Man Gets Worker Back For Refusing To Swap Out Sugary Drink For Diabetic GF

We don't tend tend to notice or remember most of the people we come across in a given day, but some can really stand out even if we never actually learn who they are.

And while I'll always remember the woman who helped me after I sprained my ankle getting off the bus when nobody else cared, the unfortunate reality is that most of the randos who stick out in our minds have negative reasons for this.

So when we hear about folks getting some sly revenge on the jerks they happened to meet that day, it never fails to satisfy us.

And sure, most of these cases don't matter in the grand scheme of things. But sometimes, they can speak to a problem with serious implications for who don't get their necessarily specific orders taken seriously.

When one man and his fiancée went out to the movies, they ordered one regular soda and one sugar free one.

As he explained in a Reddit post, this is important because she's a type 1 diabetic so it's possible for the wrong kind to put her in a coma.

This meant that when the employee taking their order set the drinks down, the man wasn't too impressed when the worker shrugged after he asked which one was which.

And he was even less impressed when he discovered that neither of them were sugar free.

But the real problems didn't start until he asked the employee to replace one of them for a sugar free drink.

However, he refused and said that he wasn't allowed to do that once a drink had already been poured, which the man knew for a fact wasn't true for reasons he'd soon reveal.

Nonetheless and despite the fact that the man was making this request due to a medical issue, the employee kept arguing the same point anyway and shouted that he didn't have time to change it out.

To this, the man asked "You're new here, aren't you?"

With that, he produced his employee discount card and revealed that he was actually one of the supervisors who happened to have that week off.

Once that became clear, he asked one last time for the employee to swap the drink out and said they'd discuss their interaction later.

As he put it, "Dude was as white as a sheet but got the new drink."

A few days later, the employee found himself in a disciplinary meeting for failing to follow policies and giving poor customer service.

And while these infractions would normally warrant a warning, he was actually fired for trying to make a customer accept a drink that would be dangerous for her.

If that wasn't enough, the now former employee's girlfriend had gotten him the job, so his actions angered her as well. And since he spent the following weeks complaining and trying to figure out how to sue the movie theater instead of looking for another job, she ended up dumping him.

In the man's words, "Guessing he had a lot more free time on his hands after that."

h/t: Reddit | Matteblack88

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