What happens when a bride-to-be decides to play a cruel prank on her best friend, exploiting her deepest fear? The answer: drama, tears, and a wedding on the brink of disaster. This is a tale of friendship gone wrong, a phobia exploited, and a bridesmaid who decided she’d had enough.
A Phobia Revealed ️

A Wedding in the Works

The Stress of Planning

An Unexpected Request

A Cruel Prank

The Aftermath

An Apology Denied ❌

A Wedding Ditched

A Friendship on the Rocks and a Wedding in Jeopardy
This tale of friendship turned sour has all the elements of a drama-packed soap opera. Our heroine, a bridesmaid with a deep-seated phobia, finds herself at odds with her best friend, the bride-to-be, who exploits her fear in a cruel prank. The aftermath? A refusal to apologize, a wedding ditched, and a flurry of frantic phone calls. Our heroine stands her ground, demanding basic respect, even as the wedding hangs in the balance. Let’s see what the world wide web has to say about this shocking turn of events…
NTA. Bridezilla weaponized your phobia. You’re better off without her

NTA. Don’t trigger a phobia, even if they’re being grumpy.

Triggering someone’s phobia as retaliation? NTA! That’s abusive and dangerous

Stand up for yourself and stay away from toxic people!

NTA. Toxic friend ruins wedding prep with power trip. Ditch her

NTA for standing up to a bridezilla’s cruel prank

NTA. Bride’s cruel prank shows immaturity and lack of communication

NTA: Bridesmaid drops out, chaos ensues. Hilarity ensues in comments!

NTA for ditching wedding, ensuring ex-BF faces consequences
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/20fbff60-3e68-4b06-adb2-57c19fdac002.png)
“That’s so horrible! I went against advice and looked it up. I’m fine, it’s not nice images, but I chose to search it. I would, however, completely freak out if someone sent that image to me. What a awful thing to do. OP, I’m really sorry that happened to you. NTA times a million” – Empathy and shock at a cruel prank
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e9a3ef3b-64af-423a-9205-f6ba154c72d7.png)
Engaging advice to counter phobia with smooth skin sensation

NTA. Bride’s cruel prank and selfishness crossed the line. Stand your ground!

NTA, bridezilla alert! Dodged a bullet there, good for you!

NTA for ditching wedding due to cruel prank

NTA – Bride pulls cruel prank, loses trust. You’re done dealing.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3fabc940-7c0c-4ca8-916b-996e59c47118.png)
NTA x 1000! Cruel prank triggers trauma, crossing the line

NTA: Your ‘friend’ is a bully, good for you for leaving!

Don’t waste your time on them. You’re definitely NTA!

NTA stands up to cruel bride and her unsupportive friends

NTA. You gave her a chance, she refused. Inexcusable prank.

Bride’s cruel prank backfires, bridesmaid stands up for herself.

NTA: Being a bride doesn’t excuse being an a**hole

Bridesmaid questions wedding responsibilities, supports OP’s decision. NTA!

Cut ties with toxic people. Your happiness is more important.

Therapy and childishness collide in this wedding drama. NTA

Bridezilla’s cruel prank backfires! NTA for ditching the wedding
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/0a7c47f9-b480-4316-a90a-5ed9ed68da40.png)
Last Updated on October 22, 2023 by Diply Social Team