Who else loves browsing thrift stores? Raise your hand, please. I’m often amazed at what can be found there if you look hard and long enough.
Sometimes things end up there because they’re no longer appreciated. Other times, somebody might pass away and stuff gets donated.
Whatever the case I don’t have to tell you twice that there are gems to be found at thrift stores such as these.
1. A Great Find for $6.99

This is one of those unique gems I was talking about. It would probably cost a bundle if it wasn’t at a thrift store.
2. Don’t Mess With This Kitty

And you thought the Night King was going to end us all, well, you were wrong. Apparently, this kitty is even more dangerous.
3. Creative Art For $2.99

Just when you thought you found a cool new art for your wall you look again and see what it really means. I love it!
4. When You Need Big Bird In Your Life

I honestly don’t know how I would feel waking up next to this but I’m sure someone can appreciate it.
5. Wipe Your B**t In Style

Because we all want to be a queen when we sit on our iron throne, eh? Your wiping papers, m’lady. Ha ha ha.
6. A Halloween Treat?

Who else thinks this would be perfect to display for Halloween? All you need is some fake eyeballs to store in it. Really creepy!
7. A Thoughtful Gift?

I have a few relatives that are nurses so maybe they would appreciate if I gave one of them this? What do you think? Hmm, no!
8. Make A Wish

If any of you remember the ’80s movie Big you’ll definitely appreciate this. I can’t believe this actually exists. This is so cool. I want it.
9. An Oversized Ego

Ladies and gentleman, Elvis has left the building. Um, no because unless you own a mansion where could you possibly fit this? The lawn?
10. Pop Art Attack

I guess someone really didn’t love the part when Audrey Hepburn threw the cat on the street in Breakfast At Tiffany’s . Here comes revenge.
11. Gimme All Your Magazines

Magazine racks can be so handy and fun to display in your home. But this one I have serious trepidations about. Maybe too creepy?
12. When We All Need A Little Help To Go To Sleep

Apparently, this book is a thing. It’s supposed to be totally hilarious so this is a total score.
13. For All Dog Lovers

If you’re a true dog lover and happen to own a Boston Terrier, this little gem of a lamp could’ve been yours. If you snooze, you lose!
14. When You Find Something You Used To Own

These chairs have quite the story :
“Today’s find…they may look like normal old ratty chairs, but here’s the kicker – I already owned them once before. Brought them to the US from Europe when I moved back home in 2001, and stored them with a relative. After a rift in the family, I considered them a loss. Here they are, nearly 20 years later, in a 2nd hand store. Though they may be much worse for the wear, they’re coming home with me (again).”
See? I told you that you can find awesome stuff at your local thrift store.
Every day is an opportunity to find something new so don’t miss out. Go!
Last Updated on May 4, 2019 by Kasia Galifi