Being a babysitter can be a rewarding job, but it’s essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance. One 21-year-old babysitter found herself in a sticky situation when the family she’s been working for since March asked her to babysit on Christmas Day. Despite providing a list of days she’s unavailable to work, including Christmas, the family insisted and even offered extra pay. Let’s dive into this holiday drama and see how she handled the situation.
Babysitting Since March
Days Off Requested
Family Agrees… Or So She Thought ✅
Surprise Christmas Request
No Joke, They’re Serious
Desperate Measures, Extra Pay
Standing Her Ground ♀️
Family Time Matters
Babysitting in the Same House
Christmas Dinner Timing ️
Bedtime and Leaving Time ⏰
Extra Pay Details
Babysitter’s Christmas Dilemma
Our 21-year-old babysitter found herself in a Christmas conundrum when the family she works for asked her to babysit on Christmas Day, despite previously agreeing to her requested days off. They even offered her an extra $50 for her trouble. However, she stood her ground, refusing to give up her precious family time. With the family insisting on having her babysit in the same house, it’s clear this holiday drama has everyone on edge. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this festive fiasco…
Babysitter stands up for Christmas off, parents should too
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day – comment agrees.
Enjoy Christmas with your loved ones, not someone else’s kids
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas day, NTA NTA NTA.
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas, calls out parents’ entitlement
When a babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day…
Babysitter is NTA for refusing to work on Christmas
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day, NTA.
Babysitter stands firm on Christmas Day off, NTA
Underpaid babysitter on Christmas Day? NTA, find new family/job.
12-year-old can supervise siblings, babysitter not necessary. NTA
To work or not to work on Christmas Day?
Parents want a babysitter on Christmas? NTA has a point
Is an extra $50 an insult for working on Christmas?
Respectful babysitter declines Christmas Day request, sets healthy boundary
Child-free babysitter stands up for herself on Christmas Day ♀️
Respectful babysitter declines Christmas work, NTA
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas day. Commenter calls out parents.
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day. NTA. Gave enough warning.
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas day, and commenters agree.
Enjoy Christmas with family, NTA for refusing babysitting duties
Setting boundaries is healthy and correct behavior
Babysitter stands up for herself and says no to Christmas work
Babysitter stands up for herself on Christmas day
Setting boundaries is important, even on holidays
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day. NTA wins!
Curious about their job, but NTA for refusing babysitting
Parent shaming the babysitter for refusing to work on Christmas
Babysitter deserves Christmas off, parents need to find alternatives.
Choosing not to work on Christmas, NTA explains to breeders.
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day, internet approves.
Experienced nanny advises to get a contract and join subreddit.
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day, NTA. Stick to your guns
Childfree commenter supports babysitter’s decision not to work on Christmas
Respect your personal time and find a better family
Debating the fairness of a Christmas Day babysitting rate
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas day, NTA for prioritizing family ❤️
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas day. NTA comment agrees.
Setting boundaries is important. NTA for refusing Christmas work
Stand up for your rights NTA
Parent criticized for wanting babysitter on Christmas Day
Setting boundaries is important, stick to your decision!
NTA babysitter receives criticism for not working on Christmas Day
Parenting on Christmas is a choice, NTA for refusing
Babysitting on Christmas Day? Not worth the money
Time to raise your rates! Don’t be underpaid.
User criticizes entitled parents expecting special treatment on holidays.
NTA for refusing to work on Christmas, family time matters
Don’t let others guilt you into working on Christmas
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day and is called an a**hole
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day, questions parent’s priorities.
Respectful babysitter prioritizes family time on Christmas Day
Christmas is for family, NTA for refusing to babysit
Cut out toxic people and prioritize your own happiness. ✂️
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day. NTA.
Babysitting 12 and 9 year olds on Christmas? Weird request
Enjoy the holidays guilt-free! You’re NTA.
Setting boundaries is important. NTA for refusing Christmas work
User questions why parents should interrupt others with their kids.
Babysitting on Christmas? Are the kids not family? #NTA
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day, commenter calls out parents’ priorities
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas day but suggests a high fee
Demand a holiday rate of $50 per hour per child!
Babysitter rightfully refuses to work on Christmas for low pay
Mother defends babysitter’s right to refuse Christmas work
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day, NTA wins!
$15/hr for babysitting on Christmas? Unreasonable! #NTA
Stand your ground! You’re not the a**hole in this situation
Babysitter demands $1000 for working on Christmas day
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day, and she’s NTA
Stand your ground! Don’t let them take advantage of you!
Nanny rightfully refuses to work on Christmas Day for $50
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day. NTA.
$50 extra for holiday work is a joke, NTA
Babysitter refuses to work on Christmas Day. Commenter supports decision.
NTA. Stick to your boundaries and don’t accept low pay
Stand your ground and charge them more
Set boundaries and stick to them. NTA for saying no
Babysitter’s Christmas dilemma: $50 for extra work with more kids
Supportive comment, NTA x1000
Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team