13 Pictures That Need A Second Look

Have you ever seen something so weird that it makes you do a double-take? Ever wish you had longer to explain to your brain what you were seeing? We're giving you that chance now. These pictures are so bizarre that it truly takes a second look just to figure out what's happening. And you've got all the time in the world to look them over.

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1. Sea foam covers everything after a storm.

reddit | StuFX

2. It almost looks like a giant tree, but it's actually 1.5 million balloons being released in downtown Cleveland.

Imgur | Imgur

3. This is what happens when you have a water leak in the basement of a non-winterized home. That's 5 feet of ice.

reddit | dguisltl

4. When mold goes crazy.

reddit | ashleysix

5. What you come home to when your neighbour is a "cat person."

reddit | Ipad207

6. There are exactly 1550 chairs stacked between these two buildings. Unfortunately, this art installation is now a parking lot.

reddit | Loecxi

7. Those zig-zagging lines? Those are stitches in the eye following a cornea transplant.

reddit | Philawesomeraptor

8. Think you're a hoarder? We bet this person has got you beat.

reddit | iseeyoustandingthere

9. A woman's new dress had an odd smell and a weird bump — she discovered a dead mouse sewn inside.

Elite Daily | Elite Daily

10. Really want a trampoline, but you live in an apartment? Don't let that stop you. This is the definition of unsafe.

reddit | willdogs

11. Cleanliness is everything — even during a rising flood.

reddit | TheCannon

12. I feel like there's a story here . . .

reddit | crumbbelly

13. "Because I can. That's why."

reddit | reddit