Traveling with young children can be stressful for parents. You never know how your child will react, and it’s completely normal for kids to cry out of fear or discomfort during long flights.
One mom’s smart parenting hack is going viral after her fellow plane passenger shared her kind gesture.
Now people are praising this mom’s ingenuity and saving her idea for their next trip.
Everyone knows that traveling with kids is tough.
If your kid sleeps through the whole flight, then you have nothing to worry about, but that’s never a guarantee.
If your child starts crying, which is totally normal, it can be very stressful.
Not only do you have to find the best way to settle your child down and make them feel comfortable, but there’s also the worry of disrupting the other passengers’ trips.
Here’s one smart parenting hack you might want to save the next time you fly with your kids.
Facebook user Dave Corona shared this picture of a mom flying with her four-month-old son from South Korea to the United States.
According to Dave’s Facebook post, the mom handed out goodie bags to each passenger on the flight and a note.
I’m amazed that she had time to make all these bags, to be honest, but good for her! I’m sure the passengers were grateful for the treats.
In the post, he wrote, “On a Ten hour flight from Seoul Korea to San Francisco, a mother handed out more than 200 goodie bags filled with candy and ear plugs, in case her 4 month old child cried during the flight.”
Wow, what a considerate idea for a long flight.
The note explained that her son was very young and that it was his first flight.
She gave passengers fair warning that he might cry and apologized in advance for any excess noise.
It read, “Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m 4 months old. Today, I am going to the U.S. with my mom and grandmom to see my aunt.”
“I’m a little bit nervous and scary because it’s my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise. “
“I will try to go quietly, though I can’t make any promises. Please excuse me.”
You never know how a baby will react to a new situation, so it’s nice that she gave the passengers a head’s up.
Besides a few treats for the flight, the goodie bags also came with earplugs.
What a smart mom! Earplugs are definitely a must-have for any long flight with a baby in tow, but not everyone remembers to bring a pair.
Since sharing his story, Dave’s Facebook post has received hundreds of shares and reactions.
Many people commented praising the mom for her ingenious hack and for ensuring that other people had a comfortable flight.
This isn’t the first time a mom has won over her fellow passengers with goodie bags.
This picture was shared to Reddit a few years ago of another mom’s goodie bag complete with a treat and earplugs.
I wonder if more parents will try this hack since it has gone viral again.
Even celebs can appreciate these small gestures of kindness.
Niall Horan, formerly of the boy band One Direction, tweeted his appreciation for this little goodie bag he received.
For all this mom’s preparation, Dave said that the baby was well-behaved during the whole flight and never made a peep.
It just goes to show that you never know what to expect with a baby! Sometimes when you prepare for the worst, they surprise you and act like an angel.
Either way, this is a great hack and one I’ll remember for the future.
But always remember, there’s no shame in NOT giving out goodie bags, either.
Babies are babies, and they can cry if they need to. Everyone else just has to deal with it! Do what’s best for yourself .
Happy flying!
Last Updated on March 1, 2019 by Emily McWilliams