
Falling Asleep During ‘Golden Hour’ Can Increase Life Expectancy, Study Finds

We all want to try and make sure that we get the best possible quality of sleep that we can. Due to this fact, there is a lot of research done into how to improve your quality of sleep so that you feel the best health benefits of sleeping.

However, one recent study has claimed that the time at which you fall asleep could be a massive factor in your long-term health.

The study termed the perfect time to fall asleep as the "golden hour."

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The "golden hour" during which you should ideally be falling asleep is between 10pm and 11pm.

The study found evidence of many potential health benefits to falling asleep at this hour.

Primarily, the study found that falling asleep during the golden hour improves your heart health.

Unsplash | Ryan 'O' Niel

Director of sleep medicine at Staten Island University Hospital in New York, Dr. Thomas Kilkenny, said of the study:

"This report [shows that] timing of sleep onset also can be a contributor to good cardiovascular health and that, if you go to sleep too early or too late, it adversely increases cardiovascular risks," in an interview with Healthline.

Despite the study's incredible findings, the causation behind the results has not yet been uncovered.

The study tracked participants for over 5 years, monitoring their heart health and sleep schedules.

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Over 88,000 people were involved in the study between the ages of 43 to 79.

The study found that there was a 25% increased risk of cardiovascular disease present in people who fell asleep at midnight or later compared to those who fell asleep during the "golden hour."

A 24% increased risk of cardiovascular disease was also noted amongst those who fell asleep prior to 10pm.

Those who fell asleep between 11pm and midnight showed a 12% increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Some doctors have noted that the study highlights the importance of sticking to a sleep cycle.

Unsplash | Mpho Mojapelo

Dr. David Plans, who was associated with the study, also told Healthline: "Our study indicates that the optimum time to go to sleep is at a specific point in the body’s 24-hour cycle and deviations may be detrimental to health [...]

"The body has a 24-hour internal clock, called circadian rhythm, that helps regulate physical and mental functioning. While we cannot conclude causation from our study, the results suggest that early or late bedtimes may be more likely to disrupt the body clock with adverse consequences for cardiovascular health."

Trying to get yourself into a rhythm of sleeping during the "golden hour" could therefore help you to live longer.

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However, falling asleep at a set time can be easier said than done for some.

Some tips to try and get yourself into a better sleeping rhythm may include the likes of, getting enough physical exercise during the daylight, avoiding screens for an hour prior to bedtime, sticking to a rigid sleep routine, and not eating or drinking an hour before getting into bed.

h/t: Healthline

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