College Student's Ex-Boyfriend Shows Up Uninvited 😱 What Happens Next Will Shock You!

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We've all had our fair share of breakups, but this college student's experience takes the cake! 🍰 She tried to break up with her high school boyfriend, Jon, over Christmas break, but he just wouldn't accept it. Despite telling him that she's a lesbian, Jon insisted they had a future together. Fast forward to a surprise visit from Jon at her college dorm, several states away. Little did she know that her ex-boyfriend's persistence would lead to a dramatic confrontation that would leave her questioning her actions. 😳👀

The Breakup That Wasn't 💔

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The Unwavering Ex 🙅‍♀️

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Persistent Texts 📱

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Surprise Visit 😲

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The Unwanted Guest 🚪

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Panic Mode 😨

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RA to the Rescue 🦸‍♀️

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Aftermath 📵

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Jon's Messages 📨

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Angry Ex 😡

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The Stranded Ex 🚶‍♂️

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Furious Accusations 😤

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Feeling Conflicted 😔

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The Guilt Sets In 🥺

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Was She Wrong for Turning Him Away? 🤔

Despite trying to end the relationship, our college student was faced with a surprise visit from her ex-boyfriend, who refused to accept the breakup. She chose to focus on her studies and asked her RA to handle the situation, leaving Jon stranded with no place to stay. Now, she's feeling guilty and conflicted about her decision. 😔💔 Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation...

NTA for not letting him in, but be careful. He sounds dangerous 😱

No-Giraffe-438 | No-Giraffe-438

Block him, go hard on protecting yourself, and don't engage. 🔥

ed_lv | ed_lv

NTA. Ex becomes a stalker. Treat Jon as potential danger 💪🏻

thirdtryisthecharm | thirdtryisthecharm

Safety concern over ex-boyfriend's uninvited visit sparks agreement.

NotGayJustEatinGood | NotGayJustEatinGood

Ex-boyfriend crosses into stalker territory. OP is NTA. 😱

spiccy_puta | spiccy_puta

NTA comment and replies provide crucial advice on dealing with stalking.

Some-Astronaut-6907 | Some-Astronaut-6907

RA goes above and beyond to protect student 👏

teeterleeter | teeterleeter

Ex-boyfriend turned stalker, NTA. Document everything and stay safe 👍

LavingtonWindsor | LavingtonWindsor

Stay safe and protect yourself from the uninvited ex-boyfriend 🙌

RoyallyOakie | RoyallyOakie

Don't be manipulated! NTA did the right thing 👍

Aestro17 | Aestro17

Commenter receives support after ex-boyfriend's abusive behavior. ❤️

yeet-im-bored | yeet-im-bored

Ex-boyfriend flies to different state uninvited, ignores OP's sexuality. NTA.

triggerhappypoptarts | triggerhappypoptarts

NTA. Showing up uninvited has consequences. Safety measures recommended. 🙌

the-benn-experience | the-benn-experience

NTA - Cut all contact with ex, potential danger. 🚩

_teddybelle | _teddybelle

Ex-boyfriend in denial, harassed OP. Replies question his intentions 🤔

Head_Pumpkin3329 | Head_Pumpkin3329

Ex-boyfriend's behavior is unacceptable. NTA for protecting yourself. 👏

SoImaRedditUserNow | SoImaRedditUserNow

Supportive comment validates OP's feelings and condemns ex's behavior ❤️

countermelody28 | countermelody28

Breakup boundaries respected. NTA takes no blame. 👍

redditnewbye | redditnewbye

Ex-boyfriend is a walking red flag. NTA. Block and document.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex-boyfriend shows up uninvited, NTA gets advice on restraining order 🚨

Kimboleigh | Kimboleigh

NTA. Take legal action and cut off all contact with Jon. 💪

MightyHydrar | MightyHydrar

Supportive replies to a lesbian woman who feels guilty about her ex.

UndecidedQueer | UndecidedQueer

Stalker ex-boyfriend? NTA, get a restraining order and change number 😱

May_I_inquire | May_I_inquire

Ex-boyfriend won't take a hint, NTA. Consider a restraining order.

Intelligent-Help8946 | Intelligent-Help8946

Ex-boyfriend's unannounced visit was a trap. NTA for standing firm.

Enabling_Turtle | Enabling_Turtle

Set clear boundaries and block him if necessary 🚨

ablondedude777 | ablondedude777

Take legal action 🚨 to protect yourself from unwanted visitors.

BoringSignal8714 | BoringSignal8714

Ex-boyfriend shows up uninvited, but OP dodges a bullet. NTA 👏

mrbuddhawannabe | mrbuddhawannabe

Breaking up doesn't have to be mutual 👍

MadFollowing | MadFollowing

🛡️ Protect yourself! NTA urges after ex's troubling behavior.

Salz78 | Salz78

Ex-boyfriend's creepy behavior was shut down. NTA 👏🏼

I-love-CERN | I-love-CERN

Ex-boyfriend shows up uninvited, but NTA stands her ground 👏

lellyla | lellyla

Protect yourself! Get a restraining order with free university lawyers.

lochnessrunner | lochnessrunner

Cut off contact with crazy ex-boyfriend. NTA 👏

pookguyinc | pookguyinc

Assertive response to unwanted ex-boyfriend visit 💪

HisBaeBee | HisBaeBee

Don't fall for the guilt trip. You were being stalked 😱


Dumped ex-boyfriend shows up uninvited, commenter advises staying safe. 😱

SmallestMonster | SmallestMonster

🚫 NTA calls out ex-boyfriend for stalking behavior. 🕵️‍♀️

Dessert_Bobbler | Dessert_Bobbler

Protect yourself! Get a restraining order and report to authorities 🚨

purple_yosher | purple_yosher

Standing up to a stalker and taking control of safety 🙌

rapt2right | rapt2right

Ex-boyfriend's behavior is scary-disturbing. NTA for staying away 😱

BarracudaGullible | BarracudaGullible

Ex-boyfriend's stalking behavior and lack of respect for boundaries.

Jazzlike_Humor3340 | Jazzlike_Humor3340

Ex won't take the hint? NTA shuts him down 😎

shadow-foxe | shadow-foxe

NTA, but be careful. Don't feel guilty for breaking up.

Background_Ruin_3631 | Background_Ruin_3631

Taking a stand: Commenter not responsible for ex's consequences 💪

According_Version_67 | According_Version_67

Ex-boyfriend tries to force relationship, shows up uninvited. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment suggests reporting ex-boyfriend to police for harassment. 👍

Educational-Truth479 | Educational-Truth479

NTA trusts RA and takes control of situation 💪

Bearboots2 | Bearboots2

Ex-boyfriend planned to manipulate and move in, NTA for leaving.

TheBaddestPatsy | TheBaddestPatsy

Dumped ex-boyfriend shows up uninvited, girl handles it like a boss 💪

forgottenenvies | forgottenenvies

👀 NTA calls for restraining order against scary ex-boyfriend

BBS_22 | BBS_22

Establish a paper trail and get a restraining order. NTA 💪

friendlily | friendlily

Ex-boyfriend's behavior is dangerous. NTA for protecting yourself. 😱

JanusIsBlue | JanusIsBlue

Commenter calls out OP's ex-boyfriend's behavior and offers support. 👏

KeepLkngForIntllgnce | KeepLkngForIntllgnce

Don't blame yourself, you were struggling with your identity 🙏

hollsballs95 | hollsballs95

Ex-boyfriend denies breakup, travels from another state, NTA for refusing.


🙅‍♀️ NTA stands up to scary ex-boyfriend. Stay safe!

Plantcalendar | Plantcalendar

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