Unsplash | Chen Mizrach

Woman Tracks Down Mystery Man From Vacation And Also Finds His Wife

There are many times when we go on vacation and branch out to meet new people. Sometimes, meeting new people can be an amazing and wonderful experience where we get to really broaden our horizons and bring new people into our lives.

But, sometimes, we don't get people's names or numbers, and we have to search high and low for them after meeting them while traveling.

When you're a single woman, sometimes, you're looking for Mr. Right when you go away with friends.

Unsplash | Levi Guzman

Ladies know that going on vacation with your friends means that sometimes, you may get your flirt on and try to find yourself a Mr. Right. And, when you don't get your Mr. Right's number, you turn to social media to help you out.

Recently, TikTok user Mica Renee turned to TikTok to help her out.

Mica shared that she had gone on a girl's trip to Miami, Florida with friends and she was "feeling herself" in the ocean and her friend was taking some fly photos of her in her swimsuit.

Mica says a guy approached her in the water.

The two began chatting and were getting their flirt on, which can be seen in the videos she had posted on TikTok. But, when they had exchanged numbers, she didn't remember to put it in her phone.

So, she asked TikTok to help her find her "man."

Say what you will about the internet, but one thing is for sure: people can FIND you. Which is kind of scary if you think too much about it.

After a few days, she hadn't found him yet.

TikTok was looking high and low for him, asking if Mica was able to find her mystery man from Miami.

Eventually, she updated social media to let them know that she had found him, but, it wasn't what she had expected.

Mica found out that the man who was all flirty in the ocean actually has a wife.

On social media, she got in touch with the wife who said that Mica didn't have to delete the videos, but they did have a conversation about the guy in question and the two cleared the air—which was nice to see.

Not only is he married, he also has kids.

The wife reached out to Mica and the two spoke. Mica apologized and told the wife that he didn't tell her that he had a wife and that she wouldn't reach out to him, of course.

But, his wife wanted him to see the receipts.

Eventually, the guy hopped on social media to respond.

The man, reportedly named AJ decided to clear the air about what had happened on his vacation.

Because you know, when something goes viral, even if you aren't famous, you have to explain yourself.

He said that the trip to Miami was in 2021, and he was confused as to why Mica was looking for him now, in 2022.

He also claimed that they had a "five minute conversation."

AJ said that "Ms. Cheetah" in her swimsuit was acting like the two had some "great big connection" by the way she was searching for him on TikTok.

It seemingly annoyed him quite a bit.

When in reality they had a five-minute conversation with each other in the water.

AJ also said that she "manipulated photos."

He also said in the video that Mica had chopped up photos to make it look like they were flirting.

And they were holding hands when they barely even had that much time together in the ocean.

Overall, he deflected a whole lot.

He claims she had gotten the "wrong idea" by his kindness and conversation and there was nothing going on between them.

But, many on TikTok said "no woman would look for a man she barely spoke to on vacation."

Mica said it was "alls well that ends well" kind of deal.

I mean, that's a pretty good attitude to have.

While she didn't find Mr. Right, Mica said the whole thing was worth it because she *did* go viral on TikTok.

So, while she didn't get her happy ending, she got some five-minute fame-type stuff instead.