Instead Of Carving Pumpkins, People Are Using Power Drills To Create Elaborate Designs

I have to admit pumpkin carving is something new to me. We never used to do it in my family. However, two years ago, I convinced my fiancé to finally carve a pumpkin, and we loved it. Now we're totally into it.

However, this year there's a new fall trend taking over social media, and I can't wait to tell you all about it.

So let me ask you: are you one of those hard-core pumpkin carvers?

If you are, I applaud you, ha, ha! But hold on a minute, what if I told you there was something easier you could tackle this fall season?

Do I have your attention now?

Good! So I am talking about pumpkin drilling. Oh, yes, you read that right. Put away those carving tools and pick up your power drill if you have one. If not, borrow one from your neighbor.

So what is the difference between carving out pumpkins and drilling, you ask?

It's quite simple. When you drill a pumpkin, you can create a cool pattern with various drill bits. Aha! I get it now. And it looks pretty cool if you ask me.

Here's what you will need to create your own masterpiece.

Of course, you'll need a pumpkin, carving kit or serrated knife, toothpick or crafting awl, electric drill with bits in a few different sizes, pattern templates, and small LED lights.

You can actually get a few patterns online that can guide you in your endeavor.

Or you can create a pattern from scratch. The choice is entirely yours. One piece of advice I have for you is — just have fun!

Oh my goodness, somebody drilled a seahorse in their pumpkin.

That is so cool. I love it. I'm absolutely obsessed with seahorses and octopuses, so I did this very much. What a great concept, huh? This idea is so much fun.

And check this out.

Another clever person drilled out Tinkerbell with pixie dust. Awe! I bet if you have small children who love Disney, they will adore this cute pumpkin idea here. So put your creative juices to work, ha, ha!

Or you can stick to something simple like this.

Boo! It might look easy enough, but you still need the holes to look straight. So that might take some practice. Am I right? I have to admit this looks so spooktacular.

So are you into this new pumpkin drilling idea, or would you stick to the old-fashioned carving?

I have to see how it goes. We might end up mixing it up and doing both techniques. Or perhaps we'll just put that drill to work and come up with something very unique indeed.