10+ Things Celebrities Do To Make Themselves Appear Way Younger

Very few celebrities "Wake up like this." They understand that their face is the picture they present to the world. Therefore, they need to adhere to a strict regimen of beauty and self-care routines to keep looking youthful.

Below are 10+ rules celebrities follow to keep themselves looking as young as possible. If you think you've heard everything there is to hear on the topic of outlandish beauty techniques, I promise you — you're wrong.

David Beckham never forgets to cleanse and moisturize

The #1 rule of David's self-care regimen revolves around a simple but effective daily moisturizing routine. According to him, it takes him less than seven minutes to acheive his natural glow.

Jealous much? I know I am.

Reese Witherspoon practices yoga!

Not only does yoga help to keep Reese looking and feeling youthful, but it's also a great way to channel her stress into something positive and productive.

Reese is a member of an exclusive Hollywood yoga group known as The Vault.

Rob Lowe always makes sure to get plenty of sleep

Rob Lowe is one of those rare individuals who seems to be aging in reverse. Could he be a real-life Benjamin Button?!

According to Rob, there's no big secret — sleep is the key to everything.

Invest in your smile

George Clooney has been one of the most revered silver foxes in Hollywood for nearly 30 years, yet he remains as timeless as ever.

That's because George knows the importance of a bright smile and straight teeth.

Jada Pinkett Smith meditates.

Jada looks even better now than she did 20 years ago. The secret to her ageless success comes from a daily meditation routine.

Through cultivating inner peace, Jada is able to handle whatever stress is thrown her way.

Jennifer Aniston always makes sure to drink plenty of water.

It's as simple as that. One of the most important aspects of Jen's anti-aging routine is making sure that she always stays properly hydrated.

That means drinking upwards of 100 ounces a day!

Jessica Alba believes that maintaining an active lifestyle is what keeps her looking so young.

Jessica loves taking group classes and is a big fan of high-intensity workouts. She does everything from hot yoga classes to weight training in order to help keep herself strong.

Halle Berry understands the power of self care.

According to Halle, the secret to her freakishly youthful-looking skin is available in an over-the-counter facial scrub!

Halle applies a deep peel and always ensures to put on a sleep mask as well for added moisture.

Julia Roberts never underestimates the power of baking soda.

Speaking of beautiful smiles, Julia Roberts goes the extra mile to maintain her youthful pearly whites.

She always brushes her teeth with baking soda. Supposedly, her grandfather did the same thing and he never had a cavity in his life!

Jennifer Lopez always sleeps on her back!

It might sound strange but there's a method to the madness! J Lo sleeps on her back, with an army of pillow on either side, in order to avoid wrinkling.

By not displacing any weight, it helps her skin to stay tight and youthful.

Cameron Diaz says that you should never smoke.

Or if you happen to be a smoker, like she was, to quit as soon as you possibly can. Cameron admitted in her book that picking up smoking is one of her biggest regrets.

Gwyneth Paltrow wants you to put an egg inside your vagina.

The 'Jade Egg' is available for purchase through Gwenyth's Goop website. Supposedly, it's designed to help strengthen your pelvic floor through a series of kegel exercises.

It's important to note that these claims are unsubstantiated — it also costs over $100.

Preparation-H isn't just for hemorrhoids, according to Sandra Bullock.

This is actually one of the oldest beauty secrets in the book. I remember both my mother and Nana doing this in the house when I was still a kid.

Sandra always makes sure to use a little dab in the corner of her eyes, to avoid wrinkles and crow's feet.

Hailey Baldwin always applies a blood-facial before bed!

They say that prevention is the first step toward warding off wrinkles. But Hailey's routine is slipping from the sublime into the category of being down-right creepy!

Hailey has a doctor draw blood from her arm, spin it in a machine (so as to separate the plasma), and then infuses it into a skin moisturizer.

Angelina Jolie always says "yes" to caviar.

One of the things that Angelina swears by is a skin lotion infused with caviar. That's right — fish eggs. It doesn't come cheap, either. A single bottle of Angelina's secret stuff will run you upwards of $800 USD.