Imagine this: you’re a restaurant owner, and one of your most trusted employees rushes out in the middle of a shift due to a family emergency. She even suggests that you don’t pay her for the week as she leaves. What would you do? Would you still pay her or take her up on her offer? This is the exact situation that one boss found herself in, and it’s sparked quite a debate. ♀️
Meet the Boss and the Employee ️
A Call That Changes Everything
A Difficult Decision
The Aftermath ️
The Boss’s Perspective
The Daughter’s Verdict
The Summary
A Final Word
A Boss, An Employee, and a Controversial Decision
In a surprising turn of events, a restaurant owner found herself in a moral quandary when one of her employees had to leave work abruptly due to a family emergency. The employee, known as ‘M’, offered to forgo her week’s wages as she rushed out to care for her younger sister. The boss accepted the offer, sparking a fiery debate between her and her daughter. The daughter believes her mother was wrong to accept, while the boss stands by her decision, arguing that it was ‘M’ who suggested the arrangement. This unexpected situation has left the internet divided. Let’s see what the world thinks about this intriguing predicament.
“YTA. You stole wages and punished your daughter. “
“YTA. She put her family first. Pay her, you a****e!”
“YTA. Pay your employee or she’ll sue you. Stop being an AH.”
Infuriating boss refuses to pay employee, facing potential legal consequences.
Boss refuses to pay employee, called an a**hole and scummy.
Boss refuses to pay employee for 5 days of work? YTA!
“YTA: You left a 4-year-old alone. Payment BS is icing!”
Exemplary employee left early during an emergency, boss didn’t pay. YTA.
Contractually obligated to pay, YTA. Zero compassion for emergency.
“YTA. Illegal act, punished daughter, how have you survived? “
“Heartless boss” refuses to pay valued employee for family emergency
Insensitive boss refuses to pay employee who left for family emergency
“NTA, but you should definitely pay her for the hours worked”
Employee forced to negotiate away payment for family emergency. YTA!
Pay your employee for hours worked and show goodwill gesture
YTA. Pay up or risk losing a good employee.
L***o YTA. Pay her for the work she did. ♀️
Employee left early, boss refused to pay. YTA, NTA debate.
YTA for taking advantage of her desperation. Not cool.
YTA: Good help is hard to find, prioritize loyalty and morale
Boss refuses to pay employee who left early, neglecting child
YTA! Pay up or face the consequences, you idiot!
YTA for not letting employee leave for emergency. Pay her!
Pay for work done, not for hours missed. YTA.
“YTA. A huge AH. Pay your employee for the work she did. If you don’t, I hope she gets you into legal trouble. Under no circumstances do you have to pay her for the hours she missed that’s completely reasonable. But I can’t even believe you think it’s appropriate to not pay her for the work she did do. I can’t believe you would treat someone who works for you six days a week in such a manner. Not to mention that she’s worked for you for six years. How often does this employee flake or pull something like this? I’m assuming not often. There was an emergency and you gave her a hard time. She was obviously desperate and you were pulling some weird power play. There was a four year old in danger in this scenario, you look like a mega AH. I hope you pay her extra per hour for the days where she’s acting manager. But given the fact that your such a giant AH about an employee needing to tend to an emergency for a few hours I bet you don’t. You sound miserable to work for.”
Last Updated on February 8, 2024 by Diply Social Team