Mother's Clash with Daughter's Stepmom: Invasion of Privacy or Genuine Concern? 😲

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Imagine this: You're a loving mother, doing your best to co-parent with your ex, when suddenly, a new player enters the scene. His new girlfriend, now your daughter's stepmom, seems nice enough at first. But then, one day, you get a tearful call from your 13-year-old daughter. She's upset, feeling violated and exposed. What happened? The stepmom read your daughter's private journal and took it upon herself to 'help' her lose weight. 😱 Here's the full story...

The Peaceful Co-parenting Setup 🕊️

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

Enter the Stepmom 👩‍👧

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

The Tearful Call ☎️😭

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

Amelia's Safe Space Invaded 📔

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

Kathy's 'Help' 📏🥗

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

Confronting Kathy 💥

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

Setting Boundaries 🚫

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

The Aftermath 🌪️

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

Kathy's Accusations 📲

katherinelongstate | katherinelongstate

A Mother's Battle for Her Daughter's Privacy and Self-esteem 💪

In a world where co-parenting can be a minefield, one mother found herself in a face-off with her ex's new girlfriend over their daughter's privacy. The stepmom, Kathy, crossed a line by reading Amelia's private journal and then proposing a diet plan for the teenager, who already struggles with self-esteem issues. The mom stood her ground, setting boundaries with Kathy, and taking Amelia home until she felt ready to return to her dad's. But Kathy's response? Accusing the mom of coming between her and her boyfriend. Was the mom right to intervene? Or did she overstep? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation...🤔

NTA OP, you're a**hole-proof! Keep defending your daughter! 👏

Cute_Count2780 | Cute_Count2780

NTA - Invasion of privacy, inappropriate dieting, and bizarre outlook 😲

onceuponafigtree | onceuponafigtree

NTA. Protecting your daughter from a disgusting invasion of privacy. 😲

hashslingingslashern | hashslingingslashern

NTA. A fiery response to an invasion of privacy! 😲

Personal-Friend-970 | Personal-Friend-970

NTA: Ex's gf crossed the line, set boundaries or court

Poison-Dart-Frog89 | Poison-Dart-Frog89

NTA, but your sister and Kathy are. You weren't wrong 😲

LadyEncredible | LadyEncredible

NTA. Kathy violated your daughter's privacy and disrespected boundaries. 😲

funt1222 | funt1222

NTA. Amazing mom prioritizes daughter's privacy and co-parents effectively. 👏

archetyping101 | archetyping101

NTA. Protecting your daughter from invasion of privacy. Kathy's behavior is unacceptable.

lil-peanutbutter | lil-peanutbutter

Stepmom's behavior is inappropriate and toxic. NTA for sure! 💯

Thequiet01 | Thequiet01

NTA- Respecting privacy is crucial, especially for sensitive topics. 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex's wife invades daughter's privacy, toxic 'help'. Stick to instincts. NTA 😲

Little_Outside | Little_Outside

NTA: Co-parenting win! Screenshot and share for the win! 👏

mynameisalso | mynameisalso

Stepmom crosses boundaries, body shames daughter. NTA, protect her! 😲

Substantial_Shoe_360 | Substantial_Shoe_360

NTA. Kathy violated Amelia's privacy and needs to apologize 😲

Kazvicious | Kazvicious

NTA. Block Kathy, show Liam who she really is. 😲

Dusty_mother | Dusty_mother

"NTA. Kathy should know better than to suggest dieting. 😲"

NoNameForMetoUse | NoNameForMetoUse

Kathy's invasive actions backfire, causing tension and resentment. 😲

Abject-Technician558 | Abject-Technician558

Invasion of privacy and body shaming - NTA for being upset 😲

MundanePlanet | MundanePlanet

NTA for respecting your daughter's privacy, but TA for invading.

Quiet_Warning_2199 | Quiet_Warning_2199

NTA: Kathy's toxic behavior jeopardizes her relationship with Liam. 😲

True_Being_1775 | True_Being_1775

NTA, Ex's gf causing unnecessary drama. Prioritize child and cooperation. 👍

Crackinggood | Crackinggood

NTA. Stand your ground against invasive stepmom and meddling sister. 😲

Shejuan01 | Shejuan01

Stepmom's fat-shaming invasion of privacy traumatizes daughter. NTA.

lenabby | lenabby

Ex's gf is a danger to your child. Trust your instincts! 😲

Mehitabel9 | Mehitabel9

NTA. Kathy violated boundaries, jeopardizing Amelia's trust and relationship with you.

Icy_Curmudgeon | Icy_Curmudgeon

📷 Send the screenshot to Liam or lose his daughter! NTA

little_ballof_fur | little_ballof_fur

Validation from others isn't necessary, trust your own judgment! 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Concerned commenter warns about dangers of losing weight too quickly 🚨

xylodactyl | xylodactyl

NTA - Co-parenting success! Sister's wrong, prioritize child's interests 👏

No-Cranberry4396 | No-Cranberry4396

Outrage over invasion of privacy and harmful influence on daughter

Bruiscear | Bruiscear

Invasion of privacy, body shaming, and a divided relationship? NTA!

Management-Late | Management-Late

🚫 NTA: Liam's girlfriend violated boundaries, relationship should end.

Status-Pattern7539 | Status-Pattern7539

NTA your sister and Kathy are causing unnecessary drama 😲

Throwaway_DearDiary | Throwaway_DearDiary

NTA! Ex's partner crossed boundaries. You handled it maturely. 👏

RandomSleepyPanda | RandomSleepyPanda

NTA. Thank you for protecting her! 👏

bunnybaby17 | bunnybaby17

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