Imagine being at a social gathering and suddenly finding yourself in the middle of a heated debate about Big Pharma and naturopathy. That’s exactly what happened to one man, who works in the pharmaceutical industry, when his friend tried to use him as a ‘big gun’ in an argument with a naturopathy enthusiast. Let’s dive into this spicy encounter. ️
Meet the Players
The Big Pharma Insider
The Argument Begins
The Setup
The Trap ️
The Confrontation
The Aftermath ️
The Question
Big Pharma Insider vs Naturopathy Enthusiast: Who’s the Real Snob? ️♀️
In a classic showdown between science and belief, our Big Pharma insider finds himself unwillingly thrust into an argument about pharmaceuticals and naturopathy at a social gathering. Despite his friend’s attempts to use his industry knowledge as a weapon, he firmly refuses to engage. However, when confronted directly, he shuts down the conversation with a line that leaves the naturopathy enthusiast reeling, accusing him of being a snob. Was he condescending or simply standing his ground? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation… ✍️
“NTA. She’s a layperson trying to outsmart a pharmaceutical insider. “
NTA for shutting down Allie’s argument. Reflect on Paul’s friendship.
Engaging in a battle of wits with a Facebook university graduate
NTA shuts down debate at party, defends right to refuse.
NTA shuts down naturopathy believer, defends expertise.
NTA: Expert shuts down naturopathy believer with epic response!
NTA shuts down antivaxxer nonsense, appreciated by others
NTA. Shutting down a snobby naturopathy believer at a party.
NTA. Maturely shutting down a disrespectful naturopathy believer.
NTA commenter suggests using different terminology and shares a helpful video.
NTA. Expert calmly shuts down critics, promotes respectful communication.
NTA. Professional and mature response shuts down instigator.
Engagingly shut down for using big words. Could’ve been nicer.
NTA shuts down naturopathy believer, game over for her!
Polite ways to shut down arguments without insulting the layperson
NTA shuts down naturopathy believer for being ignorant and argumentative
Naturopathy believer gets shut down by Big Pharma insider!
Allie and Paul argue over naturopathy – who’s the real AH?
Naturopathy believer calls out ‘big pharma’ but gets shut down.
“Alternative medicine that’s been proved to work? Medicine.” – NTA
NTA: Informing the truth of science, not changing anti-vaxxers’ minds
“NTA – Big Pharma Insider shares frustrations with skeptics. Exhausting!”
NTA. Paul’s frustration with Allie’s beliefs is understandable.
NTA, defended against naturopathy believer’s insult, shared personal experience.
NAH, but a little tact could have gone a long way
Believer of quackery gets a justified reality check.
NTA – Directness vs. Offense: Who’s responsible?
“NTA. She wanted a fight but isn’t an intellectual. Big Pharma “
Last Updated on September 22, 2023 by Diply Social Team