Dying Girl Fakes Death on Facebook, Friend Wants to Block Her 😱

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Imagine having a friend who's dying of cancer, and one day you see a post on Facebook announcing her death. You grieve for hours, only to receive a message from her saying she's still alive and faked her death to see who cared. 😱 That's exactly what happened to one person, who now faces a moral dilemma: should they block their dying friend for this manipulative act? 🤔💔

The Dying Girl's Deception 🎭

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Faking Death on Facebook 😳

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

To Block or Not to Block? 🤔

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Seeking Advice 🙏

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

The Girl's Real Situation 🚑

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Age Matters 👩‍🦳

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Friend Takes Action 🛑

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Alternate Account Exposed 🕵️‍♂️

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

A Disturbing Detail 😨

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Understanding Different Perspectives 🧐

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Grief and Betrayal 😢

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

A Rollercoaster of Emotions 🎢

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

The Reality of Anger and Hurt 😡

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Final Thoughts 🤷‍♀️

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

Age Update 📅

seacatsnek | seacatsnek

The Internet Weighs In on the Dying Girl's Deception 🗣️

As the story of the dying girl who faked her death on Facebook unfolds, the internet is divided on whether the friend is justified in blocking her. 😬💬 Some argue that dying can make people do crazy things, while others emphasize the grief and betrayal felt by the friend. 🎭💔 It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and only time will tell if the friend will unblock her or not. 🕰️🤷‍♀️ Let's dive into the top responses from the internet for your pleasure! 👇

NTA for considering blocking friend who faked death on Facebook 😱

ArgentOcelot | ArgentOcelot

Empathize with the dying girl's mental state, don't judge harshly. 🙏

BBB_kakashi | BBB_kakashi

Compassionate responses to dying girl's Facebook prank. NAH.

Ramaea | Ramaea

Debating if she's NTA or NAH, but friend can block 🤔

sqitten | sqitten

Playing with people's feelings is a huge no 😱

RollingKatamari | RollingKatamari

NAH or ESH? Commenter empathizes with dying girl's potential fear.

Thejmax | Thejmax

Friend considers cutting off dying girl who faked death 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Compassion for a dying friend's strange behavior 😟

Askyofleaves | Askyofleaves

Faking death for attention: blockable offense or cry for help? 🤷‍♀️

DeckardCaining | DeckardCaining

Friend considers blocking dying girl who faked death on Facebook 🤔

laurenintheskyy | laurenintheskyy

NTA calls out fake death as sick and disrespectful 😒

Master-Manipulation | Master-Manipulation

Friend calls out fake death drama on Facebook. NTA.

ClothDiaperAddicts | ClothDiaperAddicts

Debate on whether faking death is excusable due to illness 😮

LAKingsofMetal | LAKingsofMetal

Compassionate comment about dying girl's Facebook prank. 😢

alexds1 | alexds1

Commenter believes dying girl not at fault, but friend is unsupportive 😕

bubblebumblejumble | bubblebumblejumble

Empathy and understanding are crucial in dealing with dying loved ones 😢

devedander | devedander

Abandoning a dying friend over a test is disgusting 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

NAH, friend has a right to be upset, but dying girl's behavior is understandable. 😕

Michaelmozden | Michaelmozden

Dying girl fakes death on Facebook for attention, friend reacts.

Nerfixion | Nerfixion

Friend called out dying girl's manipulative fake death on Facebook 🤯

Takemedownbitch | Takemedownbitch

Commenter sympathizes with dying girl's behavior and mental state.

MacdonaldofGlencoe | MacdonaldofGlencoe

Empathetic comment suggests confronting friend about fake death prank. 😢

Klyphord | Klyphord

Understanding the context of a mistake doesn't excuse it. 😕

MinionsHaveWonOne | MinionsHaveWonOne

Faking death for attention is manipulative and not okay. 🙅

glamgrl203 | glamgrl203

Defending dying girl against harsh criticism with a reality check 🙏

morthos97 | morthos97

Sassy NTA comment suggests using Ouija board to talk to 'dead' friend 😂

pseudoynymph | pseudoynymph

Deciding whether to block a dying friend on Facebook 🤔

oldfogey12345 | oldfogey12345

Adults confused about faked death on Facebook 🤔

iodinepusher | iodinepusher

Blocking a dying girl on Facebook? 🤔 NAH, but tread carefully.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't leave things unsaid, express love while you can ❤️

boxcar_intellectual | boxcar_intellectual

Chronic illness doesn't excuse toxic behavior. #NTA 🙏

Mudtail | Mudtail

Compassionate comment urges friend not to block dying girl 😢

lebryant_westcurry | lebryant_westcurry

Compassionate advice for dealing with a scared and depressed friend 🙏

laidir7 | laidir7

Commenter sympathizes with dying girl's mental health, declares NTA.

CarmaLee | CarmaLee

Avoiding annoying Facebook posts without blocking - a helpful tip! 😊

AllysWorld | AllysWorld

The dying often want to know what the world will be like without them. Why do the living insist we die gracefully? 😔

cdsquair | cdsquair

Grieving friend defends deceased girl's actions. It's a sensitive topic 😢

coffeesparklez | coffeesparklez

Report fake death girl's page, NTA for wanting justice 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend questions if girl faking cancer has Munchausen syndrome 🤔

I_Need_A_Nap_Yeet | I_Need_A_Nap_Yeet

Commenter calls out insane behavior of faking death on Facebook.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Compassion vs Boundaries: The Dilemma of a Dying Friend 😞

MadameBurner | MadameBurner

Facing death, girl fakes death on Facebook. Commenter empathizes. 😢

Otsukimiiii | Otsukimiiii

Compassionate response to girl faking death on Facebook. 😢

Quetzacoatyl77 | Quetzacoatyl77

Commenter empathizes with girl's insecurity, advises forgiveness and understanding.

B___E | B___E

Dying girl fakes death to test friends, ESH for reaction 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Grieving girl fakes death on Facebook, friend wants to block her 😱

potato_kriss_vector | potato_kriss_vector

The psychological impact of knowing you're close to death 😢

missybee7 | missybee7

Curiosity peaks as comment raises questions about fake death account 🤔

woaaaaahhhhhhxx | woaaaaahhhhhhxx

Understanding the thoughtless yet understandable actions of a dying girl 😢

Malonik | Malonik

Compassionate response to dying girl's Facebook stunt. 😢

sublingualfilm8118 | sublingualfilm8118

Friend questions if faking death is unforgivable, receives clarification.

kelsoblamo | kelsoblamo

Showing empathy towards a dying friend who faked her death 😢

austenworld | austenworld

Friend approves of faking death on Facebook, no a-hole here 😊

hurling-day | hurling-day

Friend fakes death on Facebook, NTA wants to block. 🤯

Kataddyr | Kataddyr

Commenter expresses shock and concern for the girl's behavior 🤯

mrthc13 | mrthc13

Playing with emotions like that sucks, but NTA for blocking.

brendon-uries-towel | brendon-uries-towel

Maintain social distance, but keep relationships with others. NTA.

ACorania | ACorania

NTA calls out manipulative behavior in fake death stunt 😱

ruthily | ruthily

Friend thinks faking death is f**ked up. NTA.

ShadowJDarkus | ShadowJDarkus

NTA commenter finds dying girl's behavior appalling 🤯

Constant-Wanderer | Constant-Wanderer

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