20 People Who Are Clutching To The Frayed End Of Their Rope

The world can be a bit of a stressful place from time to time. I mean, have you ever had to ring literally anyone in an official capacity...why do I forget how to talk like a normal person when I am on the phone? Christ!

Anyway, that strangely specific problem aside, please enjoy these 20 people who are clutching to the frayed end of their rope.

"When I've had enough, the store is closed..."

The person who owns and operates this museum is living the absolute dream. I do not know anyone who wouldn't want this to be their work schedule! Imagine if just "having enough" was a valid excuse for leaving work.

"Having a cone collar fitted at the vet was bad enough, then my dog had to come home to the cat."

This dog looks as though it has just completely resigned itself to its fate. There is not a shred of joie de vivre left in that dog's brain.

The Temptation To Play Chopsticks Very Enthusiastically Is Hard To Ignore!

I cannot work out just how sarcastic the "THANKS A LOT!" message is. The people who work here must experience Vietnam-esque flashbacks whenever someone starts to whistle Heart and Soul.

"How nice of them!"

I love the idea of a building manager finding these treats and just thinking, "So, you wanna do something nice for me, eh? Well, I'll show you what we think of people being nice around here!"

This Family's Mother Is Not Taking Any Prisoners!

Even if they do start making sure that they leave the bathroom in a better state, I would still think about buying a replacement toothbrush just in case. It never hurts to have a spare anyway!

That Is Not A Very Good Sign...

"I had a cleanser leak in my sink. A couple days later I came across this… don’t know where the spider is now, but I can only assume she’s angry and a superhero now," explained the traumatised person who posted this.

"The mirror in my hotel bathroom has an anti-fog section. Unfortunately, I'm 5'2"."

At least they will be able to just about see their hair for when they're styling it! Also, why didn't they just make the whole mirror anti-fog?

"One way of showing you're definitely not struggling through the hangover."

When asked why they had a mask like this simply lying about the place, this person went on to add, "[It's the] remainder of a Bananas in pyjamas costume!"

They'll Never Stop Adding To It...

"That Guy Who Removed The Graffiti of That Guy Who Removed The Graffiti of That Guy Who Removed The Graffiti of That Guy Who Removed The Graffiti HAS HAD ENOUGH," wrote the individual who posted this.

"8+ hours fasting before a procedure and they playing Food Network in the waiting room."

Wow, how amazingly cruel of them! I wonder if this was an unfortunate accident or if the nurses who work here just relish the chance to torture their patients?

"I guess that I will be living unhealthily then!"

Ah, don't you just hate it when your country cancels its subscription to the health living package? Time for you to be living on McDonald's and fry-ups...which will be enjoyable for a short while at least.

"I work for a scooter company, and need to retrieve this one in order to proceed with my route..."

That dog is clearly a big fan of that scooter to have parked it there. You never know though, he may let it go without a struggle...I wouldn't like to test that theory though.

At Least They Are Being Honest About It...

I wonder if this sign actually managed to get them any interest? Also, what is it with giving something a name like "Vixens" and then trying to call it a "Gentleman's Club"? Those two have very different vibes!

"Don’t wash a blanket with a fitted sheet. Still suffering from PTSD from the sound."

Jesus wept, that looks as though this washing machine was trying to take off! Even if it wasn't broken, I think that it is time for this person to look for a new washing machine!

"I think someone has had enough for one evening!"

There surely has to be a "dog walks into a bar..." type joke to be made here. Even if this bartender cut this furry fella off now, he'll still be feeling woof in the morning. Apologies.

"Sign at a local burger king that closed recently."

This alternate title for Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn would really have changed the overall tone of the novel. Doesn't matter what you call that book though, it's still going to be...actually, what's the point of firing shots here, just enjoy the meme.

"This local liquor store has clearly had enough."

How much money have people had to handle from said "unsanitary" locations up to this point? I would still keep a pair of rubber gloves by the checkout if I were them.

"I think this landlord has been pushed to their limit."

I can just imagine the building where this sign is erected being littered with garbage and rats. With that in mind, maybe this sign is not unnecessarily harsh after all.

"This plumber's rates..."

I don't know anyone who doesn't try to at least blindly fumble their way through a plumbing fix before calling in a professional. So, don't feel too bad about being stung with that $200 extra charge!

You've Got To Keep Him Inside Any Way That You Can!

That dog looks as though he is trying to figure out how to escape with the spoon attached. However, few dogs ever manage to defeat their arch nemesis...the wooden spoon.

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