
People Are Sharing The TV Shows Everyone Loves But They Can't Stand

We all have our unpopular opinions, some more unpopular than others. Though we can often be afraid to voice said opinions, worried about judgment from others, it has to come out somewhere.

Someone on Reddit asked what popular TV shows people couldn't stand, and responses flooded in. Here are only some, maybe you'll find a kindred spirit in here, someone who hates the same thing you do.

One broke show.

"I have a hard time believing that ANYONE thinks Two Broke Girls is funny. Like how does it even get made in the first place, let alone get into syndication."

Confession. I used to watch a lot of Two Broke Girls, but I blame it on me being just young enough where I couldn't recognize bad TV when I saw it.

Not friendly at all.

"Friends. I tried but I just genuinely don’t find it funny."

This was one of the genuinely unpopular comments, but there were still many who agreed. A small yet mighty group of those who stand against Friends!

Starting strong.

"Family Guy."

Someone in the replies felt the same, adding, "I can't tell if I used to like it because it used to be funny or if I used to like it because I was younger..."

Turning your brain off.

"The Bachelor/The Bachelorette."

Though the original commenter didn't add more, but someone else explained what they considered the show to be perfect for. "When I was applying for grad school programs I briefly got hooked on it. [...] After every [school] interview I was just so sick of being smart and wanted to empty out my brain with the peace of idiocy. The Bachelor was perfect for that."

A little exagerated.


"Right. I don’t understand how high school could be that dramatic," someone else concurred, as do I. I definitely didn't like high school, but it wasn't that crazy!

Following that...

"Any tv show where they have a cast of teenagers who act way too mature for their age. Riverdale/Legacies/13 Reasons Why/Pretty Little Liars/The Fosters etc etc. Feel like I'm watching a show about 30 year olds in 15-18 year old bodies."

All the character, gone.

"American Idol. It used to be like raw talent, now everyone's been training since they were 3 for the audition and fake as [expletive]. No real personality, it's all just a character they put together for the show. And the producers love it."

A lot of emotion here.

"Any and every 'hur dur we’re in Alaska' show on TV. They all seem incredibly staged. They’re filled with people who are either playing a character or must live in rural Alaska because they would be social outcasts in civilization. Every one of those reality shows have some stupid manufactured drama that simultaneously makes the protagonist look like a genius and a [expletive] idiot."

Hit or miss.

"[Saturday Night Live] - I don't find it funny at all."

Like many shows that revolve around skits, one person described it as such, "SNL is a mountain of [expletive] with the occasional gold nugget showing up [...]."

No 'super' in this 'superhero'.

"CW’s DC shows, mainly Batwoman. I honestly think that Batwoman is the most poorly, insultingly written shows I’ve ever seen."

This user spoke more on this, expanding it to other CW DC shows as well, "The shows were never 'good,' but in the early seasons I was at least entertained by The Flash and Supergirl. They've devolved to the point of being unwatchable. I'm convinced that they're saving money by never ever revising a script."

Lots of excellent points.

"Big Brother- I don’t know why but people love that show in my country(Nigeria) for just going there to enjoy luxury win prizes and be boring and immature on television. [...] to make it worse that show was meant for people that were poor or looking for opportunities to showcase their talents but instead it is filled with rich grown adults who just want to be verified on Instagram [...]."

All downhill.

"90 Day Fiance. I liked it at first, but now it's just filled with whiny, teen-esque drama that make me wonder why they don't just break it off immediately. I get money plays a factor, but for people like The Family Chantel and Stacey & Darcey, I can't help but wonder why they'd put themselves out there and be constantly in the line of drama."

A broad stroke.

"Any reality dating show."

A vague yet understandable statement. Though a few were already covered, I thought it'd be fair to acknowledge the people who hate all of those shows equally.

An even broader stroke.

Okay, turns out people hate more than just reality dating.

"Literally any reality show," one person wrote." Even things that I might be moderately interested in have this stupid drama injected in where I'm supposed to care about these people's problems. Like damn, just drive the truck on the ice road and stop complaining."

Just afraid.

"The Naked and Afraid shows. Awkward to watch and pointless. Hiking can be fun and people would love to watch and learn. But naked? Naked? I don't think there are that many people who do this IRL."

Not many, but enough to keep the show going, it seems.

That's one long show.

"Grey's Anatomy, how was that going for like 12 seasons? (That may be exaggerating I don't remember the exact number of seasons), yeah let's watch them perform surgery for the hundredth time!"

The fact that this person thought 12 season was an exaggeration is hilarious when you learn there's actually 17. Seventeen seasons of Grey's Anatomy.

And that's what you missed on...

"Glee," wrote one simple comment.

Another went in a little deeper to explain one reason they didn't enjoy it, "[...] it flip flopped between being self-aware and ironic and being completely tone deaf and self important with zero irony or self-awareness very unartfully."


"The Masked Singer. I'm actually insulted, as a human being, that other human beings willingly choose to watch this steaming pile of [expletive]."

This is another one I agree with. They make great costumes though, I'll give them that.

A list of issues.

"Big Bang Theory. I’m a geek, I have an autistic adult son but I can’t relate to any character or like anything I’ve ever heard on that show. Autism being a punchline bugged my son when he saw an episode, he said people laughing at it doesn’t make them understand it and treat people better who have it."

More mild. Civil, even.

"The Walking Dead. I just don't get the appeal at all."

"TWD is my favorite show, and even I agree with you. I still watch it because I'm invested in it, but it's only actually good for the first five seasons or so."