There are some things out there that need a closer look. Whether a picture is kind of confusing, or it’s just of something small or detailed, there are plenty of reasons to look a little closer.
You might find yourself squinting at these pictures. Even if they don’t quite make sense at first, they probably will with a bit of time.
This cat that just so happens to look like it has antlers.
I wonder if this cat knew that it’s sitting with its head directly in front of a deer’s antlers and ears (on a pillow, of course). It looks like some kind of catalope (like a jackalope, but more cat).
“I made a hotdog out of Starburst Minis.”
Okay, but that’s actually so cool! I really had to look at this one in order to see that, yes, it’s made out of Starburst candies. But now that I can see it, I can’t unsee it. It looks like play food.
“This realistic chicken art in my home town.”
Whoever painted that chicken is a really good artist. That chicken head almost looks real. I could definitely be convinced that it’s an actual giant chicken, staring at me and judging my life choices. Luckily, it’s just art.
Ah, the good old days of Y2K.
Remember Y2K? Back when we thought that computers were going to break down because the years had to switch from ’99 to ’00? And everyone was getting ready for the apocalypse, but nothing happened at midnight on January 1st, 2000? Yeah.
Look closely at this sticker if you want, but don’t bother following the instructions.
“Neighbor’s Halloween decorations.”
Yeah, I wish I could get closer to this Halloween display. It checks all the boxes: mysterious corpse covered in garbage bags, creepy dolls that just so happen to be dragging said mysterious corpse around. It’s basically perfect. This person’s neighbor really has good taste.
“Coworker almost had a heart attack this morning at a pond we manage.”
I want to know who put this there. Because that’s amazing. Look closely at the slot and you can see a familiar evil clown hoping to lure you in. Hopefully, though, you won’t let IT win.
“This octopus-like texture on my military gloves.”
Oh man, that’s really cool. I bet all those super tiny suction cups help with grip. Makes sense though, since they’re military grade and all.
That must really come in handy. Seriously, there’s nothing worse than gloves with no grip.
“The wood chips in this park were replaced with recycled car tire chunks.”
From afar, you’d probably just assume that the ground in this playground is covered in wood chips. But look a little closer, and you can actually see the tire patterns on these shredded tire bits. That’s actually pretty awesome.
This washing machine that’s full of golf b***s.
I’m not sure if I should be asking why there are golf b***s in this washing machine. Does this get them clean quickly? Is there even a point in cleaning golf b***s?
Either way, at least it’s a cool pic to take a close look at.
“This empty mug that looks like it has a milky brew in it because of the light.”
Yeah, I definitely had to look at this one for a bit before I could see that this cup is empty. The milky color is nothing more than a shadow. Amazing how lighting can dramatically change the way something looks.
“My friend works in mines and found a mummified mountain lion.”
This is both distressing and fascinating. I kind of feel bad for the mountain lion who met its end in such an undignified way, but I’m sure some scientist somewhere would love to research it. Or something.
The top of someone’s head, or a dog with sunglasses?
I’m not gonna lie, I thought this person’s head was a cool dog. The way the sunglasses compress some of their hair gives their head a dog-shape. And it’s a dog that’s wearing sunglasses, which is what makes it cool.
A perfectly normal set of stairs that looks a little dangerous from this angle.
This staircase looks more like a slide than a standard set of stairs. But if you actually focus a little, you can see that the stripes that make the steps look smooth are actually parts of the railing. What a cool optical illusion!
“I tried out a new grocery store over the weekend and spent too long trying to read this sign.”
Yeah, you have to look pretty closely to read that sign. You may also need glasses. Luckily, it basically just says the same thing that’s on the jar, so that’s a little bit helpful at least.
“At the stop sign, stay on St Lucie Blvd.”
Okay, so this intersection is at two streets with basically the same name, got it. That’s not confusing at all.
This makes me really hope I never end up in this neighborhood. It would save me a lot of trouble to never go there.
“Look closer.”
This dog may look like some kind of horrifying creature at first, but don’t worry. It’s just a normal dog with a normal face. All the different color patches in its fur (and also the one nostril) make its head look a little strange at a glance.
“Anyone else see faces here?”
Look a little closer at the things on top of the back of this truck, and you can see strange little robot faces. I’m pretty sure that this is a coincidence, and that those aren’t supposed to look like faces. But stranger things have happened, I guess.
“This walnut fell right onto a sign and was split down the middle.”
From afar, you probably wouldn’t even notice the walnut on this road sign. But this close look shows us that these signs are actually kind of sharp. Paired with the momentum of a falling walnut, the fact that this happened kind of makes sense.
“Puddle in Chicago.”
Wow, this puddle is so clear, it looks like we’re looking up at the skyscrapers. It definitely makes me want to look even closer.
It’s almost like, if you fall into this puddle, you’ll end up being transported to a parallel universe or an alternate dimension or something.
There are a confusing amount of paws in this picture.
I think that the way this cat is sitting is making this whole picture a lot more confusing than it needs to be. There might even be a tail in there somewhere. It’s actually so hard to tell.
Man, cats are such confusing creatures.
Last Updated on October 13, 2021 by Ashley Hunte