Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

Modern Parenting Advice That Really Grinds People's Gears

Everyone's an expert when it comes to parenting — or so they think.

While one person thinks things should be done one way, another comes in with a "guide" that debunks this. And on and on the cycle goes.

Modern parenting is even worse thanks to social media. Finally, some parents said enough was enough and gave birth to this viral Reddit thread where people shared the modern parenting advice that really grinds their gears!

Toy rotation

Unsplash | Sandy Millar

This is when you divide your children's toys and only put out a few at a time.

Unfortunately, as one Redditor pointed out, this advice usually comes from someone who lives in a modern house with lots of closet space. Most moms don't have the room to hide toys.

Social media influencers and parenting book authors acting like they have the "answer to parenting"

"No, they don't have THE answer, they have AN answer. What works for one kid may not work for another, even in the same family. You can pick and choose to get the best out of and for your kid." - u/MelMickel84

To not react at all when your kid does something that hurts you

This approach only works for someone who's not human!

Expressing pain is not the same as yelling or shaming the kid for hurting you, one mom wrote. They also don't see how pretending it doesn't hurt helps anyone in the long run.

Sleeping when the baby sleeps

Unsplash | Vladislav Muslakov

"What human can fall asleep in 20 seconds and nap for 30 mins every 2 hours? None. Just babies. So stop." - u/miss____murder. This is also pretty much impossible when you have multiple children.

To enjoy playing with your kids while they're young and not to worry about the housework that has to get done

This is definitely a sunshine and rainbows approach. It doesn't take into account how housework is essential to parenting.

This Redditor wrote that the dishes and the laundry have to get done if the kids are going to have later meals on the tableand clothes to play in.

That pacifiers are bad and that it's better for children to learn to "self-soothe"

"God how stupid was I for listening to that for the first couple weeks. In hindsight those same family members had kids that sucked on their thumbs until they were like 5 years old. Also pacifiers are self-soothing anyways! Not to mention it helps prevents SIDS." - u/deleted

Zero screen time

This one's harsh! Kid shows are often educational and keep them out of trouble.

This mom wrote that her kids love Sesame Street and she needs the thirty minutes to recoup, and doesn't want to feel like garbage for this decision.

That everything we do as parents has some stupid name or is some program we’re meant to follow to a tee

Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

"You’re either doing BLW or purées. Doing TCB, Ferber, or nothing. Montessori or light up toys. Full on gender neutral everything or gender stereotyping your kids. Why can’t we just do a little of this, a little of that?" - u/bc1921

No purées

Unsplash | Gabrielle Henderson

This mom wrote that pouches rock. She's able to feed her child anywhere with them!

Another shared that we grow up to eat food in purée food anyways, such as soup, applesauce, and ice cream.

People saying, "just wait until ...."


"When I was pregnant with my first, I swear this was every other sentence out of people's mouths. Just wait til the baby arrives, THEN you'll be tired! Yea, because pregnancy induced insomnia is totally restful. I almost committed felonies, I swear." - u/gregarioustts

The thought that too many colors overstimulate a child

Unsplash | Senjuti Kundu

This includes toys in all different color or a child's room being painted something other than white or gray, one mom wrote. Kids can handle color and should even be allowed to pick the color of their room!

Gendered items and activities

Unsplash | Icons8 Team

"It really irks me that people avoid overtly feminine stuff for any kids because what sort of message does that send? Why is the standard “gender neutral” so masculine leaning?" - u/square--one

The idea that kids' toys belong in a separate “play space”

While this mom doesn't want every toy dumped on her living room floor, she does want her kids close to her as they're playing as it's their house, too.

That a change in a child's routine will ruin everything


"I saw a lot of that during holidays, OMG MY MIL LET MY KID AWAKE 2H PAST BEDTIME. I know it sucks messing that up, all your hard work sleep training and next day or two will be mayhem readjusting, but it's literally one day a year, it's fine, you'll be ok, kid won't have brain damage, it's all good." - u/TSN_88

Making fancy bento boxes for lunch

Many moms on TikTok have gone viral for making extravagant lunches that use only using natural sugars and coloring.

This Redditor argues against it. All that matters is she makes her three kids a healthy lunch every day.

Gentle parenting

Unsplash | Charles Deluvio

"I think parenting advice often relies on the idea that one size fits all for every child. But children are just tiny people. We know adults have different motivations and strengths, so surely they could recognise that children are also individuals who respond in their own way?" -u/ButtweyBiscuitBass

The advice that toddlers should only drink from an open cup, not a sippy cup.

One mom tried this for a while, but it didn't work out. Her child loved to make the drink spill!

After many messes, she finally had a lightbulb moment where she realized, "This is why people don't do this."

People saying, “Don’t worry about it they get sick all the time" and “They are stronger than you think."

Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

"Yeah okay I still am the one that’s gotta deal with all the runny noses, fevers and general discomfort so yeah I’m gonna worry." - u/Alexd203

To never yell at your kid

"I try to not yell at my kids EXCEPT when it comes to danger. That’s the exception and I don’t feel bad about it in the least bit since it stops them in their tracks and prevents something bad from happening." - u/Mysterious-Cat-3095

H/T: Reddit