Entitled Dad Tries to STEAL Daughter's Gift Cake from Friend! 🎂😠

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Diply | Diply

🎂 Family drama alert! 🚨 17-year-old me just wanted to do something nice for a friend's birthday, but little did I know it would turn into a full-blown dessert debacle! 😱 As the resident baker in my fam, I decided to whip up my specialty Strawberry Crumble Cake as a gift. 🍓🍰 Sounds sweet, right? Well, buckle up because this story is about to get as messy as a kitchen after a baking marathon! 😅 Let's dive into this sugary saga and see if I'm the a**hole for not sharing the cake wealth with my family! 🍴👀

🍰 Family Drama Over a Special Cake! 😱

grays-grave | grays-grave

🎂 A Birthday Gift Dilemma 🎁

grays-grave | grays-grave

🚫 Setting Boundaries with the Fam 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

grays-grave | grays-grave

😡 Dad's Demand for Dessert 🍰

grays-grave | grays-grave

🗣️ A Heated Family Argument 🔥

grays-grave | grays-grave

😬 Did I Cross the Line? 🤔

grays-grave | grays-grave

🎂 Dad's Demand for a Do-Over 😤

grays-grave | grays-grave

🙅‍♀️ The Silent Treatment Begins 😶

grays-grave | grays-grave

🤷‍♀️ Mom's Neutral Stance 😐

grays-grave | grays-grave

🇦🇪 Cultural Context & Health Issues 🙍‍♀️

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍓 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 1 🍰

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 2 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 3 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 4 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 5 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 6 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 7 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 8 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 9 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 10 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

🍰 Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe - Part 11 🍓

grays-grave | grays-grave

The Great Cake Debate: Am I a Selfish Slice Hoarder?

So, here's the tea ☕️: I spent hours crafting a delectable Strawberry Crumble Cake as a birthday gift for my bestie. But when my dad found out, he threw a tantrum worthy of a toddler denied a cookie! He demanded I save slices for the whole family, but I stood my ground. The plot thickens when I *gasp* ate the cake with my friend's family! Now, my dad's giving me the silent treatment and I'm wondering if I should've just baked a second cake. But wait, there's more! I'm dealing with back issues and cultural expectations 🇦🇪 that add an extra layer to this dessert drama. So, internet jury, what's the verdict? Am I a cake-hoarding criminal or just a gal trying to be a good friend? Let's see what the internet thinks of this sticky situation! 👀💬

NTA - Dad has 3 options: wait, buy, or f**k himself. Recipe included.

Keraph | Keraph

Dad demands gift cake, OP not the a**hole for refusing 🎂

MelodyRaine | MelodyRaine

Dad's entitlement to gift cake sparks NTA's disbelief. 😱

Ilikecosysocks | Ilikecosysocks

NTA calls out entitled dad for his childish behavior 🙄

kberson | kberson

Supportive comment offers NTA judgement, empathy, and helpful advice. 💙

givelilydragons | givelilydragons

NTA! No 'family cake tax' and it was a gift 🎂👍

Obtuse_Symposium | Obtuse_Symposium

Sharing is caring, entitled dad should learn some manners. 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cake is a gift, not for entitled dad to steal 🎂

Neon-Anonymous | Neon-Anonymous

Entitled Dad demands cake from daughter's friend, NTA shuts him down 🎂

[deleted] | [deleted]

Baked the cake, but entitled dad tries to steal it 😒 #NTA

Mesapholis | Mesapholis

Tips for saying no to entitled family members asking for cake 🎂

uxi3888 | uxi3888

Dad acts entitled to daughter's cake, but commenters say NTA 😊

spaceguitar | spaceguitar

Father acts childish and entitled over daughter's gift cake. NTA.

hkf999 | hkf999

Dad wants the cake, but why not give him the recipe? 😜

PotentialityKnocks | PotentialityKnocks

NTA, but who paid for supplies? Dad may have a point 🤔

Legitimate_Ad_8457 | Legitimate_Ad_8457

Don't feel bad for eating a slice 🍰. Father can buy cake. #NTA

Lively_Sally | Lively_Sally

De-escalation tip: offer to bring a slice home. NTA.

After_Buddy_6695 | After_Buddy_6695

Friend's cake is fair game, NTA for eating it 🍰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Regretful commenter questions cake-sharing etiquette.

pgp555 | pgp555

Cake is a gift, not a shareable commodity. NTA 🎂

BoozeIsTherapyRight | BoozeIsTherapyRight

NTA for not giving entitled dad a slice of cake 🍰

socialdistraction | socialdistraction

Baking doesn't mean you have to give entitled family a gift.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Paprika app saves time and filters recipe life stories! 🤤

MyPleasantFiction | MyPleasantFiction

Bake your own cake, entitled dad! 🎂 NTA for leaving recipe.

Holidaz3 | Holidaz3

Stand up for yourself and demand help. NTA 🙌

JojoCruz206 | JojoCruz206

Baking can be a challenge, especially with back pain. NTA 😊

AzurePlayer6347 | AzurePlayer6347

Making a cake for 4-6 hours? That's a crumble lot 🍰😅

Plutsie | Plutsie

Helpful link shared without judgment 👍

MatabiTheMagnificent | MatabiTheMagnificent

Who paid for ingredients? Entitled dad demands second cake.

seba_make | seba_make

NTA for not making dad a cake, but consider compromise. Recipe please!

Sfb208 | Sfb208

Recipe to bake his own damn cake! NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad acts greedy for daughter's cake. NTA suggests payment instead.

Rduos | Rduos

Father acts like a child and gets what he deserves 😈

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad's entitlement for daughter's cake sparks discussion about boundaries. 👏

Anon02450 | Anon02450

Father's plan to steal half-eaten cake exposed. NTA wins 🍰

RagdollSeeker | RagdollSeeker

Dad acts entitled to daughter's cake, friend and OP not having it. 😠

SleuthingSloth009 | SleuthingSloth009

Baking for others doesn't entitle family to a slice 👐

Louie7890 | Louie7890

"Is this the hill you want to die on dad?" 🎂😂

JamsArt | JamsArt

Father-daughter cake bonding > entitled cake stealing 🍰

Skiamakhos | Skiamakhos

Making a special cake is a labor of love 🍰

rebelwithmouseyhair | rebelwithmouseyhair

Baker niece and nephew understand sharing better than entitled dad 😠

10221994 | 10221994

NTA. 'Sometimes cake is for other people.' 🎂

GregTheTerrible | GregTheTerrible

Dad's future post warns about enabling entitled behavior and entitlement.

fearoflosingout | fearoflosingout

Father acting like a toddler, ask him to make it himself 😠

Lady_Fel001 | Lady_Fel001

Baked the cake, ate the cake, not the a**hole! 🎂

HappyG | HappyG

NTA. Father acts like a five-year-old, wants friend's cake? 🤮

[deleted] | [deleted]

Confusion over entitled dad's identity sparks discussion. 🤔

JackalKing | JackalKing

Baking etiquette debated: using parents' ingredients for gift cake. 🎂

simba1998 | simba1998

Fellow baker supports OP, calls out entitled father's AH behavior 🍪

BeachTimePlz | BeachTimePlz

Frustration with food bloggers' lengthy anecdotes before recipes 😑

corner_tv | corner_tv

Insightful comment questions motive behind cake incident, uncovers potential issues. 🤔

D3vi1D0g | D3vi1D0g

Don't mess with gift cakes! NTA made the right call.

GoBlue9000 | GoBlue9000

Proper etiquette dictates sharing food gift. Introduce spoon theory.

FirebirdWriter | FirebirdWriter

Don't let entitled parents ruin your birthday cake 🎂🎂

Competitive_Tea2413 | Competitive_Tea2413

NTA slams entitled parent for giving silent treatment over cake.

welestgw | welestgw

Dad tries to steal cake from daughter's friend, gets called out. NTA 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad can't have his cake and eat it too 🎂

brokenrhythm03 | brokenrhythm03

Dad demands cake but friend didn't invite family. Lazy much? 🙄

CastielAOTL | CastielAOTL

Cake as a gift, not meant to be eaten by dad. NTA

FinanceMum | FinanceMum

Creator of cake deserves a slice, entitled dad needs patience. 🎂

KiSpacePanda | KiSpacePanda

Dad tries to steal cake, commenter calls him deranged. 😱

SnooPickles4953 | SnooPickles4953

Dad's entitlement sparks outrage in comment section. NTA prevails.

perhapsavampire | perhapsavampire

Enjoy some cake and ignore the entitled dad tantrum 🎂

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sharing is caring, but entitled dad needs to bake his own cake 🎂😠

TeamChaos17 | TeamChaos17

Baker defends not sharing cake with entitled family, offers baking tips 👩‍🍰

justanokaymess | justanokaymess

Proud 17-year-old baker stands up to entitled dad 👐🏻

budywudy9 | budywudy9

Cake recipe requested and a wholesome message about sharing.

drumadarragh | drumadarragh

Sharing gifts with entitled parents? NTA, it's strange 🤔

SparkleVibes | SparkleVibes

Setting boundaries with family is tough. Moroccan solidarity. 🤝

justalittlestupid | justalittlestupid

Baking a cake for a friend doesn't make you a tenant 👏

Especially-Tired | Especially-Tired

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