Imagine this: you’ve found the perfect spot in your favorite coffee shop, your laptop is open, and you’re ready to dive into your work. The aroma of coffee fills the air and the hum of quiet conversation is the perfect backdrop for your productivity. But then, the unexpected happens. A group of Dungeons and Dragons players decide to claim your shared table for their game. What do you do? Stick around for the tale of one remote worker’s clash with a group of gaming enthusiasts in a popular coffee shop. ☕
Claiming the Workspace

A Table for One… or Five?

Unexpected Company

The Plot Thickens

A Clash of Interests

Public Space, Private Battles

The Final Straw ️

The Aftermath

A Question of Etiquette

A Unique Coffee Shop Culture

The Norm, Not the Exception

A Fair Exchange?

The Heart of the Matter

The Coffee Shop Conundrum: Workspace or Game Space? ☕
In the end, our remote worker was faced with a dilemma: stay and endure the loud gaming session, or forfeit their workspace to find peace elsewhere. They chose the latter, leaving the coffee shop and the game behind. But the question remains: who was in the right? Should the coffee shop have been a quiet workspace, or a public platform for a lively game of Dungeons and Dragons? How do we navigate shared public spaces, especially when our needs clash with those of others? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this brewing conflict.
NTA. Single person hogging table vs. group taking up space.

NTA for wanting personal space in crowded coffee shop

NTA for defending your space at the coffee shop table

Playing DnD at a coffee shop: ESH, but it can work

Barista and customers clash over cafe etiquette

NTA. Respectful table manners should be common courtesy.

OP stands up to r**e bullies at the coffee shop!

Interrupting others is always a**hole behavior. NTA for speaking up!

Coffee shop vs gaming: Who’s the real winner?

Solidly NTA for not wanting a raucous game in quiet shop

ESH: Coffee shop not office. Stop acting entitled to more ☕

YTA for expecting privacy in a crowded coffee shop

NTA, but don’t be a bully in public spaces!

Commenter calls out a******s in coffee shop for mocking and taking over space. Asserts their right to be upset but questions differentiation between bad behavior and different use of space.

NTA, they were trying to kick you out for space.

Former barista and half-elf sorceresses says NTA

ESH: Coffee shop turned office? Customers leave, business suffers. ☕

Loud D&D game in a coffee shop? ESH for sure!

Coffee shop employees not thrilled with Dungeons and Dragons players

NTA for leaving when they planned to overcrowd the space

Standing up for your right to a coffee shop seat

“YTA. Didn’t you just post this? The coffee shop isn’t your office. Get over yourself.” – Commenter is not impressed with OP’s entitlement.

Respecting quiet work vs raucous games

NTA. Coffee shops are for quiet enjoyment, not gaming marathons!

NTA: Commenter believes in respecting coffee shop staff and owners

NTA. It’s your table, your rules. Choose who joins!

NTA. Respectful coexistence is key to shared public spaces.

Coffee shops are for coffee, not Dungeons and Dragons ☕

NTA. Bullied away from table. They can f**k off. Loud game.

Bullied out of your space? Stand up for yourself!

Coffee shop clash: DnD group’s r**e behavior sparks controversy

NTA. Sharing table, they abused generosity, evicted you. Complain or spill.

NTA: Delusional commenters don’t understand how DnD works

“NTA – How my D&D community handled a table dispute “

DnD player spills latte, cleans up, spills again. Classic.

NTA, should’ve told a worker. They were probably kicked out

NTA. You generously offered to share the table, but they took advantage.

NTA for leaving noisy cafe; dad explains college students

No a**hole here.

NTA. Public spaces are for everyone, but they knew you were working and were inconsiderate. The mocking just affirmed your assumptions

Manners MIA! The audacity! OP is NTA.

NTA: Petty and productive, this commenter knows how to handle strangers.

A harmonious and fair resolution, no a****e here

NTA for standing up against table hijackers.

No a****e here! A missed opportunity for some company

OP is NTA for leaving, but others were inconsiderate

Reasonable noise levels in coffee shops: conversation vs D&D sessions.

Coffee shop not suitable for gaming, NTA.

NTA. Working from home is a viable option for peace

“YTA it’s not an office” – When coffee shop etiquette goes wrong

Everyone s***s here! Drama at the coffee shop ☕️

Everyone s***s here. Coffee shop etiquette is important, people!

Coffee shop drama: Who owns the big table?

You don’t own the coffeeshop. YTA

Can coffee shops survive on hourly drink purchases?

Claiming ownership of a public table? YTA!

Entitlement meets jerkiness in a coffee shop showdown. ESH!

“YTA. Go home and work. Respect the coffee shop owner.”

ESH: Coffee shop is for socializing, not playing DnD. ☕

YTA for expecting a quiet workspace in a coffee shop

Engaging comment section with witty insults and banter

Spilling coffee on their game supplies? That’s a bold move!

NTA, but those DnD people are

When nerds clash in a coffee shop…no one is safe

NTA: Coffee shop space is for everyone, not just gamers ☕

“This is terrible! Outrageous! You should speak to your landlord and get a reduction in rent for your office space! … Wait, what? This is a public coffee shop? YTA.”

Last Updated on July 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team