Christmas, a time of joy, love, and family unity, right? Well, not always. This is a tale of a family with seven siblings, a pinch of favoritism, and a whole lot of Christmas drama. Our protagonist, let’s call him ‘Christmas Kid’, shares a heart-wrenching tale of how his Christmases were different from his siblings. Let’s dive into this emotional rollercoaster.
A Family of Nine, A Different Childhood
A Struggle for Survival, A Pinch of Favoritism
A Different Kind of Christmas Morning
The Pain of Exclusion
The Gift of Work, The Sting of Rejection
A Heartbreaking Revelation
A Bold Stand against Injustice
A Life Away from Home
A Christmas Standoff
A Proposal, A Rejection, A Storm Off
A Christmas Kid’s Standoff: Righteous or Selfish?
Our ‘Christmas Kid’ grew up in a large family, but his Christmases were different. While his siblings received gifts, he watched empty-handed. Despite the pain, he tried to change the narrative by buying gifts for everyone when he started working. However, the favoritism continued. Now, as an adult, he stands his ground, refusing to contribute to a family Christmas gift for his parents. His stand has ruffled feathers, with his oldest brother labeling him a ‘selfish j**k’. But is he really? Or is he just a man standing up for his right to be treated equally? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Commenter feels sorry for OP’s treatment by family during Christmas.
Heartbreaking exclusion from family gifts, stepdad’s hurtful words.
NTA. Don’t pay for Christmas if they only want you for money.
NTA: Let the other kids pitch in, no need for drama
NTA, your parents’ influence on your relationship is significant
Excluded from Christmas for years NTA, it still hurts.
NTA. Family dynamics can be complicated, but it’s your choice.
Parents favor siblings, grandparents provide, you refuse to participate
NTA. Unfortunate situation turned sour when siblings didn’t reciprocate gifts
Devil’s advocate: Grandparents made up for lack of gifts, but NTA. You were made to feel like an ‘other.’
Mom and stepdad should have made Christmas more inclusive
Hating Christmas: Not the a**hole for feeling that way!
“NTA It sounds like you had good parents except for this massive blind spot. It makes perfect sense this behavior hurt you. 7-9 birthdays and 1 Xmas each year you would be reminded you didn’t count in some way to your family, that’s painful. I think you worded your response to your brother kindly and justly. I don’t think there is any reason to start buying presents for your parents. You can continue to show them you love them in non-gift ways as they have done with you. Your brother was being the AH, not for asking necessarily, but for being r**e about your legitimate response. That said discussion can be a very healing thing. When your ready you might try talking to your parents about how that behavior made you feel.”
“Don’t be selfish.” NTA receives support from other kids
NTA: You *reap what you sow*
NTA. Break the cycle and prioritize your own well-being! ✨
Curious about family dynamics and lack of inclusivity during Christmas
NTA. Parents’ gift strategy caused family division. Siblings excluded you.
“Wow, reading this made my heart hurt. You’re NTA. “
Excluded from family Christmas, spending time with loving grandmother ❤️
Feeling left out at Christmas? NTA, it’s about love
Childhood neglect: NTA for returning the emotional indifference.
Gift-giving grudges: When is it okay to reciprocate less?
No gifts from family? No obligation. You’re not the a**hole. ✨
NTA: Financial responsibility is key!
NTA, your family excluded you from gifts, now they want help? H**l nah! Take grandma on a trip
A heartwarming story of family and holiday traditions
NTA’s heartfelt Christmas gift experience leads to creating Fishmas
NTA. OP felt deprived by their parents and now faces a Christmas standoff.
Family drama at Christmas: NTA, but grandparents save the day!
Standing up for yourself and demanding equal treatment
Heartbreaking childhood experience, empathetic response from commenter.
Feeling left out on Christmas Not cool! NTA!
Excluded from family holidays, find a new loving family
Spending holidays with grandma
NTA. Heartbreaking Christmas memories. Cherish the joy of giving
Step dad’s unfair gift exclusion. NTA.
NTA. A post that uncovers the hidden layers of family dynamics.
Engaging comment about not wanting to contribute to a group gift
NTA- It’s about feeling included, not just the presents
Favored step-siblings get lavish gifts, bio siblings get scraps
Parents justified not giving presents to OP due to blended family dynamics
Sibling rivalry at Christmas: NTA for calling out oldest brother
NTA. Stand your ground and don’t give them anything
Heartwarming: NTA stands up against unfair Christmas gift treatment
Don’t let abusive family ruin your Christmas spirit. Stay strong!
NTA. Family’s messed up view of gifts. Stepson shared, taught empathy.
Middle child excluded from presents, seeks closure and equality.
Gift-giving drama: NTA stands up against family pressure
Parents’ Christmas gift omission sparks debate on honesty and empathy.
Feeling excluded from gift giving is painful, but you’re NTA
NTA: Emotional abuse? This story is infuriating!
Unfair exclusion from gifts, brother told not to spend on you
“Jesus, did they make you sleep under the stairs too?”
NTA. You handled the Christmas standoff with maturity and grace
Don’t waste money on parents, be honest and unselfish!
NTA. Family drama? You deserve a hug and better support
Feeling unwanted and excluded by family during Christmas
Standing up to family mistreatment
NTA: Open up about your feelings and heal old wounds
Empathy and love for stepchildren, despite past parenting mistakes. ❤️
Parents’ reaction makes NTA, but siblings’ exclusion is hurtful
Are your siblings’ grandparents as generous as yours?
NTA. Your parents are a**holes. Sibling is an entitled git.
Fairness in gift-giving: NTA for expecting reciprocity
NTA … Logistically I can see your parent’s POV, you were going to be taken care of in a way that the others wouldn’t be and this left more to split among them. But when it comes to your kid, especially young kid, f**k logistics, that was still a really s****y thing for them to do. They could’ve gotten you something small just so you could be included and explained why. But nope, Nah, f**k the lot of em.
Last Updated on December 30, 2023 by Diply Social Team