When it comes to home decor, it can be a very personal choice. What some people love, others can’t stand the sight of. However, there is one Instagram account that has decided to showcase some of the most bizarre decor choices that I think we can all agree should have never have happened . Let’s take a look at some of the questionable choices featured on @decorhardcore .
You’ll never have a more iconic bathroom break.
You, in disbelief: This must be fake. Me, absolutely thrilled: Not only is it real, it cost the Hipopo Papa cafe in Japan $270,000 to build. Happy peeing!
I would never put my b**t near this.
If you told me this was art, I would believe you, and then I would still loudly declare how much I hate it. What in the Tubby custard machine?
This is what my nightmares look like.

What’s with dentists and their actual obsession with putting teeth EVERYWHERE? I know people who work in health care sure like to have scaled models of the human body, but my god.
The best part of this room is the Chanel pillows.
What does one use as a throw pillow on a couch like that one? A rhinestoned Chanel pillow, of course. It pairs nicely with that horrifying mural, you know? It’s a good combination of bad things. So ugly it’s almost good. (It’s not. It’s bad.)
Camo dresser.
It’s really sad that this artist couldn’t find a canvas to work on, you know?
I’m a big fan of turning your furniture into art, but there’s a delicate line that this crossed. YIKES.
That’s a lot of plastic.
I feel like everything in this room is squishy, you know? You could touch that butterfly and the wings would feel like a plastic couch cushion.
Pepto Bismol called.
They want their shade of pink back.
I’m not opposed to a pink room — I’m currently typing on a pink computer with a pink keyboard on a pink desk — but even I know this is too much.
I almost like this.
I’m gonna be honest: I could be sold on this. It’s not a boring white kitchen with subway tile backsplash, you know? It’s something different, it’s something weird. I’d paint it, but I could work with it.
I’m just gonna say it:
Rich people have no taste. They have crazy amounts of money and they just fill every room to excess with it. How many statues does one pool room need?
Who among us doesn’t like moths?
Everyone, actually. But this bed sure does look like one! I think it’s meant to be a butterfly, but it’s serving me moth, not gonna lie. It takes a strong person to sleep in this thing.
Why do people do weird things to bathrooms?
What is it about bathrooms that inspires the world’s most bizarre designs? Who looked at this bathroom and thought it needed some bright red and some 3D tile?
Theming CAN be taken too far, who knew?
Have you ever seen a toilet and thought, “Gosh, this needs a bunch of paint on it,” because I sure haven’t! I can’t imagine the patience it took to PAINT A TOILET, and I almost don’t want to.
“That ’70s Show” realness.
Never in my life have I loved a pattern so much that I’ve wanted it both on my wall AND my ceiling. What happened to us in the ’70s, guys?
I am now afraid of bathrooms.
Someone sat down and hand painted every single scallop in this bathroom. This was a deliberate choice. I would have to close my eyes in order to pee in this bathroom.
Flamingos anyone?
I am really torn on this one. On one hand, I kind of dig the soft, pale pink of this over-the-top chandelier. On the other hand, flamingos will always be associated with those tacky lawn ornaments. Hmmmm, what do you think?
Last Updated on September 16, 2021 by Brittany Rae