Have you ever had a roommate with peculiar habits? Well, imagine if that roommate was your sister and her hobby was beekeeping. Now, add a pinch of paranoia and a dash of COVID-19, and you’ve got a recipe for a family feud that’s as sticky as honey! This story is about a young woman who found herself in a buzz of trouble when her sister’s love for bees took a wild turn during quarantine. Let’s dive into the hive of drama…
The Buzz Begins

The Hive at Home

COVID-19 Concerns… for Bees?

From Bat to Bee? ➡️

Bees in the Bathroom?

The ‘Compromise’

The Desperate Act

The Hive’s Fall

The Sting of Betrayal

Family Fury

Bee-gone or Bee-guilty? ⚖️
In the end, our bee-wary protagonist finds herself in a sticky situation. She’s been kicked out of her sister’s house, is being held responsible for the damage to the hive, and is facing the wrath of her entire family. All this because she didn’t want to share her bathroom with a colony of bees! Now, she’s left wondering if she was in the wrong or if her actions were justified given the bizarre circumstances. Let’s see what the internet thinks about this buzz-worthy dilemma…
“YTA for sure. You don’t like your sister’s ‘pet’, lets say, so instead of saying ‘no, i’ll go shelter in place at MY residence’, you said ‘i’ll sabotage living, endangered creatures’. She’s correct, and YTA! You owe her an apology, and the money for repairs.”

Bringing bees indoors? Unstable reactions lead to family feud

“YTA for destroying her property, but she’s batshit crazy “
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e33469cb-75c6-417d-a97e-a6a4af0c9eac.png)
ESH: Bee hive wrecked, sister panicked, and bees indoors?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/60f2c570-8673-49b9-b854-1499a1fac471.png)
Beekeeper drama: Sister brings hive inside, damages ensue

“How do bees in a shower even survive? ” – Curious commenter

Family feud over bees: Unreasonable request meets destructive retaliation

ESH: A family feud over bees and bathroom boundaries

ESH. Bee obsession leads to family feud and dorm dilemma

Family feud over bees: OP regrets destroying sister’s prized possessions

NTA – Your safety should be the top priority

YTA kicked over hive, but sister’s request was unreasonable

ESH. Immature actions escalate beekeeping feud. Respect and reimburse.

Defending against bee invasion – NTA, drastic action necessary

ESH. Property destruction and poor choices lead to consequences.

Bee-lieve it or not, knocking their hive won’t make them buzz off!

Last Updated on September 22, 2023 by Diply Social Team