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Flip Flop Flower Pots Are Walking Their Way Into Gardeners' Hearts

Planters with legs have been popping up all over the internet, and we're not sure whether we should be in love, or terrified. This most recent planter rendition sways (thankfully) a bit closer to the cute side; with little plastic flip flop feet poking out the bottom of flower pots.

These unusual flip flop flower pots were spotted at Walmart.

Allen_Warren | Reddit

Found by an (admittedly startled) Walmart patron, merchandiser Sylvanas610 was caught a bit off guard when unwrapping the day's merchandise. Responding to the patron's photo, she said, "I merchandise flowers for Walmart. I knew we had a shipment today but I never could have expected that. Yup nope gonna have to quit."

The summery planters apparently didn't sell that well.

Marked with red tags and set at a reduced price, the unusual planters, unfortunately, didn't sell as well as Walmart was hoping. Their short-lived cycle caused Walmart to remove them from their merchandise catalog, and now the planters can only be found at thrift stores and private vendors.

Now they only show themselves at flea markets and thrift stores!

Not that this should dissuade you from buying your own if you stumble upon one! The planters now keep a low profile, walking their way from thrift store to flea market, waiting to stumble upon a willing buyer. So keep your eyes peeled!

What do you think of the unique flower pots?

What do you think, would you like one for your porch or patio? I have to admit I kind of want one... Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!