Ah, parenting it’s a tough job but someone has to do it. Right? Sometimes parents have the most awesome day and other times they wish they never got out of bed.
For every bad day, a parent has had there sure is a meme to go with it. So here are some hilarious memes that every parent out there can relate to.
1. This seems to be every new parent’s nightmare scenario.
That’s why some of them smell so bad because they don’t want to take a chance on a shower.
2. Stay-at-home parents have it rough.
Between all the baby talk and kid-friendly shows, there’s usually nobody around to have a decent conversation with. And then it happens.
3. OMG, this one scares the c**p out of me.
Imagine how many sleep deprived, tired as h**l, groggy, cranky parents there are out there on the road every day.
4. Ha, ha, ha, ain’t that the truth?
So don’t ever feel bad you’re wearing those tights and that same workout shirt again. It’s a mom uniform, isn’t it?
5. They say patience is a virtue, but is it really?
I don’t think there’s anything virtuous about having a heart attack while waiting for your kid to hurry up.
6. Do I laugh or cry at this?
This is so true it actually hurts just to think about it. But seriously parents, you must take care of yourselves.
7 And here’s a clever idea for those sleep-deprived parents.
Just spy on your kids gently and hide like a clever sleuth before they see you or you’re in trouble.
8. Oh no, I hope this doesn’t happen to you and your partner.
I mean making quality time together should be a priority, right? Ah, who are we kidding?
9. They had me at coffee and then they lost me. LOL!
You’re lucky if you remember whether you brushed your teeth or washed your face this morning.
10. Ha, ha, ha! I can’t stop laughing at this.
I guess you should never ask a parent this question, ’cause that’s the last thing on their mind.
11. The other thing they tell you is that you’ll never sleep again after you have kids.
So make sure you catch up on your Zzzs whenever you can.
12. But at least there’s hope.

There’s no such thing as time when it comes to the little ones.
So, the next time your kid does something absolutely absurd and you’re feeling all alone in the world, just remember there’s a parent going through something even wackier right about now.
Kids are great, aren’t they?
Last Updated on April 18, 2019 by Kasia Galifi