Posing for photos is the bane of every family get-together. They’re often uncomfortable , time-consuming, and awkward as h**l. But if you think you’ve got it bad — think again.
Thanks to @awkwardfamilyphotos , we now have an entirely new standard of comparison. Have a look and check out these incredibly awkward family photos guaranteed to make any day brighter.
The higher the hair…

I wonder how much hairspray it took to get that hairdo to stay up like that? I’m not going to lie, when I first saw it I thought it was a wig! Just looking at it makes my neck hurt.
Meet the real-life Benjamin Button.

It looks like this little guy found out that he’s aging in reverse and only has a few more precious seconds before being reduced to nothing more than a fleeting o****m. Brownie points for being able to maintain the pose.
A family of vampires.

“This pic is my mom, dad, brother, sister and her husband, me and my demonic-looking son. This family portrait was taken in the 80s…we were really a scary crew.” – Instagram/@tecobb00
Future badass in training.

It might not be the most politically correct thing for me to say but I for one think that a huge opportunity was missed here. This baby needs a fake stuck-on mustache and I’m not afraid to admit it.
Come play with us.

No, this isn’t some failed forgotten Cabbage Patch Kids advertisement, this is a real-life Prom picture! Why on earth someone would ever choose to pose with their creepy old dolls is far beyond anything I can comprehend.
It’s not weird. You’re weird for thinking it’s weird.

“My dad used to swing me around in a tiny garbage can and it was so much fun. I didn’t know it was weird until I asked around and found out that no one else’s dads swung them around in garbage cans.” – Instagram/@misseapolis
OK, so this is terrifying…

This looks like the type of photograph that you’d see adorning the walls of a serial killer. And is it me, or does that creepy redheaded kid look just like Junior from the Problem Child movies?
The look of sheer terror.

“This is a picture of my brother. The photographer was trying to get him to look at the camera and he snapped his fingers and accidentally scared my brother — perfect timing!” – Instagram/unknown
Bust a move.

According to the caption, the young man in this photograph was an avid dancer in high school. Still, that doesn’t excuse the shirtless vest, nor the ridiculous glasses and mushroom cut. That stance is something else, though.
How old do you think the woman in this photograph is?

According to the caption on the photograph, even though she looks well into her 40s — this woman is only 12-years-old. I personally think it’s the peacock feathers, they clearly age a person by at least two decades.
Running with the devil…

At first, I was sure that this was a photo of Van Halen’s frontman David Lee Roth on his wedding day. You can’t tell me that the guy standing like a pirate on the bench doesn’t resemble a young Eddie Van Halen.
Just a man and his bird.

“I took my 2002 Senior Year photo with my bird, Jeff. It made the yearbook. Ten years later, I caught him reflecting on our long history. Sentimentality in its truest form.” – Instagram/@bainforest
How every bride and groom should look on their happy day.

I think it’s absolutely hilarious that neither the bride nor groom appears to want anything to do with each other in this photo. Also, can anyone explain to me why the bride is wearing a golden crown?
When you’re a sucker for the holidays but Goth is life.

As someone who loves both Halloween as well as Christmas, I can respect this photo. I would also be willing to bet a million dollars that this girl’s favorite Christmas movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas .
Are you sure you want to purchase these photos?

“I was 45 minutes into family pictures with two hungry and crabby kiddos. Nothing was good. The photographer asked me five times if I really wanted to buy the pics and I said absolutely yes. This was my most popular Christmas picture ever.” – Instagram/unknown
Last Updated on October 20, 2021 by Jordan Claes