Creative solution for in-laws during wedding drama

Suggests in-laws for babysitting, but already tried according to replies

Sibling’s wedding priorities questioned by commenter. YTA verdict given.

Compromise suggested for new mom attending child-free wedding

Commenter defends bride’s child-free policy, suggests compromise.

New mom stands firm on child-free policy, offers compromise. NTA

Sensible solution suggested for child-free wedding dilemma.

NTA defends child-free wedding with reasonable exception for under 1s

Bride’s brother insists on in-laws attending child-free wedding. YTA.

New mom defends child-free policy, calls out YTA judgement.

New mom refuses to attend sister-in-law’s wedding, causing family drama. YTA.

YTA for wanting an exception to child-free policy. Drop from party.

Sibling rivalry and power struggles – YTA in wedding drama

Advice for new mom on child-free wedding policy

Airbnb solution proposed, but in-laws may not be available.

Parent calls out bride for hypocrisy in child-free wedding policy.

Sibling drama over child-free wedding policy. NTA or ESH?

Respect the bride and groom’s child-free policy. YTA.

Boundaries and compromise in wedding party drama

Creative solution for in-laws’ accommodation dilemma

Childfree wedding sparks family drama, compromise suggested. NTA.

Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team