Husband's Secret 'Bad Day Alert' Group Chat Exposed 😱

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Diply | Diply

Meet the father of three boys and husband to one amazing woman, who has found a unique way to keep the peace in the family. When his wife has a bad day, her anger can sometimes spill over onto the rest of the family. To help everyone prepare and avoid conflict, he created a group chat called 'Bad Day Alert' with his sons. But when his sister-in-law discovers the chat and spills the beans to his wife, things take a dramatic turn. 😬

The Wife's Flaw: Anger 😡

glassholering | glassholering

When She's Unhappy, Everyone Suffers 😞

glassholering | glassholering

The Kids Struggle Too 😔

glassholering | glassholering

Introducing: The 'Bad Day Alert' 🚨

glassholering | glassholering

A Warning System for the Family 📱

glassholering | glassholering

Dad's Preparations 🍲

glassholering | glassholering

The Secret Exposed! 😳

glassholering | glassholering

Aunt Gets Involved 🤦

glassholering | glassholering

Wife Finds Out and Gets Mad 😠

glassholering | glassholering

Dad Defends His Actions 🛡️

glassholering | glassholering

Was the 'Bad Day Alert' Group Chat a Mistake? 🤷

This father thought he was doing a good thing by creating a group chat to warn his sons when their mom was having a bad day. They'd use the alerts to avoid conflict and help her decompress. But when his wife found out, she accused him of teaching their kids to treat her like an angry child. Now he's left wondering if his well-intentioned plan was actually a mistake. Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 🍿

Teaching kids to cope with mom's temper? ESH needs wakeup call 😱

madelinegumbo | madelinegumbo

Spouse's behavior is unacceptable, NTA for setting boundaries and seeking help 👍

Vixen7-9 | Vixen7-9

Is it NTA or YTA? Therapy is recommended either way 😬

NarwhalNectarine | NarwhalNectarine

Protect your children from your spouse's anger. Suggest therapy.

HeartpineFloors | HeartpineFloors

Teaching sons to enable bad behavior? ESH, not just wife. 😕

LittelFoxicorn | LittelFoxicorn

User questions husband's contribution to household chores. 👀

Cjack66 | Cjack66

Is the husband's 'Bad Day Alert' group chat harmless or problematic?

outpostroad | outpostroad

Therapy can help both of you cope better. NTA 🙌

literallyrosie | literallyrosie

Is it really about the bad day or something deeper? 🤔

CogentCogitations | CogentCogitations

Children should not be managing an adult's volatile moods. ESH 🤷‍♀️

Capital-Philosopher6 | Capital-Philosopher6

Toxic behavior on both sides. Therapy is needed ASAP. 🚨

DogsAreTheBest36 | DogsAreTheBest36

User is torn between YTA and ESH for husband's inconsiderate behavior.

lexythelovelylioness | lexythelovelylioness

Is the wife nagging or rightfully reminding them? 🤔

flyingcactus2047 | flyingcactus2047

ESH. Husband's secret group chat about wife's emotions backfires.

coppeliuseyes | coppeliuseyes

Parental behavior causing concern. Seek professional help. ESH 😔

Voidg | Voidg

NTA for bad day alert system. Spouse's abusive behavior explained.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Managing anger in relationships: ESH comment and parenting advice.

halfadash6 | halfadash6

Suggests therapy and communication instead of 'Bad Day Alert' group 🙏

garfieldsfatass | garfieldsfatass

Suggests better communication with wife instead of secret group chat. 💬

yellowbunnythrowaway | yellowbunnythrowaway

Clarifying the situation to avoid jumping to conclusions 🤔

karskipellis | karskipellis

Teaching sons to tiptoe around anger issues isn't healthy communication 😔

CrimsonKnight_004 | CrimsonKnight_004

Parenting with a moody spouse is tough for everyone involved 😕

flybyknight665 | flybyknight665

Couple's argument over bad day puts kids in uncomfortable position 😬

what-even-is-a-user | what-even-is-a-user

Is she screaming or just snappy? Details matter 🤔

Same_Dragonfly_2010 | Same_Dragonfly_2010

User questions division of labor at home, suggests husband and sons aren't helping. 🤔

ClarinetKitten | ClarinetKitten

The 'Bad Day Alert' group chat: Are the men being unfair?

iki02 | iki02

Opportunity for open, respectful conversations about dysfunctional situation. 👍

Cjack66 | Cjack66

NTA suggests therapy for couple and children, advises job change.

Glock212327 | Glock212327

Both parties need to work on their anger management 😠

000-Hotaru_Tomoe | 000-Hotaru_Tomoe

INFO: Important questions to ask yourself about your contribution at home.

shezza314 | shezza314

NTA. Aunt's behavior is low emotional intelligence. Teaching kids boundaries. 👍

IFeelLikeBlueSky | IFeelLikeBlueSky

Clarifying if partner is chill or abusive when upset 🤔

DullMany8933 | DullMany8933

Early warning system for abusive behavior applauded by commenter. 👏

He_Who_Is_Right_ | He_Who_Is_Right_

Spouse's secret group chat exposes wife's childish behavior 😳

WaywardPrincess1025 | WaywardPrincess1025

A humorous suggestion for a more detailed rating system 😂

Applesbabe | Applesbabe

Family therapy might help address underlying issues causing tension. 👨🏻‍👩🏻👨🏻‍👦🏻

psychedelicvoid | psychedelicvoid

Avoiding a moody parent is a skill we all learn 😅

NotMyFirstChoice675 | NotMyFirstChoice675

User questions the severity of anger and suggests therapy.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wife needs therapy, kids shouldn't change for someone else's issues 🙅

MissionRevolution306 | MissionRevolution306

Mature communication is key to a happy family 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Is the husband's 'Bad Day Alert' just an excuse for not doing housework? 🤔

existcrisis123 | existcrisis123

ESH for not addressing her abusive behavior towards her sons 😠

AceyAceyAcey | AceyAceyAcey

Husband found a way to mitigate wife's anger issues 🙌

Switch_heart | Switch_heart

User calls out husband for being scared of wife. YTA.

Happy-Elephant7609 | Happy-Elephant7609

User questions assumptions and defends wife's behavior. 👏

weetbixunicorn | weetbixunicorn

Context matters: Commenter questions if mother is emotionally abusive.

notafacsimile | notafacsimile

Husband's childish behavior worsens dysfunctional family dynamic 😔

MikeDaRucki | MikeDaRucki

Joining the ESH crowd: Addressing spouse's anger issues is crucial 🙏

Shanisasha | Shanisasha

User questions husband's contribution to household, offers perspective. 🤔

nikkesen | nikkesen

OP's portrayal of wife's anger is vague and damning 🤔

ThomasEdmund84 | ThomasEdmund84

Husband's group chat with 12-17 year olds to alert bad days. 😳

snoylboy | snoylboy

Unpopular opinion: Wife likely exhausted from doing all the chores. ESH.

sham2204 | sham2204

Having a group chat to alert about wife's bad day is unacceptable 😑

omgpwny | omgpwny

🤣 Hilarious 'Bad Day Alert' group chat, NTA for husband's solution.

danebramaged01 | danebramaged01

User questions OP's portrayal of wife's behavior and chores.

Swimming_Molasses_37 | Swimming_Molasses_37

NTA commenter calls out double standards and offers support.

nerdy_harmony | nerdy_harmony

Dealing with a difficult spouse: ESH or YTA?

Sleeping_Lizard | Sleeping_Lizard

Both parties at fault for not addressing wife's behavior 😒

devilsgirl87 | devilsgirl87

ESH. Wife needs to manage anger issues, not burden children. Get professional help.

ProfPlumDidIt | ProfPlumDidIt

ESH except the children. Honest conversation needed for wife's anger.

browniepoints99 | browniepoints99

Is the chore division unequal? Cat's meow of cleaning 🐱🧹

Willing-Survey7448 | Willing-Survey7448

User questions if the husband is the a-hole in the household.

Accomplished_Cup900 | Accomplished_Cup900

Using a secret chat to make things easier for everyone 👍

Maiidesuu | Maiidesuu

Setting boundaries with a moody partner 🙏

PetitPied21 | PetitPied21

Suggesting therapy or counseling for marital communication struggles 👨🏻‍👩🏻

Dry-Clock-1470 | Dry-Clock-1470

Supportive comment about husband's group chat, no replies.

Vast_Employee6284 | Vast_Employee6284

Supportive mom seeks help from husband's friends, gets backlash. 🤯

Mission_Range_5620 | Mission_Range_5620

Concerned commenter seeks clarification on wife's behavior towards kids. NTA.

ozagnaria | ozagnaria

Is the wife abusive or just irritable? Stay clear either way 😐

BreadfruitAlone7257 | BreadfruitAlone7257

Seek family counseling or therapy to address husband's anger issues.

Positive-Hat-7839 | Positive-Hat-7839

Parent concerned about wife's behavior towards kids, suggests E-S-H.

PeanutsLament | PeanutsLament

Man's secret chat to mock wife for expressing emotions backfires 😬

VioletsAreBlooming | VioletsAreBlooming

Wife's emotions are valid, not something to be alerted about 🤷‍♀️

SnooFloofs9288 | SnooFloofs9288

Unhealthy communication patterns leading to resentment and frustration. 🤔

ashtraybutt | ashtraybutt

NTA, but communication and therapy could help improve relationships 👍

Rainyday2022 | Rainyday2022

NTA suggests a funny tip for hiding chats from partners 😂

squirrelfridger | squirrelfridger

Teaching sons to ignore women's behavior is bad parenting ESH 😑

bad_armenian_juju | bad_armenian_juju

NTA defends OP's 'Bad Day Alert' group chat, calls SIL AH 👎

MiggyTennis | MiggyTennis

Sibling solidarity in navigating parental minefields 👏

ginger_gorgon | ginger_gorgon

Partner's 'Bad Day Alert' group chat gets wholesome approval ❤

iOawe | iOawe

NTA comment suggests wife needs to reflect on maturity issues 🤔

Flat_Worldliness3430 | Flat_Worldliness3430

Addressing wife's anger issues crucial for children's well-being. ESH.

Short-Classroom2559 | Short-Classroom2559

Protecting your children from toxic behavior is important. NTA.

Puzzleheaded_Bag_538 | Puzzleheaded_Bag_538

Toxic anger in the household, everyone needs better coping skills 😔

ErnestBatchelder | ErnestBatchelder

Family safety compromised, wife needs therapy to manage anger. ESH 😔

TheDebonairDragon | TheDebonairDragon

Kids can't be a**holes, but wife sucks more than husband 😬

Worldsgreatestfrog | Worldsgreatestfrog

Supportive comment applauding secret group chat to cheer up spouse. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA comment suggests seeking counseling for wife's behavior and trauma.

theshapesphere | theshapesphere

Support for husband's 'Bad Day Alert' group chat, due to erratic behavior.

sandithepirate | sandithepirate

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