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10+ Interesting Things Fans Didn't Know About Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is a name that everyone knows, whether you like her movies or not.

She started out as an actress, with roles in Dark Angel, Honey, Good Luck Chuck, and the first two Fantastic Four films.

But she's also a successful business owner thanks to her billionaire-dollar business.

Curious to learn more? Here are 10+ things fans might not know about the star.

1. She met her husband the set of *Fantastic Four*:

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She starred in the film as Sue Storm, while Cash was working as a production assistant.

She told Cosmopolitan in 2010 that she felt an "instant attraction" with him. How freaking sweet!

This meant calling her best friend ASAP.

"Right after I met [Cash], I called my best friend and was like, 'I met this guy and I feel like I've known him forever and I'm going to know him for the rest of my life,'" she said.

2. They have three kids together:

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Jessica and Cash have their hands full with three little ones: Honor, 12, Haven, 7, and Hayes, 2 (they've got a thing for 'H' names).

You can often find Jessica dancing with her kids on TikTok.

3. She had her first big break at 13:

Hollywood Pictures

In case you didn't know, this was the film Camp Nowhere.

From there, she worked on The Secret World of Alex Mack and other Nickelodeon shows. Her next big movie role was Never Been Kissed in 1999.

4. She was really sick as a child:

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She had chronic asthma and allergies, which often caused trips to the hospital.

This was actually the reason she wanted to play superheroes in movies. “As a sick kid, I wanted to have superpowers,” she said.

5. She's a great cook:

It's something she prides herself on, she told Us Weekly. "I can whip together an amazing meal in 20 minutes using whatever’s in the fridge."

Her favorite meal to make? "A giant holiday roast situations with a bunch of killer sides."

6. She broke her tooth while filming *Good Luck Chuck*:

She can blame a "comedy make-out session” for that!

She explained on Live! With Kelly that she and Dane were “really funning, and we were slamming against walls, back and forth, and I slammed my mouth…”

7. She spent her first big paycheck on a pair of Dr. Martens:


"I was 12 and my mom thought my feet were still growing, so she made me get them two sizes too big. And they only had brown. I looked like a clown," she said.

8. She's not afraid of aging:

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"My advice to anyone struggling with [finding themselves] is: turn 30 or have a kid. Both those things really helped me. I think it's true that you get better with age," she told Shape magazine.

"I think in my 40s I'm gonna be really dope. I'm really looking forward to that."

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She continued:

"Because you hope that you're not kind of going backward in life and that you're always learning and getting better."

9. She has a brother:

Yep, and he's just as gorgeous as she is. He's even an actor, too!

Joshua Alba appeared as Krit on Dark Angel and then he was in Alpha Dog with Justin Timberlake. He's not acting much these days, though.

10. She had her first kiss at seven:

His name was Ross and she told Seventeen that she only did so "he would pick me on our neighborhood baseball team."

But in the end, he never did. Um, jerk!

11. She won an acting competition at 11:

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She had persuaded her mom to take her to the acting competition in Beverly Hills.

The prize was free acting classes, which clearly paid off since she signed with her first agent nine months later.

12. You won't find her acting much these days:

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"I did a role in Ted Melfi's movie El Camino Christmas, but unless I was in control, [going back] would feel weird," she told Good Housekeeping.

"If I could develop a film or a series for Netflix, that would be cool."

13. Her idea for her Honest company was initially rejected:

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It was her current co-founder and CPO, Christopher Gavigan, who turned her down. He simply wasn't interested in the idea.

But after he became a parent, she tried again.

14. This time, her idea was more fine-tuned.

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“No just means they didn’t get it today,” Alba said at the Forbes 30 Under 30 Summit. “But they may get it tomorrow.”

These are definitely words to live by! Keep them in mind!

15. She started the Honest Company for her kids:

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After having her first child at 26, Jessica began investigating just how dangerous household cleaners really were.

"I wondered, What are phthalates and endocrine disruptors? And what are they going to do to my child over time?" she told Good Housekeeping.

After trying some green brands and not seeing good results, she decided to launch the Honest Company.

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It's a good thing she did since the company is now worth $1 billion and they have more than 100 products and 400 employees.

They even launched Honest Beauty, a beauty line, in 2015.