Dad DEMANDS Kids Pet Puppy Against Owner's Advice - Guess What Happens Next! 😠

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Diply | Diply

🐶 Hey there, dog lovers and drama seekers! 👋 Get ready for a tail-wagging tale that's sure to get your emotions running high! 😱 I'm a 20-year-old gal with an adorable 8-month-old puppy who's still learning the ropes. 🐾 We've been training hard, but you know how excitable these little guys can be! 🤪 Well, buckle up, because today's walk took an unexpected turn when we ran into some neighborhood kiddos. 👧👧 Let's dive into this paw-some story and see if I'm the one who needs to be sent to the doghouse! 🏚️

🐶 Meet My Excitable Puppy! 🐾

aqourseas | aqourseas

🚶‍♀️ Walks Turn into Training Sessions 📚

aqourseas | aqourseas

🏫 Puppy Meets the Neighbors Near Daycare 👧👧

aqourseas | aqourseas

👋 Saying Hi to the Girls Next Door 🙋‍♀️

aqourseas | aqourseas

⚠️ Warning: Excited Puppy Ahead! 🐶

aqourseas | aqourseas

🗣️ Dad Won't Listen to Reason 🙉

aqourseas | aqourseas

🐶 Puppy Pounces, Toddler Tumbles! 😱

aqourseas | aqourseas

😢 Startled, But Not Hurt 🩹

aqourseas | aqourseas

😔 Feeling Awful About the Incident 💔

aqourseas | aqourseas

🐕 Leashed and Legal 🦮

aqourseas | aqourseas

⏰ It All Happened So Fast! 💨

aqourseas | aqourseas

😳 Frozen in the Moment 🧊

aqourseas | aqourseas

🐶 Chill Dogs in My Hood 😎

aqourseas | aqourseas

🏠 Every House, At Least One Pup 🐾

aqourseas | aqourseas

🌿 Soft Landing on the Grass 🍀

aqourseas | aqourseas

🐶 Puppy Pandemonium: Am I the Villain? 😈

So, here's the scoop: my puppy and I were out for our usual walk when we bumped into two adorable little girls from next door. 👧👧 I tried to warn their dad that my pup gets a bit too excited around kids and needs a moment to settle down before they pet him. 🙅‍♀️ But the dad wasn't having it and insisted the girls just go ahead and give my furry friend some love. 😒 Well, you can guess what happened next - my puppy jumped up, and the younger girl took a tumble! 😱 She wasn't hurt, but the dad went ballistic, calling my dog a "feral, untrained mutt." 🤬 I feel awful about the whole thing, but I did try to warn them! 😔 Now, I turn to you, dear internet, to help me decide: am I the a-hole in this situation? 🤔 Let's see what the masses have to say! 📢

Standing up for puppy rights 🐶👊

Adm_Hawthorne | Adm_Hawthorne

Dad ignores owner's advice and demands kids pet puppy. Commenter defends owner's actions and calls dad the only a-hole in the situation. 🐶

AnselaJonla | AnselaJonla

Assertive pet owner sets boundaries, ESH for ignoring warnings. 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

A cautionary tale about ignoring warnings and facing consequences 😬🐶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Owner warns dad not to pet dog, dad ignores. NTA wins! 💪

Fantastic-Focus-7056 | Fantastic-Focus-7056

Control your dog around kids or don't let them pet 🙅

Revolutionary-Yak-47 | Revolutionary-Yak-47

Irresponsible dad and stubborn owner both make mistakes 😐

Athrynne | Athrynne

Neighbor's demands for kids to pet puppy backfire 🐶🤦‍♂️

venus-pluto | venus-pluto

NTA dad, but owner should work on better dog control.

PurpleWomat | PurpleWomat

Entitled dad ignores dog owner's advice, gets surprised by behavior 😠

what-no-potatoes | what-no-potatoes

Entitled dad demands puppy, owner needs to learn to say no. ESH.

CJsopinion | CJsopinion

NTA. Dad ignores safety warning, encourages kids to interfere with training. 🐶

PotentialityKnocks | PotentialityKnocks

Confusion over timeline of events leads to questioning NTA judgement 🤔

Evil_Weevill | Evil_Weevill

Dog owner is ESH for not walking away. Dad sucks.

NightsofWren | NightsofWren

Dad defies owner's request, chaos ensues. NTA wins.

Consistent-Leopard71 | Consistent-Leopard71

Dad ignores instructions, causes chaos. NTA handles it perfectly 👍

bisexual_fool | bisexual_fool

Saying no to kids and walking away 🚶‍♂️is better than legal trouble ⚖️

TheMysticalBaconTree | TheMysticalBaconTree

Dad demands kids pet puppy, falls on butt. NTA wins 👏

GarlicMayosaurus | GarlicMayosaurus

Lesson learned: Be careful approaching even friendly animals. Dad = AH.

billebobblue | billebobblue

Owner warned dad but brought inadequately trained dog near daycare. ESH 🐶

Yes-I-Cant | Yes-I-Cant

Negligent dad learns the hard way to respect dog owners 🐶

BurgerThyme | BurgerThyme

Avoiding dogs is better than demanding to pet them. 🙄

plumbus_hun | plumbus_hun

Feral dad ignores advice, daughter gets startled. NTA wins.

KookyInterest4119 | KookyInterest4119

Surprising NTA comment from a dog hater 🤩

jdb4402 | jdb4402

NTA gives logical explanation for father's reckless behavior 😎

MorgainofAvalon | MorgainofAvalon

Owner warned dad, still demands puppy. Now blames owner. 😒

im_real_dude | im_real_dude

Quick thinking could have prevented debate with dad. 🤔

Traktormusen | Traktormusen

NTA suggests talking to the mum and keeping the husband out 👍

Publandlady | Publandlady

Responsible parenting saves kids from potential danger 🙌

Farahild | Farahild

Excitable dog + 2 year old = potential danger. NTA but caution needed 🙄

Rather_Dashing | Rather_Dashing

Dog owner receives gentle YTA judgement for ignoring kids' request 🐶

We_stay_indoors | We_stay_indoors

Teaching kids how to treat animals is important! 🐕

GraveDancer40 | GraveDancer40

Dog owner warns dad not to pet dog, dad ignores advice. NTA.

lilbitspecial | lilbitspecial

Assertive dog owner gives advice on controlling dog interactions 💪

FiestySpitfire | FiestySpitfire

Dad demands puppy, blames owner - not the a**hole wins 👏

DragonQueenEm | DragonQueenEm

Owner's advice ignored, father learns hard way not to assume.

I-cant-hug-every-cat | I-cant-hug-every-cat

Dad ignores safety advice, could get kids bitten by dog 😱

-Little_Gremlin- | -Little_Gremlin-

Parental ignorance leads to dog-owner's warning, NTA comment agrees.

Waxdoll42 | Waxdoll42

Dad demands kids pet puppy against advice, NTA handles feral dad

[deleted] | [deleted]

Insufferable dad demands puppy, gets what he deserves. 😈

Fur_Momma_Cherry96 | Fur_Momma_Cherry96

Dad's entitlement leads to kid getting knocked down by puppy 🐶

Ysadey | Ysadey

Respect your dog's boundaries to avoid potential legal issues 😊

rockinn_robinn | rockinn_robinn

Irresponsible parent ignores warning, demands kids pet puppy, gets told off. NTA 😎

theoddestends | theoddestends

Encouraging comment supporting dog owner's actions and offering helpful training advice. 🐶👍

Smellie1999 | Smellie1999

Owner stands up to entitled dad over puppy petting 😎

FormerFruit | FormerFruit

Patient OP prevails against impatient dad in puppy dispute 💪

Inevitable_Evie | Inevitable_Evie

Dad ignores owner's advice, kids get jumped up. NTA frustrated.

SquareMelon | SquareMelon

NTA comment defends dog owner's warning against entitled dad.

Happy-Investment | Happy-Investment

Walking away from pushy dad could have prevented tragedy 😰

MelodicScream | MelodicScream

Toddler learns dog safety lesson from natural consequences. NTA dad.

stories4harpies | stories4harpies

Verbal warning not enough for impatient dad and puppy 😠

FairyFartDaydreams | FairyFartDaydreams

Owner refuses dad's demand to pet puppy, dad disrespects owner's wishes. NTA.

usernameemma | usernameemma

Dad demands kids pet puppy, gets a lesson from owner 😏

boo_boo_kitty_ | boo_boo_kitty_

Dog owner takes precautions, but dad demands kids pet puppy 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dog owner advises walking away from unsympathetic people 🐕

teddyreyes77 | teddyreyes77

Be firm in saying no to kids around your puppy 🙌

tRmd600 | tRmd600

Dad demands kids get puppy, but commenters agree he's TA 😠

knitlikeaboss | knitlikeaboss

Entitled dad demands kids pet puppy, gets bitten. NTA.

stephapeaz | stephapeaz

Dog owner receives YTA judgment for insisting on untrained puppy interaction.

usernaym44 | usernaym44

Tips for training your dog around pushy people 🐶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respect boundaries: Don't touch other people's pets without consent! 👋🐾

sleepypandacub | sleepypandacub

Ignoring warnings leads to predictable outcome 🙄

HotelPigeon | HotelPigeon

When dad demands a puppy against advice and creates problems... ESH.

Striking_Description | Striking_Description

Dog owner shares experience of irresponsible parents at dog park. NTA.

freakngeek13 | freakngeek13

Be a responsible dog owner, set boundaries for petting 🐾

gin_n_tonic_n_dog | gin_n_tonic_n_dog

Dad ignores owner's advice, NTA commenter hopes for kids' future 🐶

jetk99 | jetk99

Dad's entitlement backfires as comment calls him a 'right tit' 😂

BinkiesForLife_05 | BinkiesForLife_05

Polite training before petting: NTA comment advice for dog owner 🐶

Algebralovr | Algebralovr

Teaching kids to ask permission before petting dogs is key 👍

Marines-88 | Marines-88

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