Weddings are supposed to be the happiest day of a couple’s life, right? But what happens when family dynamics come into play? Meet our bride-to-be, who is caught in the crossfire between her dream wedding and her autistic brother’s special needs. Growing up, she always had to accommodate her brother’s specific needs, and now she just wants one day that is all about her. But her mother thinks otherwise. Let’s dive into this emotional roller coaster.
The Special Brother and His Needs

Growing Up in the Shadow

The Bride’s Dream Wedding

The Mother’s Shock

The Bride’s Bold Response

The Mother’s Retort

The Bride’s Stand

Bride-to-Be vs. Family: A Wedding Showdown!
Caught in a whirlwind of family drama, our bride-to-be is standing her ground, refusing to let her brother’s special needs dictate her dream wedding. Despite her mother’s harsh words and accusations of selfishness, she remains firm in her decision. She argues that it’s not unreasonable to want one day that doesn’t revolve around her brother’s needs. After all, it’s her wedding, not her brother’s birthday party. She’s got her gloves on and is ready to fight for her day in the sun. But what does the world think of this family feud? Let’s find out…
NTA – Reasonable solutions offered, mom being awful.

“NTA. Your wedding is about you & your fiancé. It’s not selfish to want that. Your mom probably thinks you’re being selfish, but I would counter with so is she. She’s so used to the life she’s built to make things comfortable for your brother, she seems to have forgotten she has another child with needs. Stand your ground. And I hope you have money to pay for your own wedding. That’s the absolute best way for you to get what you want, not what your brother needs.”

NTA: Don’t tailor your wedding around someone with specific needs.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. Your wedding, your rules! Make it about you!

NTA, but teaching autistic children to self cope is important

NTA. Bride’s insensitivity to your needs. Brother doesn’t want to go

NTA: Skipping the wedding for chicken nuggets and YouTube? Relatable!

NTA- Parent of SN kids asks for understanding in wedding plans

Bride-to-Be defends her wedding choices, family takes a backseat!

Engaging suggestion for making the brother comfortable at the wedding

Bride-to-Be shuts down mom’s demands, NTA!

Bride-to-Be stands her ground against overindulgence, deserves her dream wedding!

Bride stands her ground: ‘My wedding, my rules!’

NTA. Understanding and accommodating your brother’s needs is important

Bride stands her ground: ‘My wedding, my rules!’

NTA NTA NTA NTA oh my GOD you’re NTA
Parents enabled brother’s negative behaviors, not your fault. Keep wedding as is, it’s ridiculous to bend to his will. ♀️
Bride-to-Be asserts her authority: ‘My wedding, my rules!’

Let him choose, but maybe a compromise would make everyone happy?

NTA. Let him come to the wedding, skip the reception!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA (and congratulations on the wedding.) You shouldn’t feel pressure to change anything you don’t want to change, and you definitely shouldn’t discuss wedding plans with someone that isn’t 100% on the same page as you.

Bride-to-be stands her ground against family pressure for brother’s sake

Bride-to-be takes a stand: It’s her day, her rules!

NTA: Wedding drama and a babysitting suggestion.

Bride-to-be asserts her independence: ‘My wedding, my rules!’

Consider your brother’s feelings and let him stay home

NTA: Stand your ground for your special day!

Bride-to-Be stands her ground, but will her parents pull funding?

Sibling of autistic person shares struggles of being overlooked.

NTA. Mom’s torturing both kids? Brother wants iPad and tenders!

Bride-to-Be takes control: ‘NTA, it’s YOUR day, not his!’

Wedding drama: Bridezilla clashes with brother over wedding plans!

NTA: Stand your ground and have the wedding you want!

OP’s mom’s reaction is sad. NTA, have the wedding you want!

NTA. Stand your ground and have the wedding you deserve!

Bride-to-Be shuts down mom: ‘My wedding, my rules!’

Bride-to-Be stands her ground for her dream wedding!

Sad post: Bride wants wedding opposite of brother’s needs.

Bride-to-Be takes charge! It’s her wedding, not her brother’s!

NTA: Stand your ground and prioritize your own happiness!

NTA – Options for brother, mom’s issue. Communicate with brother.

NTA. Bride-to-Be stands her ground for her brother’s comfort.

NTA. Momzilla Diva! It’s YOUR wedding, not your family’s servant!

Stand your ground! It’s YOUR wedding, YOUR rules!

“NTA. Be understanding of your parents’ situation and enjoy your wedding day! “

Stand your ground! It’s YOUR day, not theirs!

NTA: Embrace your wedding day with love and confidence! ❤️

Autistic commenter supports bride’s right to be selfish on wedding day

“Family” drama: Bride’s mom vs. groom’s introverted wishes

OP’s brother shouldn’t be invited, it’s her special day!

Bride-to-Be stands her ground against overbearing mother!

Fellow sibling supports bride’s autonomy on her wedding day!

Autistic bride-to-be stands her ground, says ‘My wedding, my rules!’

Autistic uncle skips wedding, sends gift. Everyone happy.

Invite him to ceremony, ditch reception. He won’t mind

Bride-to-be struggles with mom’s insistence on including autistic brother.

Bride-to-be’s dilemma: Include her brother in the wedding or not?

NTA. Stand your ground and prioritize your wedding day!

Stand your ground! Have the wedding that makes you happy

Last Updated on December 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team