Imagine turning 18 and looking forward to a low-key birthday party with your closest friends, only to have your parents hijack the event and turn it into a party for themselves and their friends. That’s exactly what happened to one young woman, who decided to take matters into her own hands. The birthday girl and her friends came up with a plan to escape the unwanted party and enjoy the night they had originally planned.
The Original Plan

A Simple Wish

Parents’ Party Takeover

Standing Her Ground

Parents’ Stubbornness

The Great Escape Plan

Executing the Plan ♀️

A Night to Remember

Parents’ Fury

Standing Up for Herself ️

The Show-offy Game

Mom’s Anger

Punishment Time ⏰

Birthday Girl’s Daring Escape
Tired of her parents’ insistence on turning her 18th birthday party into a gathering for their friends, our birthday girl and her friends devised a plan to escape the unwanted event. The girls enjoyed a perfect night out, just as they had originally planned, but the birthday girl faced her parents’ fury when she returned home. Despite being punished and accused of embarrassing her parents, she stood her ground, pointing out that she had repeatedly told them she didn’t want that kind of party. Now the question remains: was she in the wrong for ditching her own party? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA. Parents care more about impressing friends than daughter’s feelings

Parent takes away physical activity as punishment? Not cool.

Legal rights of 18-year-olds discussed in birthday party hijack.

Parent learns to listen to child’s wishes for birthday party

Commenter calls out parents as selfish a**holes with narcissistic tendencies.
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Turning off phone isn’t poor behavior. Parents overreacted. NTA.

Parents hijack 18th birthday party for their own friends. NTA.

Compromise not an option, parents dismiss OP’s birthday wishes. ESH

Parents hijack daughter’s birthday party, commenter says NTA.

ESH. Commenter suggests finding a compromise, but replies disagree.

ESH, OP could have handled it better ♀️

Parents hijack daughter’s birthday party, commenter says NTA.

Cultural differences in birthday celebrations spark interesting discussion

Commenter empathizes with OP’s narcissistic parents, NTA verdict.

Parents hijack birthday party? NTA. It’s YOUR day, not theirs

Debate on whether OP was an a****e for not attending party.

Commenter acknowledges ESH situation and emphasizes importance of compromise.

Commenter calls out immaturity in hijacked birthday party.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
ESH. Parents and daughter acted petty, damaged relationship.

Parent suggests throwing two parties for compromise. NTA

Commenter defends 18-year-old against overbearing parents. NTA.

Parents overreacted to daughter’s disappearance, but also ESH for lack of communication.

NTA, commenter shares personal story of overbearing parent at party.

Parents hijacked her party, but she should have told them. ESH

Glad friends supported NTA’s escape from hijacked birthday party

Parents hijack birthday party and try to punish adult daughter. NTA

Empathetic comment offers support to birthday party escapee

Ignoring her wishes was wrong, but safety concerns were valid

Déjà vu? Redditors feeling repetitive posts fatigue

Parents hijack birthday party, commenter suggests teaching moment for them

Parents hijack daughter’s birthday party, ESH for bailing last minute.
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NTA and blessed with great friends

Teen punished for not wanting birthday party, NTA, advice given

Commenter calls out phone shutoff in hijacked party, ESH.

18-year-old runs away from her own birthday party, parents and commenter all s**k

Toxic parenting leads to early no contact with parents.
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Commenter empathizes with 18-year-old and encourages independence

Standing up to parents on birthday, NTA. Ballsy move

Debate on whether parents s**k for hijacking 18th birthday party

ESH, but parents meant well

Compromising could have avoided the humiliation for both parties.

Commenter thinks everyone s***s here for not compromising
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Birthday party hijacked by parents, but friends help escape plan.

Newly 18 and already escaping parental hijacking. #NTA

A relatable story of birthday party drama with an ESH verdict.

Parents hijacked her party and ruined relationship with daughter. NTA

Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by Diply Social Team