24 Innovators Hilariously Thinking Outside Of The Box

What do the people in this article have in common with Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Steve Jobs? They're all the innovators of their generation. The only difference is that instead of developing world-changing inventions, these folks created some hacks that make life only slightly easier. But at least they're entertaining.

1. If you can't afford to purchase seats close to the field, you can still convince your friends that you did. 

Reddit | rp2012-blackthisout

Just bring a pair of binoculars to act as a zoom lens for your camera.

2. This kid is definitely going places. 

Imgur | OctopussSevenTwo

Rumor has it that he already has offers from all the top law schools so that when he grows up, he can find loopholes like this for a living. This was definitely me as a kid.

3. This guy wasn't able to make it to the party, so his friends used some clothes and an iPad to make the next best thing. 

Reddit | jaydunlop

This is exactly what I feel like after a really good nap. Hopefully they didn't forget to plug him in.

4. If you start losing your hair, sure you could be embarrassed about it and wear a hat. 

Reddit | BreakYourselfFool

Or you could just own it like this guy did and get an amazing tattoo.

5. What they don't know won't hurt them. 

Reddit | BMFC

Parents are constantly proving that they are the real geniuses.

This guy's kids will be in bed long before midnight, but none will be the wiser.

6. Don't you hate it when you're cooking breakfast and the grease splashes up and burns your hand?


Well thanks to this genius, that doesn't have to happen anymore. Just cut the end off of a two-liter bottle and use it as a shield.

7. Is the spinning device for your disco ball broken? I guess it's time to shut down the party and tell everyone to go home.

Reddit | Basxt

Or...you could use a little ingenuity, grab a drill and zip tie, and keep the night going.

8. They say millennials are the laziest generation, but they are actually just master innovators. 

Twitter | @JustinHillster

Every second is precious, and we don't have time to sit around and watch water boil when we could be watching Netflix.

9. I would happily vote for this person if this was their campaign platform.

Twitter | @scritt_

Someone get this person a Noble Prize for this truly game-changing innovation. It's often the simple things that are the most brilliant.

10. Fun fact: you don't have to admit your mistakes. 

Reddit | connexionwithal

If you accidentally put a hole in your wall and don't want to fix it, just put a frame around it and turn it into a work of art.

11. Don't have a selfie stick? No worries.

Reddit | chongas

This kid has you covered. Just grab a trash scooper and set the timer on your phone. You'll get the perfect selfie in no time.

12. This couple that just ended the oldest problem in history.

Twitter | @xxgisellxx

If you're one of those people that can never decide where to eat, this will change your life. I don't know what I'm going to do with all my newfound free time.

13. This is one of the best slogans I've ever seen. I would probably buy property from this guy just because of his creativity.

Reddit | thehardy

With a dad pun like this, there's a zero percent chance that this guy doesn't have children.

14. Don't let a little rain ruin your day. Just grab a folding chair and you'll be all set.

Reddit | harris0n11

Something tells me that this guy used to be a professional wrestler.

15. This proves it: Lazy people are the best innovators. 

Imgur | Imgur

Only a truly lazy person could come up with something this smart because lazy people will think of anything to get around doing actual work.

16. Work smarter, not harder. 

Reddit | FameMoon17

This guy was able to fill four watering cans with the same effort that it normally takes to fill one. Now if only I could figure out a way to make my day job this easy.

17. I'm not sure if this is genius or excessive, but either way I'm impressed.

Imgur | Imgur

To be honest, my soup would have been ice cold by the time I thought of and built this device.

18. This family that should probably patent this invention because it is brilliant.

Twitter | @savelexi

This is a million dollar idea.

There's truly nothing worse than taking a big bite out of an empanada only to find out it's filled with something you didn't expect.

19. This billboard doesn't list any of his skills or past employment experience, so I'm not exactly sure what it proves, but I would probably hire him. 

Reddit | ClashOfTheEnder

At the very least, he could have a future as a billboard designer.

20. Sometimes, the best solution to a difficult problem is a lot simpler than you think.

Instagram | @bikybikyuk

What a fun and smart way to stop your kid from ruining your walls without stifling their creativity! This picture is the definition of a win-win situation.

21. Pshhh... You're still drinking juice boxes individually? 

Reddit | Jaketh

Ain't nobody got time for that. Do what this girl did and use six straws at once to save time and maximize your thirst quenching powers.

22. This is probably the world's most expensive butter dish. I'm going to be extremely disappointed if this isn't apple butter.

Reddit | esteigs99

Hopefully they don't forget to download the new iOS update.

23. Like the disco ball picture from earlier, drills come in handy for all sorts of things.   

Reddit | trifecta13

For instance, if you're baking a cake and don't have a mixer available you can just whip up a solution with a wooden spoon!

24. This woman is a true innovator. 

Reddit | mspollard

She forgot to bring her sleeping mask but didn't let that stop her from getting her beauty sleep. I think I'm going to start growing my hair out so that I can do this.

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