Cleaning Up After Coworker's NASTY Bathroom Habits - Fair or Foul? 🤔🧻

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a real potty predicament on our hands. 🚽 Meet our protagonist, a 26-year-old woman stuck in a restroom ruckus with her messy male coworker. 🙋‍♀️ She's facing a dilemma that's sure to make you giggle and gasp. 😱 Should she spill the beans about his bathroom blunders or keep quiet to avoid being labeled a bigot? 🤐 Get ready for a wild ride through the world of workplace washrooms! 🎢

🚻 Restroom Ruckus: A Tale of Two Toilets 🚽

justwantacleantoilet | justwantacleantoilet

🌈 He's Gay, He'll Pee Where He May 🚹

justwantacleantoilet | justwantacleantoilet

🤢 Restroom Wreckage: A Messy Situation 🧻

justwantacleantoilet | justwantacleantoilet

🧹 Cleaning Up His Act... Or Not 🤷‍♀️

justwantacleantoilet | justwantacleantoilet

🙋‍♀️ Blame Game: Pointing Fingers at the Only Female 👉

justwantacleantoilet | justwantacleantoilet

😬 Walking on Eggshells: Navigating the Current Climate 🥚

justwantacleantoilet | justwantacleantoilet

🤔 WIBTA: Will I Be Flushed with Shame? 🚽

justwantacleantoilet | justwantacleantoilet

🚻 The Great Restroom Debate: To Tattle or Not to Tattle? 🤔

Our heroine finds herself in a real pickle. 🥒 Her gay male coworker insists on using the ladies' room, leaving behind a trail of toilet terror. 💩 She's been cleaning up his messes, but now the boss is blaming her for the bathroom bedlam! 😱 She wants to come clean about the culprit, but in today's climate, she's worried about being labeled a homophobe or transphobe. 😬 It's a real s--tshow, folks! 💩 Let's see what the internet has to say about this potty problem. 🚽 Will our protagonist be flushed with shame, or will she come out smelling like roses? 🌹 The suspense is killing us! 😂

Deliberately using women's bathroom to avoid blame? NTA strikes back! 🤯

AnselaJonla | AnselaJonla

Honesty is the best policy - NTA! 👍

smileystarfish | smileystarfish

Gender-neutral toilets could solve this messy problem. 👍

FraughtOverwrought | FraughtOverwrought

Taking a stand against nasty restroom habits at work 🙌

Mirianda666 | Mirianda666

Clearing up misconception on bathroom use, rat him out immediately 👍

Slavaa | Slavaa

Cleanliness is next to godliness, even in the workplace. 🧼

[deleted] | [deleted]

Informing without judgement, NTA for wanting clean bathrooms. 👍

thisisfunme | thisisfunme

Stand up for yourself and call out his gross behavior 💯

Kaito-Jin | Kaito-Jin

Stick to the facts and address the issue professionally. NTA ✌️

lmholot1981 | lmholot1981

Report coworker for trashing women's bathroom, being gay irrelevant. 💯

IggyPiggy503 | IggyPiggy503

Be a decent human and clean up after yourself 💩

CrashDisaster | CrashDisaster

Clear and professional approach to coworker's bathroom mess 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for oneself in a stinky situation. 👏

awill237 | awill237

Boss, please give women the key to this bathroom 🙏

Jennyyy8675309 | Jennyyy8675309

Cleaning up after someone's unsanitary mess? NTA 👍

CajunKC | CajunKC

User suggests reporting coworker for nasty bathroom habits.

bellayesil | bellayesil

Lazy coworker takes advantage of female coworker, NTA for calling out 🚽

DiligentPenguin16 | DiligentPenguin16

NTA calling out unprofessional behavior, not a trans issue 👏

PurrrrmanentFixture | PurrrrmanentFixture

Gender-neutral solution to nasty bathroom habits. NTA 👍

niv727 | niv727

Taking matters into your own hands in a dirty situation 👍

BeedletheWeedle | BeedletheWeedle

Taking responsibility for a coworker's nasty bathroom habits. NTA 👍

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

NTA comment advocates for reporting inappropriate coworker behavior.

Joepost19 | Joepost19

Standing up against bathroom mess accusations. NTA. 👍

MamaFen | MamaFen

Assertive response to messy coworker's bathroom habits. NTA 💯

Misc-fluff | Misc-fluff

Don't take the blame for your coworker's nasty habits! 🔍👀

Danny_Mc_71 | Danny_Mc_71

NTA - Employee making a mess and blaming you. Tell manager!

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same. NTA!

shandynya | shandynya

Report away! 👏 NTA for reporting disgusting workplace habits.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Homophobic excuse for nasty bathroom habits, complain to boss. 😡

MuricanIdle | MuricanIdle

Gender identity doesn't determine bathroom cleanliness. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA suggests confronting coworker about bathroom mess and documenting interaction.

Kat-Jay-Sparrow | Kat-Jay-Sparrow

Gay commenter condemns using sexual orientation as an excuse 👏

Grigor50 | Grigor50

Man using women's restroom and leaving a mess - NTA for reporting 🚻💩

soph_lurk_2018 | soph_lurk_2018

NTA. It's not about being gay, it's about cleanliness. 👍

Yellowsunflowerlover | Yellowsunflowerlover

Concerns over coworker's bathroom behavior and gender identity 🤔

SnooAvocados6720 | SnooAvocados6720

Curious about bathroom usage, but agrees OP is NTA.

Thatgymnasticsgirl | Thatgymnasticsgirl

Inappropriate, gross, and maybe perverted? NTA for suggesting bathroom key.

Banana_mi | Banana_mi

Gendered bathrooms and LGBTQ+ discrimination? 😱

crackhousebob | crackhousebob

Don't let this power move slide, rat the a**hole out 👊

LydSilverback | LydSilverback

NTA. Blaming his mess on being transgender is unfair. 💯

copper-feather | copper-feather

Cleaning up after a coworker's nasty habits 😷

dcoleski | dcoleski

Respectful bathroom use is a basic expectation 🙏

littlefiddle05 | littlefiddle05

Gender-neutral bathrooms can be inclusive, not creepy. NTA wins.

Exact_Insurance | Exact_Insurance

Report the messy coworker to management. NTA 👍

depressivedarkling | depressivedarkling

Report coworker, not homophobic or transphobic to do so. 👍

naranghim | naranghim

Remind coworker to clean up & use appropriate bathroom. 👍

Resitance_Cat | Resitance_Cat

Coworker's nasty bathroom habits blamed on the wrong person 😤

swampweech | swampweech

Gender has nothing to do with bathroom cleanliness 💫

pearlsbeforedogs | pearlsbeforedogs

Stand up for yourself and report the inconsiderate colleague 💪

EmRae25_ | EmRae25_

Gender aside, coworker's bathroom mess is unacceptable behavior 😒

annedroiid | annedroiid

Report the disgusting behavior to management and demand a lock 🔒

Competitive_Tea2413 | Competitive_Tea2413

Calling out bad behavior is fair and necessary. NTA 👏

Hosfac | Hosfac

Coworker identifying as male uses women's bathroom, pees on floor. NTA.

Lawldydawdy | Lawldydawdy

The fear of being accused of a hate crime 😱

Leafybranches | Leafybranches

Politely confronting nasty coworker using women's washroom 😊

lil_zaku | lil_zaku

Coworker's nasty bathroom habits lead to gendered bathrooms and keypad lock 😑

KiwiTurk2020 | KiwiTurk2020

Stand up for yourself and call out the behavior 🚫💩

frostpudding | frostpudding

Equality in cleanliness, bathroom labels don't matter 👍

AliceReadsThis | AliceReadsThis

Suggests asking boss to use men's room to get attention 🤷‍♂️

Renamis | Renamis

Cleaning up after a messy coworker - NTA for complaining 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for refusing to clean up after coworker's bathroom habits.

Fire_Drake_Shyvanna | Fire_Drake_Shyvanna

Don't be a nasty bathroom person! NTA for standing up! 👍

TeamChaos17 | TeamChaos17

Stand up for yourself, you're not his maid! 💪

TheBenLuby1 | TheBenLuby1

Supportive comment advocating for gender neutral bathrooms. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Coworker's messy bathroom habits making you look bad? NTA.

Otherwise-Story-9074 | Otherwise-Story-9074

Don't be responsible for his mess. Gross 🤢

saurellia | saurellia

Gender neutral bathroom etiquette, clean up is not optional.

Dana07620 | Dana07620

Confusion over bathroom use and LGBTQ+ identity 😕

PewdsVallor | PewdsVallor

Addressing unhygienic workplace habits with the boss 💩🚽

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

NTA for calling out coworker's filthy bathroom habits 💯

Rozefly | Rozefly

Stand up for yourself! NTA for holding coworker accountable. 💪

RoseWaterLagoon | RoseWaterLagoon

Cleanliness over Comfort - NTA for complaining about coworker's mess 💩

vul_pyxis | vul_pyxis

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