We all have that one friend who just doesn’t get the concept of a budget, right? Imagine this: You and your friends have a tradition of exchanging birthday gifts that cost around $20. You’ve been doing this for 12 years. Then, one of your friends gets a girlfriend and suddenly, the budget skyrockets to $60 for her gift. Would you be okay with this sudden change? Let’s dive into this intriguing tale of friendship, money, and a controversial birthday gift.
The Gift-Giving Tradition

A New Addition to the Group ❤️

The Unexpected Group Chat

The $60 Book

The Stingy Friend

The Unfair Request

The Second Attempt

The Final Verdict ️

The Aftermath ️

Unwrapping the Drama: The $60 Gift that Shook a Friendship Circle
So, here’s the deal: For 12 years, a group of friends have been exchanging $20 birthday gifts. But when Alice’s new girlfriend Leah enters the scene, the budget suddenly inflates to $60 for her gift. Despite the group’s willingness to stretch the budget, one friend stands her ground, refusing to participate in the high-priced gift-giving. This sparks a wave of criticism, with some friends labeling her as ‘insensitive’ and ‘harsh’. But is she really the bad guy here, or is she just standing up for fairness? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this…
NTA: Standing up against group think and r**e gift requests

NTA. Alice should’ve bought the book as a personal gift.

NTA rule debate: Is Leah a partner or just a member?

NTA- Friend’s high-priced gift request sets a bad precedent

NTA. Alice’s manipulative gift request sparks drama and suspicion

NTA Strange financing, good boundary. Will she give credit?

Friend’s gift request sparks drama and accusations of manipulation
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Outrageous gift request sparks drama. NTA, ‘thanks but no thanks’.

“NTA, Alice needs to learn her place in the group.”

NTA! Friend’s cheap birthday gift request sparks drama

Alice’s girlfriend tries too hard to be part of the group
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NTA: Birthday gift drama with friends and their partners

NTA for not wanting to spend outside your budget

NAH – Friend group dynamics change over time, spending limits evolve

“NTA, but is Alice going to contribute to future birthdays?”

NTA for not paying for the birthday present of your friends . But what kind of friend group gives a $20 gift from the whole group for friends they have known for years?

NTA: Friends’ lack of principles leads to drama
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Gift drama at 26: ESH, $3 gifts, no partner presents?

NTA: Friend wants expensive gift but won’t make sacrifices.

NTA: Is her girlfriend okay with dating a cheapskate?

Friend’s gift request sparks drama. NTA for setting boundaries.

Leah’s gift-giving habits under scrutiny. Will she step up?

Gift giving should be voluntary, not forced.

NTA suggests changing gift rules to $60, calls out hypocrisy

Defending against a stingy girlfriend’s high-priced gift request

“NTA. Friend asked for crowdfunding gift, ended up gifting herself.”

Not the a**hole. Drama unfolds over high-priced gift request

NTA for setting budget boundaries, but could have handled it better

NTA. Stick to your guns. What a scam

NTA. Friend’s high-priced gift request sparks drama, but is $7 worth arguing over?

NTA: Stingy people and gift drama, who’s in the wrong?

NTA. Standing up for yourself with grace and confidence

NTA, but your delivery may have been a bit harsh

Avoiding drama with a cheap gift? NTA, but not very generous ♀️
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NTA: Friend’s gift request sparks drama, who asks for disliked gifts?

NTA: Setting boundaries on gift expectations for acquaintances.

NTA. Friend’s gift request sparks drama

Not the a**hole. Drama unfolds over high-priced gift request!

Stop group gift giving, ask for something expensive on your birthday

NTA. Declining expensive gift request for someone you don’t like

NTA, you’re not obligated to buy an unreasonable group present.

Generous friend helps pay for book, no appreciation shown

Redditor expects money for birthday, declares themselves NTA!

Find a used book store for a cheaper alternative. NTA.

Friend group dragged into buying HER girlfriend a present? NTA!

No presents for friends’ SOs. Going overbudget for strangers? Nah.

Girlfriend wants expensive gift, but should pay for it herself. NTA

NTA. Decline to participate in buying a gift. Stand your ground!

Group gift drama: NTA for sticking to the budget!

NTA – No drama, just a reasonable gift request

Gifts are optional. Don’t buy for someone you dislike.

NTA: Budget drama erupts over high-priced gift request

NTA – No drama, just a reasonable birthday gift request

Don’t let anyone bully you into giving a pricey gift

NTA: Friend’s outrageous gift request causes major birthday drama

Excusing yourself from a high-priced gift request? Not the a**hole!

“She deserved it?” Friend’s pricey gift request sparks drama.

NTA. Birthday gift drama: $20 vs $60 for a disliked partner.

NTA: Drama ensues over pricey gift request for girlfriend

NTA: Alice’s gift request is manipulative and unfair. That’s messed up
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Pitch in $3 and be done with it. NTA

NTA, but friends’ $7 drama over a $40 gift seems petty

ESH for assuming others would go over-budget on a gift.
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Crowdfunding a gift? Maybe rethink your financial priorities…

Group pressured into expensive gift for friend’s girlfriend

Friend’s cheap and manipulative behavior ruins birthday gift tradition.

NTA, but better explain to friends before internet backlash

NTA for not liking her and questioning the group gift idea

Alice’s participation in the group gift sparks confusion and debate

NTA at all
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Friend group dynamics shift during tough times. NTA.
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NTA – Don’t be obligated to get an expensive gift

NTA, but be careful not to alienate your friends

Last Updated on December 2, 2023 by Diply Social Team