Imagine being in a relationship where your significant other demands that your retired parents pay for his mom’s dream trip to Hawaii! That’s exactly what happened to one woman, who was left in shock and disbelief when her boyfriend of 10 years made this outrageous request. Let’s dive into this jaw-dropping story and find out how she handled the situation.
The Boozy Promise

The Money Problem

The Shocking Request

The Angry Boyfriend

No Apology

Still Angry

His Mom’s Reaction

The Summary

A Little Background

Standing Her Ground
Our protagonist was left in a tough spot when her boyfriend demanded that her retired parents pay for his mom’s dream trip to Hawaii. Despite being the only one with an income, she bravely stood her ground and refused to let him ask her parents for money. ♀️ This led to a massive argument and her boyfriend is still furious. But was she in the wrong? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Boyfriend demands girlfriend’s parents pay for his mom’s trip. NTA.

Toxic boyfriend demands money for his mom’s trip. NTA needs help.

50-year-old man demands money from girlfriend’s parents, red flags abound. NTA.

Break up with him, NTA.

Dump him! NTA’s boyfriend feels entitled to their money.

Mature advice for an immature boyfriend

NTA commenter advises against saving money for boyfriend’s mother.

NTA, his promise, his problem. His mooth is writing cheques his a**e canny cash.

Dump the trash ️ and move on with your life! ✌️

Dump him and run as fast as you can . He’s entitled and lazy. ♀️
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Girlfriend’s boyfriend demands money for his mom’s trip. NTA.

Supportive commenter urges for update on situation and offers encouragement.

Girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend is a total j**k.

Boyfriend demands money from girlfriend’s parents for his mom’s dream trip!

Sassy reply to entitled boyfriend’s demand for money.

NTA. Boyfriend can’t demand money from girlfriend’s parents for his mom’s trip.

Recognize the pattern of emotional abuse and leave. #NTA

NTA. Boyfriend demands money from girlfriend’s parents for his mom’s trip

NTA: Boyfriend demands money for his mom’s trip, behaves abusively.

Break up with him. He’s entitled and selfish.
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Break up with him! He’s demanding money for HIS mom’s trip.

NTA for standing up to him, but YTA for staying.

Verbal abuse is never okay. Is this a recurring issue?
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Break up with him NTA, he’s done this before.

Serious warning to leave abusive boyfriend before it gets worse. ⚠️

NTA! Boyfriend’s entitled behavior is abusive. Break up ASAP!

Stand up for yourself and leave toxic relationships. #SelfLove

NTA. Leave him and live your best life!

Encouraging comment to leave abusive relationship.

NTA. Boyfriend’s outrageous demand and abusive behavior justify breakup.

This comment sums up the frustration of reading this post

Beware of love bombing, even if he usually apologizes.

Is his behavior a pattern? There might be underlying issues.

Boyfriend’s drunken promise causes chaos, NTA for questioning behavior.

Don’t sacrifice self-respect for a disrespectful man’s mom

Girlfriend’s boyfriend demands money for his mom’s trip, not ok.

Red flag alert! Boyfriend demands money, NTA for refusing.

Dump his a**! You deserve better

Boyfriend demands money for his mom’s trip, throws tantrum, and bullies. NTA.

Alcohol-induced behavior raises red flags.

NTA. Abusive partners make victims feel like the abusers. Seek help.

Questioning the relationship: Why stay with a moocher?
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Reevaluate your relationship, girl. You deserve better!

Dump him and move on. You deserve better. NTA

Suggests practical solutions, advises to move on.
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Break up with the crazy boyfriend before he ruins everything.

Dump the entitled boyfriend who demands money for his mom’s trip

Dump the entitled leech and let the trash take itself out

Avoid a lifetime of misery with a selfish partner

NTA. The boyfriend needs to get a job and earn money for his mother’s trip.

Empathetic comment offering support and encouragement to leave abusive partner. ❤️

Is he scamming everyone for his own gain?

Huge red flag! Break up with entitled boyfriend ASAP.

NTA, but watch out for the red flags

Run girl run! ♀️ Toxic relationship alert

Breakup relief and NTA consensus for entitled boyfriend.

NTA. Boyfriend’s entitled behavior is bizarre and r**e. Dump him.

Boyfriend demands money for his mom’s trip, throws fit when refused.

Run for the hills! ♀️ This relationship is toxic.

Celebrate the trash taking itself out! NTA wins.

Boyfriend demands girlfriend’s parents pay for his mom’s trip? NTA’s response.

Girlfriend advised to leave abusive, manipulative, and entitled boyfriend. #NTA

Don’t let someone else’s greed bring you down.

NTA commenter shows support and gives relationship advice

Break up with him! NTA, demanding money is unacceptable behavior.

Boyfriend demands money for his mom’s trip, owes apology to all

Questioning why she’s still with him, advises to move on.

Boyfriend lives off girlfriend, demands money for his mom’s trip. NTA.

Dump him! You deserve better than an entitled partner.

Sensitive response to a difficult situation.

Protect yourself from manipulative ex-boyfriend. NTA

NTA. Abusive behavior is never acceptable in a relationship.
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Redditors unanimously advise breaking up with demanding boyfriend.

Sassy commenter shuts down entitled boyfriend’s request for money ♀️

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team