Imagine this: you’re in pain, your fingers are bleeding, and all you need is a band-aid. You rush to a friend’s place nearby, only to return to a booted car and a hefty fine. To add insult to injury, your friend’s roommate, who paid the fine, now wants you to pay her back. But was it your fault to begin with? Let’s dive into this riveting tale of friendship, conflict, and parking woes.
A Painful Predicament

The Race for Relief ♀️

The Parking Pitfall ️

The Unseen Boot

The Unexpected Expense

The Roommate’s Rescue…or Not?

The Unfair Obligation?

The Rising Tension

A Possible Solution?

The Fallout ️

The Search for Validation

The Final Note

The Parking Details

The Unforgiving Parking Rules

The Money Transfer

The $150 Question: Who’s Really to Blame? ♀️
Our young heroine found herself in a painful predicament, turning to a friend for help. But her relief was short-lived when she discovered her car booted due to a parking rule she was never informed about. Now, she’s caught in a financial tug-of-war with her friend’s roommate, who footed the $150 fine. Our protagonist believes it’s only fair to split the cost, given the lack of warning about the parking situation. However, her proposal was met with outrage and threats of court action. With the backing of her boyfriend, parents, and friends, she stands her ground. But is she in the right? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this. ️
“YTA – Don’t be an ungrateful AH, pay your friend back!”

YTA for breaking your promise to repay a debt.

“YTA. Own up and pay back the full amount. “

YTA for not understanding parking signs.

“YTA. Big time. You needed help. She didn’t invite you there.”

YTA slams hand, gets help, parks illegally, and screws over helper.

A**hole expects roommate to pay half parking fine after emergency.

The mental gymnastics of not paying back. YTA. ♂️
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“YTA. Take responsibility and pay them back asap.”

YTA, pay up!

YTA for not paying back and trying to screw them over.

“Entitlement and lies? YTA comment sparks fiery debate! “

“YTA. Figured a way out of it? Justification for horrible behavior.”

Driver acts entitled and blames friend’s roommate for parking mishap.

Huge YTA! Entitled parker faces legal consequences.

Entitled OP demands more money for parking. YTA.

Take responsibility for your actions! YTA

Ungrateful OP receives help twice but still calls them YTA.

“YTA. She helped you out, pay her back and move on.”

Entitled person refuses to pay back money, causing major drama.
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Taking responsibility for parking mishaps and broken promises.

“YTA. You asked to go over there, you failed to read whatever signs are posted regarding parking. Also, you don’t get to just decide to pay half. Who does that?!! If someone owes you money, you pay back the entire sum. This solely falls on you.”

Breaking promises? YTA! ♂️

“YTA. Your friend did two solid favours: by helping with the quick acrylic fix and paying the fine. And how you show your appreciation is to weasel out of repaying a charge you incurred. Be a better friend than this.”

“YTA. Pay her back. You agreed to the terms. “

Parking dilemma: Did you get permission or take a risk?

“YTA – Take responsibility for where you park your car. “

Refusing to pay back a friend who helped you? YTA

Pay them back! YTA, no excuses. Be responsible

YTA blames OP for parking situation, no good deed unpunished

“YTA. Your parking is not their responsibility. Take responsibility.”
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YTA: Pay up! Don’t rip off the friend who helped you
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YTA for parking in a no parking zone. Don’t lose a friend over $150

A fiery comment ignites the section. Brace for drama!

“YTA. Entire predicament caused by your actions. Expecting friend to pay? So ungrateful! ♀️”

“YTA I’m in a similar situation where my friend just isn’t paying me back and I got her out of a right pickle. She’s now making every d**n excuse not to pay. Jan should’ve been the last payment 1 she’s only made payment and owed me £100’s. It’s awful being put into this situation when I was genuinely helping, now our friendship is strained due to her selfishness – she has the money as she’s been going to parties, concerts and gigs all December with one costing £100 a ticket.
People like you are literally why good people stop helping others in need, coz you get there first and burned them. Pay up and do them a favour and get out of their lives. They’re too good to you and for you.”
Oops! YTA, should’ve read the signs carefully next time!
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“YTA. It’s not their responsibility to let you know about parking. It’s your job to check when you stopped the car. “

OP is the a**hole for not repaying their friends.

“YTA. Taking advantage of your friend? Not cool. “

Ungrateful much? YTA gets called out for being a**hole

YTA – Repay your friend! No excuses.

“YTA for taking advantage of their kindness. Pay them back!”

Expecting your friend to pay for your mistake? YTA!

YTA: Learn common courtesy!

“YTA. Put yourself in her shoes and think about her.”

Entitlement problem? Pay up and grow the f**k up! YTA

“YTA. Send an invoice for emergency first aid? “

Pay her back, or face the wrath of judgment!

“YTA. You agreed to pay her back, not just half.”

YTA parked illegally, friends covered ticket. Pay them back.

Parked, promised, and betrayed: YTA in a sticky situation.

Parking fail! YTA gets called out and owes $150

YTA gets called out for parking mishap and owes money

YTA: Don’t be a j**k, repay the favor.

“YTA. Your irresponsibility and bad luck will cost you big. “
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Friendship on the line over $150 and broken promises

Pay back your friend! Check signs before parking. YTA
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“YTA so hard. Your friend and her roommate helped you out in a tough situation and in return you want to stick them with a $75 charge?? They are not responsible for informing you about the parking situation (without you even asking!)- that’s what signage is for. And the time to negotiate any kind of split would have been BEFORE you borrowed the money.”

Ungrateful roommate? Demanding help and blaming them for inconvenience.

YTA: Pay your friend back!

YTA for not checking parking, now losing friend over $75.

YTA. Verbal agreement to pay for boot, but you didn’t.

“YTA. Next time call your equally a**hole boyfriend to help you. “

“YTA. You’re ungrateful. They helped you twice and you s**t in their face for it. I hope they take you to small claims for it. Judge Judy would tear you a new one for this. Pay them back, apologize, and then lose their number. You’re a s**t friend and they deserve better.”

Prioritize payments over pampering for a parking predicament.

YTA: Pay your bill like a right person.

♂️ YTA for assuming everyone can read signs. Build an emergency fund instead!

“YTA. Pay her back and STFU.” – A fiery response!

YTA, pay up and reflect!

Taking advantage of friends’ kindness? YTA, own your mistake!

Congratulations you’re a complete a**hole.

YTA. Blaming a stranger who helped you? Seriously?

OP’s dishonesty and lack of integrity makes them YTA.

Pay up! You’re the a**hole in this parking nightmare!

Dodging payment? YTA. Pay your d**n fine!

Last Updated on July 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team