Mom Buys Autistic Son a 'Pink' iPad 🎁: Family Drama Unfolds 😲

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Imagine buying your 7-year-old autistic son a 'pink' iPad to help him learn, only to have your own mother disapprove and call you an a**hole. That's exactly what happened to one mom who just wanted to support her son's education. The little boy, who adores the color pink, chose a rose gold iPad, but his grandma was far from pleased. Let's dive into this family drama and see what went down. 😬

A Weird Situation 🤔

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

iPads for Learning 📱

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

A Decision Made 🛍️

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

The Reason Behind the Purchase 💡

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

An Expensive Choice 💸

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

Sharing the Excitement 🥳

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

Grandma's Disapproval 😒

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

Color Controversy 🌈

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

Sharing vs. Spoiling 🤷

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

Home Use Only 🏠

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

Grandma's Fury 😠

throwyourboat1985 | throwyourboat1985

The Great iPad Debate 🥊

So, here's the scoop: a mom buys her autistic son a 'pink' iPad to help him learn at home, but her mother is far from supportive. Grandma thinks they're spoiling the child and setting him up for teasing. The mom, however, believes it's a great way for her son to learn at his own pace, without the pressure of sharing a single iPad at school. The color choice? Well, that's just the icing on the cake of this family conflict. Let's see what the internet has to say about this situation... 🍿

Defending the choice of a 'pink' iPad for autistic son 🎨💻

ZemheriAzize | ZemheriAzize

Autistic child benefits from iPad, color shouldn't matter 👍

Trh5001 | Trh5001

Supportive comment on accommodating kids with disabilities and breaking gender roles 👏

SpunkyRadcat | SpunkyRadcat

Let him have his pink iPad, NTA. Color preferences vary 😊


Keep it up! You're the parent, not your mom 👍

kiwi_in_TX | kiwi_in_TX

Supportive comment for a mom buying her autistic son an iPad 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Concerned commenter warns against leaving child with toxic woman 😳

beavis90909 | beavis90909

Encouraging words for worried parent about son's iPad color choice 👍

NatashaDrake | NatashaDrake

Sharing isn't always caring. NTA stands their ground.

fabulousautie | fabulousautie

Supportive comment encourages parent to let son enjoy his iPad 👨🏻💻

eyespy_01 | eyespy_01

Mom buys son 'pink' iPad, NTA but family drama ensues 😐

throwbackjaylo | throwbackjaylo

Supportive comment for neurodiversity and against gender stereotypes 👏

WorstEscortQuestEver | WorstEscortQuestEver

Red flags raised by mom's judgemental behavior towards autistic son.

BisquickNinja | BisquickNinja

Son likes 'Bro-se gold' iPad, mom is NTA for buying.

psyche1986 | psyche1986

Mom defends buying 'pink' iPad for Autistic son 😉

allthemigraines | allthemigraines

Why sweat over iPad color? Just buy a pink case 🤷‍♀️

holdingmytongue | holdingmytongue

Parent of autistic child shares advice on dealing with unsupportive people 👏

Kitten_Foster | Kitten_Foster

Supportive comment for buying 'pink' iPad for autistic son 👏

henchwench89 | henchwench89

Parent defends having two iPads for autistic daughter 📱

iaincaradoc | iaincaradoc

Setting boundaries with family for better parenting decisions 👍

AccessConcentration | AccessConcentration

Defending the color pink and shutting down homophobia 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supporting disability: NTA defends buying 'pink' iPad for autistic son 👏

saturnish | saturnish

Supportive comment defends gift of 'pink' iPad for autistic son.

Fuck-It-Jones | Fuck-It-Jones

Choose what you like, paint it later if you don't 😉

gratscot | gratscot

Breaking gender stereotypes with a love for pink 💜

[deleted] | [deleted]

Breaking gender norms - NTA stands up to judgey mom 💪

TemporaryIllusions | TemporaryIllusions

Defending the OP's decision, commenter criticizes mother's ignorance and prejudice.

isogaymer | isogaymer

iPad for autistic son sparks advice on parental controls 👍

Vana1818 | Vana1818

Setting boundaries with parents can be tough 😔

iluvcats17 | iluvcats17

Gendered colors are ridiculous. NTA for buying a pink iPad.

Geodudes-Wife | Geodudes-Wife

Mom buys autistic son a pink iPad. Commenter suggests getting a case.

Buying_Bagels | Buying_Bagels

Breaking gender stereotypes with a pink cup 🍻

After-Classroom | After-Classroom

Protecting the 'pink' iPad: NTA's advice on cases 📱💖

AngeloPappas | AngeloPappas

Breaking down toxic masculinity in autism parenting. 🤔

ursadminor | ursadminor

Breaking gender stereotypes: Boys can like pink too! 👍

littleredteacupwolf | littleredteacupwolf

Pink and blue gender norms debunked with sources. NTA.

fibonacci_veritas | fibonacci_veritas

Rose gold iPad for autistic son sparks family drama 😲

Mera1506 | Mera1506

Supportive comment with a sassy ending. 😎

grumphergusellbiner | grumphergusellbiner

Breaking gender norms: Pink is for anyone 💛

username-checks-in-- | username-checks-in--

Parent defends buying 'pink' iPad for autistic child. #NTA 👏

orange_daisy | orange_daisy

Debating the history and meaning of pink and blue gender norms 🤔

Murky_Advice | Murky_Advice

Protect the investment! NTA for raising your son your way. 👏

RudyRoo2017 | RudyRoo2017

Breaking gender norms with a 'pink' iPad 😎

jairatraci | jairatraci

Defending a decision to buy a 'pink' iPad for a boy 👨‍👩‍👧

haru_ki | haru_ki

Gender norms challenged by rose gold iPhone 💎

DrTwinMedicineWoman | DrTwinMedicineWoman

Breaking gender norms: boy buys pink iPad, who cares? 👏

GoblinQueen765 | GoblinQueen765

iPad for autistic son causes family drama. NTA wins.

frostpudding | frostpudding

Autistic son gets 'pink' iPad, commenter approves. Happy ending! 😊

PermanentlyHis | PermanentlyHis

Support for son's color choice and book recommendations given 📚

JLL1111 | JLL1111

Grandma jealous of autistic grandson, NTA shuts her down 😍

EmpressJainaSolo | EmpressJainaSolo

Supportive comment calls out grandma's behavior and provides evidence 🙌

LegitimatePower | LegitimatePower

Cutting ties with mom over parenting advice. NTA 🙌

NedryIsInSector1104 | NedryIsInSector1104

Empowering choice: Autistic son chooses pink iPad, NTA mom wins!

kaleighxhgielak | kaleighxhgielak

Standing up to toxic family behavior. NTA.

Antwerpanda | Antwerpanda

Who cares about the color? NTA prioritizes son's needs 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Challenging outdated gender roles and supporting autistic needs 👏

ZennMD | ZennMD

Gender stereotypes and spoiling kids debunked. NTA 👍

bias_check | bias_check

Supportive comment defends mom's decision to buy pink iPad for son 👏

JessVaping | JessVaping

Protect the pink iPad with a clear sturdy case! 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Support for using technology in education for those on spectrum 📱

Satsumaimo7 | Satsumaimo7

👏👏👏 Kudos to this mom for putting her child's needs first!

redwineandgyozas | redwineandgyozas

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