Turn Pumpkin Pails From The Dollar Store Into An Easy Fall Planter

Fall is here, and do you know what that means? It's time to break out our glue guns so we can do ALL the fall crafts. One TikTok user recently shared an easy way to make a stunning fall planter. Her secret? Using plastic pumpkin pails from the dollar store!

Let's take a look at this easy and inexpensive DIY.

You're going to need a few supplies for this one.

Luckily, it's all inexpensive and most can be found at the dollar store! You'll need some pumpkin candy buckets, hot glue, twine, chalk paint, and regular gold paint. You'll also need a bouquet of your choice!

Let's get crafting.

Since this involves stacking, it's smart to weigh down the bottom pumpkin with some rocks. Balance is key here, people!

Hot glue each bucket together, and don't worry about being neat about it — we're going to cover the glue with twine!

Time for chalk paint.

Chalk paint is honestly a really good choice here — it's really full coverage, and it sticks well to plastic. If you want to make sure it doesn't scratch, I recommend sanding down the buckets a little to give the paint something to stick to.

Add some gold!

Heather used Folk Art gold paint, which you can find at Walmart. However, I would skip that paint, as it's super thin and takes a LOT of coats to build up. Opt for a metallic paint pen from Michael's instead.

Twine is up next.

We gotta give this a little farmhouse flair, you know? The twine neatly hides the glue and makes the whole thing look more polished. This is already looking great, tbh.

All done!

How cute is this? The fall florals really give it the spooky autumn vibe. I love that this is still spooky and fun while also being chic — that's the exact aesthetic I want in my house!

Some people wanted to know where the buckets came from.

Apparently, the buckets came from Walmart. I would also check your local dollar store, as well as some different craft stores — you're bound to find something that will work eventually!

This is such a cute idea.

Turning this craft into a girl's night project is such a fun idea! I would totally throw a little crafting party for Halloween. Jot that down on the "To-Do After the Pandemic is Over" list.

You can watch the whole DIY here.

Check out the process of creating this pumpkin planter, and get some ideas for how to make your own!

What color would you paint your planter? I'm gonna be honest, mine would totally be pink.