We all love a good drama, don’t we? Especially when it involves best friends, a generous gift, and a Nintendo Switch. This tale has all the ingredients of a spicy soap opera – a well-intentioned act of kindness, a financial struggle, and a broken gaming console. The plot thickens when the gifter asks for the gift back. But is it fair to ask for a gift back? Let’s dive into this rollercoaster of a story.
The Generous Offer

The Unexpected Gift

The Joyful Surprise

The Hope for Payback

The Broken Console

The Unfulfilled Promise

The Controversial Decision

The Girlfriend’s Verdict

The Final Ultimatum

The Unexpected Update

The Final Thoughts ♂️

A Gift, A Broken Console, And A Friendship Tested!
In a tale that’s sure to keep you on the edge of your seat, our generous friend gifts a Nintendo Switch to his financially struggling best friend. All is well until his own console breaks, and he asks for the gift back. His girlfriend is not amused, and the situation escalates. But is he in the wrong? Or is it just a case of misunderstood generosity? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this intriguing predicament.
“YTA. You stole the Switch back? Your girlfriend gave it back.”

“YTA and clearly you never lived a single day in poverty. Not only you are wrong on an abstract level (you gave a gift, would have been nice of her to pay something, but she had no duty), you are putting more pressure on an already stressed and worried person. You embarrassed her when she needs not only material but also moral support. Well done.”

OP insisted on giving a gift, now wants money back. YTA

Expecting repayment and then asking for a gift back? YTA

OP offers to buy friend a Switch, then takes it back. YTA.

YTA 100%! How can you even ask this?

Gift gone wrong: YTA wants a return on ‘gift’

YTA. Gift or not, you can’t force someone to pay.

YTA, yikes!

YTA: A gift, not an obligation.

Gift-giving gone wrong! Who’s at fault? YTA doesn’t understand!

YTA for not replacing your own broken Nintendo Switch

Commenter thinks OP is the a**hole for asking for Switch back

YTA: Gift vs. Loan – Who’s in the wrong?

You’re the a**hole for expecting reimbursement for the gift

YTA demands gift back, gets upset when money spent on groceries.

YTA comment sparks controversy and laughter.

Friendship turned sour over a misunderstood gift.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/0cc26594-f2af-4043-bd94-1b09db30c498.png)
Asking for a gift back? YTA!

Apologize and return the Nintendo Switch, YTA!

YTA- You can’t take back a gift

YTA for expecting repayment on a gift. Apologize, not escalate.

Bruh seriously? You’re the a**hole.

YTA a**hole. You’re mad they didn’t foresee your pettiness? Give it back.

YTA for taking back a gift. Prioritize groceries, not Nintendo!

YTA, the comment section is not holding back on judgement.

YTA jeeeez

YTA. Giving a gift doesn’t entitle you to control it.

Gifts should be given freely, without any expectations.

Bitterness over a friend’s gaming progress? YTA!

You’re the a**hole. Let the debate begin!

YTA for not understanding the importance of groceries. ♂️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a5763c11-bdfd-4970-a0f3-f51c2468f1a8.png)
Gift = Debt? NTA vs YTA, a monumental a**hole!

Last Updated on November 3, 2023 by Diply Social Team