Christmas is a time for family, love, and togetherness, but for one 19-year-old, it’s also a time for standing up to his parents’ favoritism. His 17-year-old sister, Bree, is the apple of their eye, and they spoil her rotten. Now, our protagonist is putting his foot down and refusing to go home for Christmas unless he gets a gift too. But is he being petty or is there more to this holiday drama?
The Spoiled Sister ️
The Low-Stress Christmas Plan
The Twist: Bree’s Exception
Mom’s Excuse: ‘Bree is Different’
The Unfair Favoritism Uncovered
The Ultimatum: A Gift or No Christmas ✊
Parents’ Disapproval: ‘Childish’ and ‘Entitled’ ♂️
Housemates Weigh In: ‘Grow Up’ ️
The Real Issue: Favoritism
Questioning Himself
The Battle of the Christmas Gifts
Our 19-year-old protagonist is fed up with his parents’ favoritism towards his bratty sister, Bree. After agreeing to a ‘low-stress’ Christmas with no gifts, he discovers that Bree is still getting showered with presents. He’s now refusing to go home for Christmas unless he gets a gift too, but his parents and housemates think he’s being childish and entitled. Is he in the right, or should he just let it go? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this festive family feud…
NTA. Parents favor sister. Consider low to no contact for well-being.
NTA for refusing to go home for Christmas over unfair treatment
Suggests a book on Golden Child syndrome and Christmas coping tips.
Parents spoil daughter, 19-year-old not wrong for wanting fairness
NTA- WTactualF. Commenters agree that Bree’s behavior is bratty and childish.
NTA for wanting equal treatment from parents during holidays
Sibling rivalry at Christmas. NTA wants fair treatment.
A 19-year-old refuses to go home for Christmas without a gift
NTA. Bree is the Golden Child. A 17-year-old shouldn’t need coddling.
Sibling refuses to buy gift for baby sister, gets support.
Skipping Christmas may be the best gift for you
Communication is key. Don’t settle for less than you deserve
17-year-old not a baby, NTA saves Christmas drama
Commenter sympathizes with 19-year-old and criticizes parents’ parenting skills.
Brother understands but parents won’t change. Choose battles wisely
Sibling favoritism and entitlement. NTA for calling it out
Standing up to entitled sibling and parents, NTA
Supportive comment, encouraging new friendships
Calling out favoritism Good for you, NTA!
Equal treatment for all during Christmas. Why the exception?
Sassy comment suggests clever solution to Christmas gift dilemma
Spending Christmas with family who don’t value you? NTA.
Choosing self-respect over gifts. NTA stands their ground.
NTA but sending a self-help book? That’s a gift in itself
You’re not the a**hole for wanting a fair Christmas.
Standing up for yourself during the holidays
Parents show gross favoritism, NTA wants no stress Christmas
Commenter defends OP’s decision and criticizes parents’ enabling behavior.
Parents prioritize spoiled sister, NTA deserves better ❤️
Commenter defends OP’s decision to not go home for Christmas
Family gift rules cause tension, NTA stands up for himself.
Spoiled daughter defended by commenter, sparking debate
Defending a 17-year-old, age is just a number
Skipping Christmas with unfair family. NTA for standing up.
Straight to the point. No-nonsense NTA comment
Possible explanation for sister’s golden child behavior
Not the a**hole for wanting a gift on Christmas
Sibling rivalry over Christmas gifts sparks heated debate
Skipping Christmas for gift demand? NTA, but maybe compromise.
Sibling rivalry over Christmas gifts, NTA for standing up.
Commenter defends 19-year-old’s decision to skip Christmas with selfish family.
Sibling solidarity against entitled teenage behavior
Commenter questions family’s motives for guilt-tripping son at Christmas
Parents calling their 17-year-old a baby? NTA for being upset
Spoiled sister with Down’s Syndrome receives excessive gifts every Christmas. NTA.
Fairness matters. Either everyone gets a gift or no one.
Parent refuses to shower favorite child in gifts
Sister drama? Get the gift or skip Christmas
Fairness matters: No gifts rule should apply to everyone.
Enabling entitlement? NTA refuses to play favorites this Christmas
Christmas morning with Bree: a bizarre one-woman show
Parents play favorites, commenter not the a****e.
Teen refuses to go home for Christmas without gift
Protecting yourself from family bias, NTA
Commenter questions parents’ parenting skills.
Fair gift-giving practices prevent favoritism and family conflict. NTA.
Equal treatment for siblings during Christmas gift-giving.
Deserving of presents at 19? This NTA thinks so
Sibling drama: commenter agrees sister is selfish for gift demand
Fair gift-giving rule, but attitude shows favoritism. NTA.
17-year-old sister expects gifts, commenter says NTA
Commenter criticizes parents and predicts future for family.
Sarcastic reply to a childish demand for Christmas gifts ♂️
Validating NTA comment on unequal Christmas gifts, suggests calm conversation.
Commenter questions parenting skills with a touch of sarcasm.
Suggests gifting a book about toxic family dynamics this Christmas
Choosing Bree over family? NTA stands his ground for Christmas
Teaching the joy of giving and generosity is important
Equal treatment for kids during Christmas is a must
Celebrate Christmas with family, not sister’s demands. NTA
Equal treatment for children is important. NTA comment stands out.
Standing up against favoritism, NTA comment wins hearts ❤
Learning to set boundaries with family during the holidays
Stand up for yourself, but don’t demand gifts
Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team